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Data maintenance status report/query message

Contr. Agency:UN
SOURCE:TBG16 Entry Point

Data maintenance status report/query message
  2. SCOPE
    1. Functional definition
    2. Field of application
    3. Principles
    1. Standard terms and definitions
    1. Segment clarification
      1. Header section
      2. Detail section
    2. Segment index (alphabetical sequence by tag)
    3. Message structure
      1. Segment table

For general information on UN standard message types see UN Trade Data Interchange Directory, UNTDID, Part 4, Section 2.3, UN/ECE UNSM General Introduction

This message also occurs in the following versions of this standard:
D98B, D99A, D99B, D00A, D00B, D01A, D01B, D01C, D02A, D02B, D03A, D03B, D04A, D04B


This specification provides the definition of the Data maintenance status report/query message (DMSTAT) to be used in Electronic Data Interchange (EDI) between trading partners involved in administration, commerce and transport.


1.1. Functional definition

The Data maintenance status report/query message (DMSTAT) permits the transfer of status for any Data Maintenance Request (DMR) action among parties involved in the preparation, processing, assessment, resolution and directory production processes. The message may also be used to inquire as to the current status of a DMR.

1.2. Field of application

The Data maintenance status report/query message may be used for both national and international applications. It is based on universal practice related to administration, commerce and transport, and is not dependent on the type of business or industry.

1.3. Principles

The message permits the submission of a request for status and the transmission of status(es) for any DMR action.

The message uses a hierarchical level structure to permit flexibility in expanding the description opportunities for status report or query types and data content.

One occurrence of a DMSTAT message may contain:

  • status(es) for one or more DMRs,
  • or request the status(es) for a DMR(s),
  • or assign cross-reference numbers for individual DMRs,
  • or send a secretarial status report.

However, only one function (e.g., either a status report, or a query, or a notification of log numbers) shall be contained within a single message occurrence.

The message may be exchanged at the regional or national level between the DMR submitter and the secretariat that acts as the entry point for DMR submissions to the submitter's technical assessment group. It may also be exchanged at an international level among the secretariats for the assessment function as well as those participating in the production of the directories.

On a regional or national level the first status sent for a given DMR will be from the entry point secretariat to the submitter providing the entry point secretariats log number assigned to an individual DMR. On an international level the first status sent for a given DMR will be from the central secretariat to the submitting region providing the UN Log Number assigned for an entry point log number.

Where entry point assessment groups review DMRs submitted outside their region or nation, the assessment groups will send a status report to the central secretariat indicating the status assigned to those DMRs. As an entry point assessment group or international assessment group reports its status for a DMR, the secretariat will include the reference of the assessment group status report from which the status is being reported. Each time the central secretariat receives a status report from a DMR entry point they assign a central secretariat cross-reference to the report and send the central secretariat report number back to the entry point's secretariat. The central secretariat will assign the report number for international assessment group status reports as well as consolidated reports for international assessment and directory production.

Prior to an international technical assessment or directory production meeting the central secretariat will compile the received statuses and generate a summary report of DMRs (using the report function of DMSTAT) for inclusion in those meetings. The entry point secretariats are to confirm the inclusion or removal of DMRs from that entry point and, where necessary, confirm the status attributed to their assessment group for DMRs issued from other entry points, back to the central secretariat (using the status function of DMSTAT).

Use of the default service characters is required and the Interchange header shall specify character set level C.


See UNTDID, Part 4, Chapter 2.3 UN/ECE UNSM - General Introduction, Section 1.


3.1. Standard terms and definitions

See UNTDID, Part 4, Chapter 2.3 UN/ECE UNSM - General Introduction, Section 2.


4.1. Segment clarification

This section should be read in conjunction with the segment table which indicates mandatory, conditional and repeating requirements.

4.1.1. Header section

Information to be provided in the Header section:

0010 UNH, Message header

A service segment starting and uniquely identifying a message. The message type code for the Data maintenance status report/query message is DMSTAT.

Note: Data maintenance status report/query messages conforming to this document must contain the following data in segment UNH, composite S009:

Data element0065DMSTAT

0020 BGM, Beginning of message

A segment to indicate the beginning of the message and to transmit type, number and function (report or query) of the message.

0030 DTM, Date/time/period

A segment specifying the effective date of the status report or query provided for all DMRs reported in the detail section. Date information is to be provided in CCYYMMDD format.

0040 Segment Group 1: PNA-COM

A group of segments providing information about the sender of the report or query.

0050 PNA, Party identification

A segment identifying the originator of the message, e.g., the DMR submitter, entry point secretariat, central secretariat, etc. One iteration must identify the sender's organization name and assessment group identification.

0060 COM, Communication contact

A segment identifying the communication number associated with the party, e.g., email address, phone number, etc.

