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0. INTRODUCTIONThis specification provides the definition of the Customs express consignment declaration message (CUSEXP) to be used in Electronic Data Interchange (EDI) between trading partners involved in administration, commerce and transport. 1. SCOPE1.1. Functional definitionThis message permits the transfer of express consignment data to a Customs Administration for the purpose of combining all three types of Customs reporting (conveyance report, cargo report and Customs Declaration) within a single message. 1.2. Field of applicationThe Customs express consignment declaration message may be used for both national and international applications. It is based on universal practice related to administration, commerce and transport, and is not dependent on the type of business or industry. 1.3. PrinciplesIt is envisaged that the Customs Express Consignment Declaration Message (CUSEXP) will allow the reporting of individual or multiple consignments to a Customs Administration at the Master and House Transport Document level. The message may be used for either import or export purposes. The message is transmitted upon arrival of the goods, or where national legislation permits, prior to the arrival of the conveyance. 2. REFERENCESSee UNTDID, Part 4, Chapter 2.3 UN/ECE UNSM - General Introduction, Section 1. 3. TERMS AND DEFINITIONS3.1. Standard terms and definitionsSee UNTDID, Part 4, Chapter 2.3 UN/ECE UNSM - General Introduction, Section 2. 4. MESSAGE DEFINITION4.1. Segment clarificationThis section should be read in conjunction with the segment table which indicates mandatory, conditional and repeating requirements. 0010 UNH, Message headerA service segment starting and uniquely identifying a message. The message type code for the Customs express consignment declaration message is CUSEXP. Note: Customs express consignment declaration messages conforming to this document must contain the following data in segment UNH, composite S009:
0020 BGM, Beginning of messageA segment for unique identification of the declaration type, i.e. import, export, in-transit. 0030 DTM, Date/time/periodA segment to specify the dates, times or periods relevant to the whole message e.g. elected date of presentation, date of message. 0040 LOC, Place/location identificationA segment to identify a place or location relevant to the entire message e.g., office of entry, clearance port. 0050 CNT, Control totalA segment specifying control totals e.g. total number of Express Consignments reported, total number of master transport documents, total number of packages. 0060 Segment Group 1: NAD-SG2A group of segments to identify contact party details. 0070 NAD, Name and addressA segment to specify the party name and address responsible for the express consignment. 0080 Segment Group 2: CTA-COMA group of segments indicating contact parties and contact numbers. 0090 CTA, Contact informationA segment identifying contact party. 0100 COM, Communication contactA segment identifying the contact party's telephone and/or fax number. 0110 Segment Group 3: TDT-DTM-SG4A group of segments to identify details of transport, means of transport, references and associated locations, dates and times. 0120 TDT, Transport informationA segment to indicate the name of the carrier, name/number of vehicle or flight, conveyance reference number. 0130 DTM, Date/time/periodA segment to specify the dates, times or periods relevant to the transport used. 0140 Segment Group 4: LOC-DTMA group of segments to provide details of locations, dates and times relevant to the means of transport. 0150 LOC, Place/location identificationA segment to identify a place or location relevant to the transport details. 0160 DTM, Date/time/periodA segment to specify dates, times or periods relevant to the transport details e.g. actual date/time of arrival. 0170 Segment Group 5: EQD-SELA group of segments giving details of equipment and seals. 0180 EQD, Equipment detailsA segment to identify a unit of equipment. 0190 SEL, Seal numberA segment to specify a seal number related to equipment. 0200 Segment Group 6: RFF-NAD-CNT-SG7A group of segments giving details of all consignments covered by an individual Master Transport Document reference. 0210 RFF, ReferenceA segment to identify Master Transport Document references or similar documentation pertinent to the conveyance report. 0220 NAD, Name and addressA segment to specify the party name and address of the sender and receiver of the Master Transport Document. 0230 CNT, Control totalA segment to specify control totals e.g. total number of House Transport Documents. 0240 Segment Group 7: CNI-SGP-CNT-MEA-LOC-NAD-SG8-SG9-SG10-SG11-SG13-SG14-SG15 A group of segments giving details of single express consignments at the House Transport Document level. 0250 CNI, Consignment informationA segment to indicate the reference number of the House Transport Document for the relevant consignment. 0260 SGP, Split goods placementA segment to specify the placement of the goods in relation to equipment. 0270 CNT, Control totalA segment specifying control totals e.g. total number of Customs items reported. 