Open XSLT Architecture

Stylus Studio® was designed from the ground up with the goal to support an open XSLT architecture. This means that even though we've implemented our own internal XSLT processor, we never force you to use it. Having an XML IDE that supports an Open XSLT Architecture means that whatever you are doing with XSLT — editing, debugging, mapping, profiling, transformation — you can do it all in Stylus Studio® using any of the popular industry XSLT processors, such as Saxon, MSXML, System.XML (Microsoft .NET XML processing API), etc. This is great news for developers because in reality, different products and projects use different XSLT processing components, and you're much better off with a tool that can support them all. Specifying an XSLT processor is simply a matter of selecting an option from an XSLT options panel; Stylus Studio® even includes Saxon right-out-of-the-box!

Support for any XSLT Processor

Debug XSLT stylesheets using any XSLT Processor

All of our powerful XSLT debugging tools work seamlessly with any XSLT Processor, enabling you to exactly replicate your production server environment on your development and test environment, resulting in fewer bugs and less headaches.

Create Detailed XSLT Stylesheet Performance Profiles using any XSLT Processor

Our XSLT Profiler's Open XSLT Architecture enables you to create detailed performance benchmarks of XSLT stylesheets and compare execution times side-by-side using different XSLT engines.

Support for any other 3rd Party XSLT Processor

Through a simple dialog box (illustrated here), you can easily configure Stylus Studio® to work with any other 3rd Party XSLT processor by creating a batch file that takes three arguments (XML input file, XSLT stylesheet, and output file).

Visually Map XSLT using any XSLT Processor

Our visual XML mapping tools generate industry standard XSLT (or XQuery) code, which can be edited or used in conjunction with any XSLT processor.

Stylus Studio is the only XSL tool that fully supports any XSLT processor ensures compatibility and reduces unwanted bugs in any XSLT based application. By doing so, Stylus Studio helps uphold the community of XSLT developers' right to choose the XSLT processor of their choice. It is also consistent with the fundamental principles of openness underpinning all XML technologies. Download a free trial today!


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What's New for Stylus Studio® X16?

New XQuery & Web Services Tools, Support for MySQL, PostgreSQL, HL7 EDI, Microsoft .NET Code Generation and much more!

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XSLT Tools Conformance

Our XSLT Tools fully conform to the official W3C XSLT and XPath specifications.

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