4.1.2. Detail section

Information to be provided in the Detail section:

0070 Segment group 2: HYN-RFF-SG3-SG4 A group of segments identifying the type of report or query being conveyed, applicable log numbers, applicable cross referencing log numbers, actual DMR status, and text comments associated with the DMR status.

0080 HYN, Hierarchy information

A segment used to relate individual iterations of the detail section to a particular level in the status report or query.

A query type may either be an entry point query (e.g., an inquiry from a submitter to the entry point secretariat) or a DMR query (e.g., an inquiry initiated at any other point in the activity model).

A report type may either be an entry point status (e.g., provided as status from the entry point) or a DMR status (e.g., DMR status provided at any point in the DMR process).

The notification of log number assignments is sent by entry point and central secretariats to respond to the receipt of DMRs or regional status reports.

0090 RFF, Reference

A segment identifying the type of and specific log numbers associated with the DMR or status report.

For each DMR status one occurrence of the segment shall be used for the status log number associated with the DMR, within a particular status report. This number will uniquely identify the status provided at each point in the DMR life cycle.

Another occurrence, if required, may be used for the latest log number assigned. The sequence of log number assignments shall be the originator's internal control log number, entry point assigned log number, central secretariat assigned log number, and international assessment assigned log number.

One occurrence, if required, may be used to identify the number to which the latest log number should be cross-referenced. For example, the entry point log number will be cross-referenced to the originator's internal control log number, the central secretariat assigned log number will be cross-referenced to the entry point log number, the central secretariat report number will be cross-referenced to the entry point report number, etc.

0100 Segment Group 3: STS-PNA-DTM-RFF-FTX

A group of segments providing status information for a DMR as well as identifying who assigned the status, relevant date and text comments when provided.

0110 STS, Status

A segment identifying the status event and status code, as required.

The status event may represent:

Entry point assessment of DMR feedback Log number assignment Entry point review Consolidated DMR reporting Confirmed DMR reporting International assessment group reporting Directory production report Data structure tag assignment

The status code may represent regional or international status associated with the DMR, to include:

Approved Withdrawn Rejected Approval pending Postponed Replaced

The actual status provided shall be the highest or latest status associated with the logical sequential progression of the DMR through the approval process.

0120 PNA, Party identification

A segment identifying the party assigning the status associated with the DMR, e.g., the entry point secretariat, central secretariat, an international assessment group, etc. Identify the name of the organization that assigned the status and/or region code.

0130 DTM, Date/time/period

A segment specifying the effective date of the assignment of a status log number to a specific DMR. Date information is to be provided in CCYYMMDD format.

0140 RFF, Reference

A segment identifying the actual structure tag assigned to a structure when it is placed in the directory.

0150 FTX, Free text

A segment specifying text information associated with the DMR status. Specific information related to entry point comments, international assessment comments, directory production comments, augmented descriptions associated with the status, etc., may be provided.

0160 Segment Group 4: IRQ-RFF-PNA-DTM

A group of segments providing criteria for querying a DMR tracking database for status information such as what type of information is requested, who's status information, and a date to begin including information.

0170 IRQ, Information required

A segment to specify the status information being requested as part of a query.

0180 RFF, Reference

A segment identifying a DMR or report log number, specific to a query, as a limiting factor.

0190 PNA, Party identification

A segment identifying the name of the organization that the requestor wishes to limit the query criteria to include. The criteria may be for a single organization's DMRs and/or one of the organizations that assign status to DMRs.

0200 DTM, Date/time/period

A segment specifying the effective date that the query should begin searching for the requested status information. Date information is to be provided in CCYYMMDD format.

0210 UNT, Message trailer

A service segment ending a message, giving the total number of segments in the message (including the UNH & UNT) and the control reference number of the message.

4.2. Segment index (alphabetical sequence by tag)

BGM Beginning of message
COM Communication contact
DTM Date/time/period
FTX Free text
HYN Hierarchy information
IRQ Information required
PNA Party identification
RFF Reference
STS Status
UNH Message header
UNT Message trailer

4.3. Message structure

4.3.1. Segment table

├─UNH Message header ×1 (M)
├─BGM Beginning of message ×1 (M)
├─DTM Date/time/period ×1 (M)
├─Segment Group 1 ×9 (M)
├─PNA Party identification ×1 (M)
└─COM Communication contact ×9 (C)
├─Segment Group 2 ×99999 (M)
├─HYN Hierarchy information ×1 (M)
├─RFF Reference ×5 (C)
├─Segment Group 3 ×9 (C)
├─STS Status ×1 (M)
├─PNA Party identification ×1 (C)
├─DTM Date/time/period ×1 (C)
├─RFF Reference ×1 (C)
└─FTX Free text ×999 (C)
└─Segment Group 4 ×9999 (C)
──├─IRQ Information required ×1 (M)
──├─RFF Reference ×1 (C)
──├─PNA Party identification ×2 (C)
──└─DTM Date/time/period ×1 (C)
└─UNT Message trailer ×1 (M)

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