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7143 -

Item number type, coded
UN/CEFACT Revision 1998B Code List

Desc:Identification of the type of item number.
This table also occurs in the following versions of this standard:
D00A, D00B, D01A, D01B, D01C, D02A, D02B, D03A, D03B, D04A, D04B, D93A, D94A, D94B, D95A, D95B, D96A, D96B, D97A, D97B, D98A, D98B, D99A, D99B

AAProduct version number
Number assigned by manufacturer or seller to identify the release of a product.
Self explanatory.
ACHIBC (Health Industry Bar Code)
Article identifier used within health sector to indicate data used conforms to HIBC.
ADCold roll number
Number assigned to a cold roll.
AEHot roll number
Number assigned to a hot roll.
AFSlab number
Number assigned to a slab, which is produced in a particular production step.
AGSoftware revision number
A number assigned to indicate a revision of software.
AHUPC (Universal Product Code) Consumer package code (1-5-5)
An 11-digit code that uniquely identifies consumer packaging of a product; does not have a check digit.
AIUPC (Universal Product Code) Consumer package code (1-5-5-1)
A 12-digit code that uniquely identifies the consumer packaging of a product, including a check digit.
AJSample number
Number assigned to a sample.
AKPack number
Number assigned to a pack containing a stack of items put together (e.g. cold roll sheets (steel product)).
ALUPC (Universal Product Code) Shipping container code (1-2-5-5)
A 13-digit code that uniquely identifies the manufacturer's shipping unit, including the packaging indicator.
AMUPC (Universal Product Code)/EAN (European article number) Shipping container code (1-2-5-5-1)
A 14-digit code that uniquely identifies the manufacturer's shipping unit, including the packaging indicator and the check digit.
ANUPC (Universal Product Code) suffix
A suffix used in conjunction with a higher level UPC (Universal product code) to define packing variations for a product.
AOState label code
A code which specifies the codification of the state's labelling requirements.
APHeat number
Number assigned to the heat (also known as the iron charge) for the production of steel products.
AQCoupon number
A number identifying a coupon.
Resource number
A number to identify a resource.
Work task number
A number to identify a work task.
ATPrice look up number
Identification number on a product allowing a quick electronic retrieval of price information for that product.
AUNSN (North Atlantic Treaty Organization Stock Number)
Number assigned under the NATO (North Atlantic Treaty Organization) codification system to provide the identification of an approved item of supply.
AVRefined product code
A code specifying the product refinement designation.
A code indicating that the product is identified by an exhibit number.
AXEnd item
A number specifying an end item.
AYFederal supply classification
A code to specify a product's Federal supply classification.
AZEngineering data list
A code specifying the product's engineering data list.
Milestone event number
A number to identify a milestone event.
BBLot number
A number indicating the lot number of a product.
BCNational drug code 4-4-2 format
A code identifying the product in national drug format 4-4-2.
BDNational drug code 5-3-2 format
A code identifying the product in national drug format 5-3-2.
BENational drug code 5-4-1 format
A code identifying the product in national drug format 5-4-1.
BFNational drug code 5-4-2 format
A code identifying the product in national drug format 5-4-2.
BGNational drug code
A code specifying the national drug classification.
BHPart number
A number indicating the part.
BILocal Stock Number (LSN)
A local number assigned to an item of stock.
BJNext higher assembly number
A number specifying the next higher assembly or component into which the product is being incorporated.
BKData category
A code specifying a category of data.
BLControl number
To specify the control number.
BMSpecial material identification code
A number to identify the special material code.
Locally assigned control number
A number assigned locally for control purposes.
BOBuyer's colour
Colour assigned by buyer.
BPBuyer's part number
Reference number assigned by the buyer to identify an article.
Variable measure product code
A code assigned to identify a variable measure item.
CCIndustry commodity code
The codes given to certain commodities by an industry.
CGCommodity grouping
Code for a group of articles with common characteristics (e.g. used for statistical purposes).
CLColour number
Code for the colour of an article.
CRContract number
Reference number identifying a contract.
CVCustoms article number
Code defined by Customs authorities to an article or a group of articles for Customs purposes.
DRDrawing revision number
Reference number indicating that a change or revision has been applied to a drawing.
Reference number identifying a drawing of an article.
ECEngineering change level
Reference number indicating that a change or revision has been applied to an article's specification.
EFMaterial code
Code defining the material's type, surface, geometric form plus various classifying characteristics.
ENInternational Article Numbering Association (EAN)
Number assigned to a manufacturer's product according to the International Article Numbering Association.
GBBuyer's internal product group code
Product group code used within a buyer's internal systems.
GNNational product group code
National product group code. Administered by a national agency.
GSGeneral specification number
Self explanatory.
HSHarmonised system
Self explanatory.
IBISBN (International Standard Book Number)
Self explanatory.
INBuyer's item number
Self explanatory.
ISISSN (International Standard Serial Number)
Self explanatory.
ITBuyer's style number
Number given by the buyer to a specific style or form of an article, especially used for garments.
IZBuyer's size code
Code given by the buyer to designate the size of an article in textile and shoe industry.
MAMachine number
Self explanatory.
MFManufacturer's (producer's) article number
The number given to an article by its manufacturer.
MNModel number
Reference number assigned by the manufacturer to differentiate variations in similar products in a class or group.
MPProduct/service identification number
Reference number identifying a product or service.
NBBatch number
Self explanatory.
ONCustomer order number
Reference number of a customer's order.
PDPart number description
Reference number identifying a description associated with a number ultimately used to identify an article.
PLPurchaser's order line number
Reference number identifying a line entry in a customer's order for goods or services.
POPurchase order number
Reference number identifying a customer's order.
PVPromotional variant number
Self explanatory.
QSBuyer's qualifier for size
Self explanatory.
RCReturnable container number
Reference number identifying a returnable container.
RNRelease number
Reference number identifying a release from a buyer's purchase order.
RURun number
Self explanatory.
RYRecord keeping of model year
Self explanatory.
SASupplier's article number
Number assigned to an article by the supplier of that article.
SGStandard group of products (mixed assortment)
Self explanatory.
SKSKU (Stock keeping unit)
Reference number of a stock keeping unit.
SNSerial number
Identification number of an item which distinguishes this specific item out of a number of identical items.
SRSRSK number
Plumbing and heating.
SSSupplier's supplier article number
Article number referring to a sales catalogue of supplier's supplier.
STStyle number
Number given to a specific style or form of an article, especially used for garments.
TGTransport group number
Additional number to form article groups for packing and/or transportation purposes.
UAUltimate customer's article number
Number assigned by ultimate customer to identify relevant article.
UPUPC (Universal product code)
Number assigned to a manufacturer's product by the Product Code Council.
VNVendor item number
Reference number assigned by a vendor/seller identifying a product/service/article.
VPVendor's (seller's) part number
Reference number assigned by a vendor/seller identifying an article.
VSVendor's supplemental item number
Self explanatory.
VXVendor specification number
Self explanatory.
ZZZMutually defined
Self explanatory.

Change indicators
plus sign An addition.
asterisk Addition/substraction/change to a code entry for a particular data element.
hash or pound sign Changes to names.
vertical bar Changes to text for descriptions, notes and functions.
minus sign A deletion.
letter X Marked for deletion.

Usage indicators
Used in batch messages only.
Common usage in both batch and interactive messages.
Used in interactive messages only.

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