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0. INTRODUCTIONThis specification provides the definition of the Life reinsurance claims message (LRECLM) to be used in Electronic Data Interchange (EDI) between trading partners involved in administration, commerce and transport. 1. SCOPE1.1. Functional definitionThe LRECLM message is used by companies to exchange information regarding a claim or claims on a policy or policies which have been reinsured. The message will be used for both ceded and assumed reinsurance. The trading partners utilizing the Life reinsurance claims message will be direct companies, reinsurance companies, reinsurance intermediaries and retrocessionaires. The message will be used to transmit data required by ceding and assuming companies to communicate information for the orderly settlement of claims. It also facilitates the reconciliation of the reinsurance records in order to maintain the integrity of the data between the trading partners. 1.2. Field of applicationThe Life reinsurance claims message may be used for both national and international applications. It is based on universal practice related to administration, commerce and transport, and is not dependent on the type of business or industry. 1.3. Principles
The following guidelines apply to the whole message and are intended to facilitate the understanding and implementation of the message:
2. REFERENCESSee UNTDID, Part 4, Chapter 2.3 UN/ECE UNSM - General Introduction, Section 1. 3. TERMS AND DEFINITIONS3.1. Standard terms and definitionsSee UNTDID, Part 4, Chapter 2.3 UN/ECE UNSM - General Introduction, Section 2. 4. MESSAGE DEFINITION4.1. Segment clarificationThis section should be read in conjunction with the segment table which indicates mandatory, conditional and repeating requirements. 4.1.1. Header sectionInformation to be provided in the Header section: 0010 UNH, Message headerA service segment starting and uniquely identifying a message. The message type code for the Life reinsurance claims message is LRECLM. Note: Life reinsurance claims messages conforming to this document must contain the following data in segment UNH, composite S009:
0020 BGM, Beginning of messageA segment specifying the type of message contained in the transmission. 0030 DTM, Date/time/periodA segment specifying the reporting period ending date. 0040 CUX, CurrenciesA segment identifying the default currency and its scaling factor for monetary amounts in this message. 0050 CTA, Contact informationA segment identifying a person(s) or department(s), and their function(s), to whom communications should be directed. 0060 FTX, Free textA segment with free text information, in coded or clear form, used when additional information is needed but cannot be accommodated within other segments. 4.1.2. Detail sectionInformation to be provided in the Detail section: 0070 Segment group 1: IMD-ATT-DTM-LOC-PCD-RFF-CUX-FTX-SG2-SG3-SG5 A group of segments in which is detailed claim information. 0080 IMD, Item descriptionA segment defining the type of claim. 0090 ATT, AttributeA segment providing attributes of the claim. 0100 DTM, Date/time/periodA segment specifying general dates or durations related to the claim. 0110 LOC, Place/location identificationA segment giving location information for the place of death or location where the onset of the disability occurred. 0120 PCD, Percentage detailsA segment specifying the extent of loss and the interest rate to be used in calculating the claim payment. 0130 RFF, ReferenceA segment specifying the claim numbers as assigned by the ceding company and the reinsurer. 0140 CUX, CurrenciesA segment identifying the default currency and its scaling factor for monetary amounts for the claim. 0150 FTX, Free textA segment with free text information, in coded or clear form, used when additional information is needed regarding the claim. 0160 Segment Group 2: MOA-ARDA group of segments in which is detailed monetary amounts and their purpose for the claim. 0170 MOA, Monetary amountA segment specifying a monetary amount. 0180 ARD, Monetary amount functionA segment specifying the purpose of the monetary amount. 0190 Segment Group 3: PNA-DTM-LOC-EMP-SG4A group of segments in which is detailed information regarding the person for which this claim is being submitted. 0200 PNA, Party identificationA segment identifying the name of the person on claim. 0210 DTM, Date/time/periodA segment specifying general date and durations associated with the person on claim. 0220 LOC, Place/location identificationA segment giving location information for the place of residence of the person on claim at the time of loss. 0230 EMP, Employment detailsA segment providing the occupation class of the person on claim at time of loss for purposes of this claim as defined by the issuing company. 0240 Segment Group 4: MOA-ARDA group of segments in which is detailed monetary amounts and their purpose for this person on claim. 0250 MOA, Monetary amountA segment specifying a monetary amount. 0260 ARD, Monetary amount functionA segment specifying the purpose of the monetary amount. 0270 Segment Group 5: GEI-RFF-PNA-DTM-SG6-SG7A group of segments in which is detailed information regarding the policy on claim and other policies related to the claim. 0280 GEI, Processing informationAn indicator specifying whether this policy is the policy on claim or an associated policy. 0290 RFF, ReferenceA segment specifying the policy number as assigned by the ceding company. 0300 PNA, Party identificationA segment identifying the original issuer of the policy, in coded or clear form. 0310 DTM, Date/time/periodA segment specifying general dates and durations associated with the policy on claim or related policy. 0320 Segment Group 6: MOA-ARDA group of segments in which is detailed monetary amounts and their purpose for this policy. 0330 MOA, Monetary amountA segment specifying a monetary amount. 0340 ARD, Monetary amount functionA segment specifying the purpose of the monetary amount. 0350 Segment Group 7: IDE-PNA-DTM-SG8A group of segments in which is detailed information regarding the insureds on this policy. 0360 IDE, IdentityA segment identifying the party as the insured of record. 0370 PNA, Party identificationA segment identifying the insured's name and universal identifier. 0380 DTM, Date/time/periodA segment specifying the date of birth of the insured. 0390 Segment Group 8: ICD-DTM-RFF-ATT-PCD-AGR-SG9A group of segments in which is detailed coverage information regarding the insured. 0400 ICD, Insurance cover descriptionA segment giving the insurance cover type associated with this coverage. 0410 DTM, Date/time/periodA segment specifying general dates or durations related to this coverage. 0420 RFF, ReferenceA segment specifying general references for this coverage. 0430 ATT, AttributeA segment providing attributes of the coverage. 0440 PCD, Percentage detailsA segment specifying the percentages associated with the claim. 0450 AGR, Agreement identificationA segment identifying the treaty as assigned by the ceding company. 0460 Segment Group 9: MOA-ARDA group of segments in which is detailed monetary amounts and their purpose for the coverage. 0470 MOA, Monetary amountA segment specifying a monetary amount. 0480 ARD, Monetary amount functionA segment specifying the purpose of the monetary amount. 0490 UNT, Message trailerA service segment ending a message, giving the total number of segments in the message (including the UNH & UNT) and the control reference number of the message. 4.2. Segment index (alphabetical sequence by tag)
4.3. Message structure4.3.1. Segment table
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