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0. INTRODUCTIONThis specification provides the definition of the Documentary credit application message (DOCAPP) to be used in Electronic Data Interchange (EDI) between trading partners involved in administration, commerce and transport. 1. SCOPE1.1. Functional DefinitionA message from a party requesting the issuance of a documentary credit to the party providing such a service. In this message, the conditions under which the sender of the message requires the documentary credit to be issued are given. 1.2. Field of ApplicationThis message may be applied for both national and international applications for documentary credits. It is based on universal practice and is not dependent on the type of business or industry. 1.3. PrinciplesUnless otherwise specified, the documentary credit is issued subject to the Uniform Customs and Practices for Documentary Credits, International Chamber of Commerce, Paris, France, which are in effect on the date of issue. 2. REFERENCESSee UNTDID, Part 4, Chapter 2.6 UN/ECE UNSM - General Introduction, Section 1. 3. TERMS AND DEFINITIONS3.1. Standard terms and definitionsSee UNTDID, Part 4, Chapter 2.6 UN/ECE UNSM - General Introduction, Section 2. 4. MESSAGE DEFINITION4.1. Data Segment ClarificationThis section should be read in conjunction with the Segment Table which indicate mandatory, conditional and repeating requirements. The following guidelines and principles apply to the whole message and are intended to facilitate the understanding and implementation of the message:
0010 UNH, Message headerA service segment starting and uniquely identifying a message. The message type code for the Documentary credit application message is DOCAPP. Note: Documentary credit application messages conforming to this document must contain the following data in segment UNH, composite S009:
0020 BGM, Beginning of messageA segment by means of which the sender must uniquely identify the DOCAPP message using its type and number and when necessary its function. 0030 INP, Parties to instructionA segment specifying special documentary credit instructions. It specifies the confirmation instructions and, if applicable, any additional conditions, the method of issuance of the documentary credit, pre-advice instructions and documents delivery instructions. 0040 FCA, Financial charges allocationA segment specifying the allocation of charges. 0050 BUS, Business functionA segment providing information related to the type of documentary credit (i.e. irrevocable or revocable, transferable or not transferable). It may also identify the geographic environment of the documentary credit. 0060 RFF, ReferenceA segment identifying, if applicable, the documentary credit number. 0070 DTM, Date/time/periodA segment specifying the date and/or time the message is created and, if applicable, the presentation period within which documents are to be presented. 0080 FTX, Free textA segment with free text information used when additional information is needed but cannot be accommodated within other segments. This may be instructions and information about revolving documentary credits and other supplementary information. 0090 Segment Group 1: FII-RFF-CTA-COMA group of segments identifying the financial institutions and account numbers involved in the documentary credit, their functions and notification references. 0100 FII, Financial institution informationA segment identifying the financial institution(s) associated with the documentary credit, in coded or uncoded form, their functions and account numbers involved. Identification of the Applicant's Bank is mandatory for the DOCAPP message. 0110 RFF, ReferenceA segment specifying reference numbers of parties specified in the leading FII segment. 0120 CTA, Contact informationA segment identifying a person or a department for the party specified in the leading FII segment to whom communication should be directed. 0130 COM, Communication contactA segment identifying communication type(s) and number(s) of person(s) or department(s) specified in the associated CTA segment. 0140 Segment Group 2: NAD-RFF-CTA-COMA group of segments identifying the name and address of each non-financial party involved in the transaction, their functions and notification references. 0150 NAD, Name and addressA segment identifying names and addresses of the parties associated with the documentary credit, in coded or uncoded form, and their functions. Identification of the Applicant and Beneficiary is mandatory for the DOCAPP message. 0160 RFF, ReferenceA segment specifying reference numbers of parties specified in the leading NAD segment. 0170 CTA, Contact informationA segment identifying a person or a department for the party specified in the leading NAD segment to whom communication should be directed. 0180 COM, Communication contactA segment identifying communication type(s) and number(s) of person(s) or department(s) specified in the associated CTA segment. 0190 Segment Group 3: DTM-LOCA group of segments specifying the expiry date of the documentary credit and, if applicable, the place where the documentary credit expires for the presentation of the required documents. 0200 DTM, Date/time/periodA segment specifying the expiry date of the documentary credit. 0210 LOC, Place/location identificationA segment specifying the place where the documentary credit expires for the presentation of the required documents. 0220 Segment Group 4: MOA-SG5A group of segments specifying the amount and currency of the documentary credit and, if applicable, any additional amounts covered under the documentary credit. It may also specify the tolerance or specification of the amount(s). 0230 MOA, Monetary amountA segment specifying the amount and currency of the documentary credit and, if applicable, any additional amounts covered under the documentary credit. Specification of the documentary credit amount is mandatory for the DOCAPP message. 0240 Segment Group 5: ALC-PCDA group of segments specifying the tolerance or specification of the amount(s) specified in Segment Group 4. 0250 ALC, Allowance or chargeA segment specifying the tolerance or specification of the amount(s) specified in Segment Group 4. 0260 PCD, Percentage detailsA segment specifying the amount tolerance in percentage. 0270 Segment Group 6: LOC-DTMA group of segments specifying from where and to where the shipment(s) under the documentary credit must be made and relevant dates for the transport of goods. 0280 LOC, Place/location identificationA segment specifying from where and to where shipment(s) under the documentary credit must be made. 0290 DTM, Date/time/periodA segment specifying the date or period of shipment. 0300 Segment Group 7: PAI-LOCA group of segments specifying with whom the documentary credit is available. 0310 PAI, Payment instructionsA segment specifying with whom the documentary credit is available. 