0280 MEA, MeasurementsA segment providing for measurements requirements related to the express consignment e.g. gross weight. 0290 LOC, Place/location identificationA segment identifying place/location relevant to the express consignment, e.g. country of consignment, place of loading/unloading. 0300 NAD, Name and addressA segment describing name and address of the shipper and consignee of the express consignment. 0310 Segment Group 8: GDS-FTXA group of segments giving information relevant to the nature of the cargo. 0320 GDS, Nature of cargoA segment specifying the nature of the goods in accordance with the Customs Cooperation Council (CCC)/International Express Carriers Conference(IECC) Express Consignment Guidelines : i.e. Category 1 - Documents, Category 2 - Low-value non-dutiable goods, Category 3 - Low-value dutiable goods, Category 4 - High value goods. 0330 FTX, Free textA segment specifying the description in narrative form. 0340 Segment Group 9: PAC-PCIA group of segments giving details of packages and markings. 0350 PAC, PackageA segment to identify the number and type of packages. 0360 PCI, Package identificationA segment to identify markings and labels on the type of package reported. 0370 Segment Group 10: TOD-LOC-FTXA group of segments to specify terms of delivery and related locations. 0380 TOD, Terms of delivery or transportA segment identifying terms and places of delivery of the entered goods e.g. coded International Rules for the Interpretation of Trade Terms (INCOTERMS). 0390 LOC, Place/location identificationA segment identifying the place/location relevant to the terms of delivery of the express consignment. 0400 FTX, Free textA segment describing terms of delivery in narrative form. 0410 Segment Group 11: MOA-SG12A group of segments to specify monetary amounts. 0420 MOA, Monetary amountA segment specifying the monetary amounts relative to the express consignment e.g. declared value of a single consignment. 0430 Segment Group 12: CUX-DTMA group of segments to specify rates of exchange and currencies. 0440 CUX, CurrenciesA segment to specify rates of exchange/currencies reported in regard to value. 0450 DTM, Date/time/periodA segment to specify date and time relevant to exchange rates regarding the value of the express consignment. 0460 Segment Group 13: TAX-MOA-GEIA group of segments giving the total of duties/taxes/fees and methods of payment related to the consignment. 0470 TAX, Duty/tax/fee detailsA segment identifying the tax type, rate and base associated with the consignment. 0480 MOA, Monetary amountA segment identifying monetary amounts (e.g. tax/fee amount) associated with the preceding TAX. 0490 + GEI, Processing informationA segment identifying an indicator (e.g. method of payment indicator) associated with the preceding TAX. 0500 Segment Group 14: DOC-DTM-LOCA group of segments to specify documentary requirements and references related to the express consignment. 0510 DOC, Document/message detailsA segment specifying the documentation requirements for particular Customs/government agencies e.g. invoice, certificate of origin. 0520 DTM, Date/time/periodA segment specifying date/time/period information as related to the documentation requirements. 0530 LOC, Place/location identificationA segment identifying the place/location relevant to the documentation requirements. 0540 Segment Group 15: CST-FTX-LOC-MEA-SG16A group of segments giving information relevant to the Customs treatment of the goods at Customs item level. 0550 CST, Customs status of goodsA segment describing the goods in terms of Customs entities, status and intended use i.e. the H.S. Tariff Codes. 0560 FTX, Free textA segment specifying the Customs description in narrative form. 0570 LOC, Place/location identificationA segment identifying place/location relevant to the Customs treatment of the goods e.g. country of origin. 0580 MEA, MeasurementsA segment providing for measurements requirements related to the Customs item e.g. net weight and supplementary units. 0590 Segment Group 16: TAX-MOA-GEIA group of segments identifying duties/taxes/fees and methods of payment related to a Customs item. 0600 TAX, Duty/tax/fee detailsA segment identifying the tax type, rate and base associated with a Customs item. 0610 MOA, Monetary amountA segment identifying monetary amounts (e.g. tax/fee amount) associated with the preceding TAX. 0620 + GEI, Processing informationA segment identifying an indicator (e.g. method of payment indicator) associated with the preceding TAX. 0630 Segment Group 17: AUT-DTMA group of segments to specify authentication results. 0640 AUT, Authentication resultA segment that identifies and verifies the authenticity of the sender and data integrity. 0650 DTM, Date/time/periodA segment specifying date/time/period information related to the authentication requirements. 0660 UNT, Message trailerA service segment ending a message, giving the total number of segments in the message (including the UNH & UNT) and the control reference number of the message. 4.2. Segment index (alphabetical sequence by tag)
4.3. Message structure4.3.1. Segment table
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