0320 LOC, Place/location identificationA segment identifying the city and/or country where the documentary credit is available with any bank. 0330 Segment Group 8: PAT-FII-DTM-MOA-PCD-FTXA group of segments specifying the method of availability of the documentary credit. 0340 PAT, Payment terms basisA segment specifying the method of availability. It may also specify at which maturity date payment is to be made and how the maturity date is to be determined. 0350 FII, Financial institution informationA segment identifying, when necessary, the party on whom drafts must be drawn. 0360 DTM, Date/time/periodA segment specifying, when necessary, a specific maturity date. 0370 MOA, Monetary amountA segment specifying in those cases that the documentary credit should be available by mixed payment (e.g. sight payment and deferred payment) the part of the documentary credit amount that is payable by sight payment, deferred payment, etc. 0380 PCD, Percentage detailsA segment specifying in those cases that the documentary credit should be available by mixed payment (e.g. sight payment and deferred payment) the part of the documentary credit amount in percentage which is payable by sight payment, deferred payment, etc. 0390 FTX, Free textA segment specifying how the maturity date is to be determined or indicate at which usance time draft(s) must be drawn in uncoded form. 0400 Segment Group 9: TOD-LOCA group of segments indicating the terms of delivery. 0410 TOD, Terms of delivery or transportA segment identifying the terms of delivery. 0420 LOC, Place/location identificationA segment identifying locations relevant to the terms of delivery specified in the leading TOD segment. 0430 Segment Group 10: TSR-LOCA group of segments specifying instructions about transhipments and partial shipments under the documentary credit. 0440 TSR, Transport service requirementsA segment specifying whether transhipments and/or partial shipments are allowed or not. 0450 LOC, Place/location identificationA segment identifying a certain city and/or country where transhipment is allowed or not allowed. 0460 Segment Group 11: INP-FTX-DTMA group of segments specifying special instructions and related information from the Applicant to parties identified in Segment Group 1 and/or Segment Group 2. 0470 INP, Parties to instructionA segment identifying the party which is to carry out the instruction and the party to be contacted followed by the instruction in coded form. 0480 FTX, Free textA segment specifying instructions in uncoded form. 0490 DTM, Date/time/periodA segment specifying the earliest and latest dates and/or times by which the specified instructions must be carried out. It will be repeated when more than one date or time is to be provided. 0500 Segment Group 12: GIS-MOA-LOC-NAD-RCS-FTXA group of segments providing special information not covered by other segments, for use by central and regulatory authorities requiring statistical and other types of data. It includes identification of the authority for which the information is intended followed by free text information. 0510 GIS, General indicatorA segment identifying what processing should be completed by regulatory authorities. 0520 MOA, Monetary amountA segment giving the amount and the currency of each transaction to be reported. 0530 LOC, Place/location identificationA segment giving different origins/destinations (places) of goods/investment/services. 0540 NAD, Name and addressA segment identifying a party related to the informative text. 0550 RCS, Requirements and conditionsA segment giving the nature (e.g. goods, transport services) and direction of each transaction to be reported in coded form. 0560 FTX, Free textA segment specifying supplementary information for the central/regulatory authority in uncoded form. 0570 Segment Group 13: RFF-DTM-FTXA group of segments giving references and where necessary, their dates, relating to the description of goods or services (e.g. purchase order, delivery contract) followed by the description of goods or services in uncoded form. 0580 RFF, ReferenceA segment specifying the reference number of a purchase order, delivery contract, etc. 0590 DTM, Date/time/periodA segment specifying the date related to the reference number specified in the leading RFF segment. 0600 FTX, Free textA segment specifying the description of goods or services in free text form. 0610 Segment Group 14: DOC-MOA-PCD-LOC-FTX-SG15A group of segments specifying the documents required under the documentary credit and the requirements for each document. It may also identify party(ies) related to these requirements. 0620 DOC, Document/message detailsA segment specifying the documents required under the documentary credit. It may also specify, where necessary, the number of copies and originals of document required. 0630 MOA, Monetary amountA segment specifying, when necessary, the value of insurance for an insurance certificate or an insurance policy in monetary amount and/or the amount of a debit or credit note. 0640 PCD, Percentage detailsA segment specifying, when necessary, the value of insurance for an insurance certificate or an insurance policy in percentage and/or the percentage of a debit or credit note. 0650 LOC, Place/location identificationA segment identifying the city and/or country where claims under an insurance certificate or an insurance policy are payable. 0660 FTX, Free textA segment specifying the insured risks and/or documentary requirements in uncoded form. 0670 Segment Group 15: ALI-SG16A segment group specifying the documentary requirements in coded form for documents specified in the DOC segment of Segment Group 14. 0680 ALI, Additional informationA segment specifying the documentary requirements in coded form and, where necessary, the country of origin. 0690 Segment Group 16: NAD-CTA-COMA group of segments identifying party(ies) related to the ALI segment in Segment Group 15. It may also include contact information about each party, when necessary. 0700 NAD, Name and addressA segment identifying party(ies) related to the ALI segment in segment group 15, in coded or uncoded form, and their functions. 0710 CTA, Contact informationA segment identifying a person or a department for the party specified in the leading NAD segment to whom communication should be directed. 0720 COM, Communication contactA segment identifying communication type(s) and number(s) of person(s) or department(s) specified in the associated CTA segment. 0730 Segment Group 17: AUT-DTMA group of segments specifying details of any authentication (validation) procedures applied to the DOCAPP message. 0740 AUT, Authentication resultA segment specifying details of any authentication (validation) procedures applied to the DOCAPP message. 0750 DTM, Date/time/periodA segment identifying the validation date/time. 0760 UNT, Message trailerA service segment ending a message, giving the total number of segments in the message and the control reference number of the message. 4.2. Data segment index (Alphabetical sequence by tag)
4.3. Message structure4.3.1. Segment table
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