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7365 -

Processing indicator description code
UN/CEFACT Revision 2002A Code List

Desc:Code specifying a processing indicator.
This table also occurs in the following versions of this standard:
D00A, D00B, D01A, D01B, D01C, D02A, D02B, D03A, D03B, D04A, D04B, D93A, D94A, D94B, D95A, D95B, D96A, D96B, D97A, D97B, D98A, D98B, D99A, D99B

1Message content accepted
Content of message is accepted.
2Message content rejected with comment
Content of message is rejected, with comment.
3Message content rejected without comment
Content of message is rejected, without comment.
4Goods released
Specified goods have been released from Customs control.
5Goods required for examination
Specified goods are required for examination.
6All documents or as specified to be produced
All document, or documents as specified, to be produced.
7Goods detained
Specified goods are detained.
8Goods may move under Customs transfer
Specified goods may move under Customs transfer.
9Declaration accepted awaiting goods arrival
Goods declaration is accepted, awaiting goods arrival.
10Declaration requested
Declaration is requested.
11Pre-entry information
Information for pre-entry of a goods declaration.
12Sender not allowed the message type
The sender is not allowed to send the message type which was sent.
13Message type not supported
The message type is not supported by the recipient.
14Error message
Message conveys information on an error.
15Response after correction, correction approved
Response after correction; correction has been approved.
16Response after correction, correction non approved
Response after correction; correction has not been approved.
17Message received
Message has been received.
18Request for clearance
Request for clearance of the goods.
19Bulk goods
Goods are in bulk.
20Cash payment deferred
Commercial transaction will be paid by cash within a prescribed time frame.
21Unsolicited text
Text is not solicited.
Goods are being taken out of the Customs territory.
Goods are being taken into a Customs territory.
Goods are transported under Customs control from one Customs office to another.
25Prohibited/restricted goods
Goods are prohibited or restricted from import, export or transit by authority of Customs or another authority.
26Container quarantine
(4412) Specification of the status of the goods and of the transport equipment (container) and any packaging/dunnage with respect to quarantine restrictions.
27Onward carriage: immediate export
Movement type indicator: goods are being immediately taken out of the Customs territory.
Goods are / are not to be transhipped at place of discharge/transhipment place.
29Onward carriage: inland clearance
Movement type indicator: goods are to move under Customs control to a Customs office where Customs formalities will be completed.
30Transaction will not be processed until action is taken by sender
The transaction will not be processed, awaiting action by the sender.
31Transaction cannot be processed by the recipient
Due to unknown reasons the transaction cannot be processed.
32Transaction accepted
This transaction is accepted by the recipient application and is a single transaction within a multiple transaction message.
33Transaction rejected
This transaction is rejected by the recipient application and is a single transaction within a multiple transaction message.
34Transaction awaiting processing
This transaction is waiting to be processed by the recipient application and is a single transaction within a multiple transaction message.
35Transaction unknown
This transaction is unknown by the recipient application and is a single transaction within a multiple transaction message.
36Changed information
Processing of information to note that only changes to existing data are transmitted.
37Complete information
Processing of information to note that complete data details (not just changes) are transmitted.
38Manual procedures
An automated process to revert to manual procedures.
Reversal of a significant intentional restowage of cargo.
40Seal intact
Container seal is intact prior to unpacking.
41Seal not intact
Container seal is not intact prior to unpacking.
42Container equipment not damaged
Container equipment is not damaged.
43Container equipment damaged
Container equipment is damaged.
44Status of message
Processing based on message status.
45Beneficiary's account number unknown
The account number of the beneficiary is unknown.
46Payee's account number unknown
The account number of the payee is unknown.
47Payor' account number unknown
The account number of the payor is unknown.
48Correspondent bank not possible
The correspondent bank is not a possible one.
49Execution date not possible
The execution date cannot be met.
50Value date not possible
The value date cannot be met.
51Currency code not possible
The currency code does not exist.
52Invalid decimal number
The decimal number is not valid.
53Orders executed (on)
Confirmation that the orders have been executed.
54Transaction(s) effected and advised (on)
Confirmation that the transaction(s) has(ve) been effected and advised.
55Not yet debited
The amount(s) has(ve) not yet been debited.
56Beneficiary is unable to identify the transaction
The transaction cannot be identified by the beneficiary.
57Restowage of cargo
Intentional or unintentional restowage of cargo.
58Onward carriage: sea clearance
Movement type indicator: goods are to move under customs control, by sea, to a customs office where formalities will be completed.
59Perishable goods
Cargo is perishable.
Cargo has been fumigated.
61Transaction reason non reportable
The reason for the transaction is non reportable (e.g. to the legal institution).
62Reporting via a bank with forwarding abroad authorized
The reason for the transaction can be forwarded by the customer's bank to the abroad bank.
63Reporting via a bank with forwarding abroad denied
The reason for the transaction cannot be forwarded by the customer's bank to the abroad bank.
64Balance Of Payments complementary information is requested
The message sender is requesting BOP (Balance Of Payments) complementary information to complete the BOP declaration to the legal institution.
65Direct reporting
The report is made directly.
66Message content accepted, with comments
The content of the message is accepted by the receiver, with comments.
67Message content partly accepted, with comments
The content of the message is partly accepted by the receiver, with comments.
68Goods carried in container
The goods are carried in a container.
69Goods not carried in container
The goods are not carried in a container.
70Ship's stores declaration
Indicates that the information to be processed as a ship's stores declaration.
71Unpack on premises
Indicator to identify that the unpacking will be done at the premises.
72Beneficiary's financial information incorrect
Financial information regarding the beneficiary is incorrect.
73Charge(s) details not correct
The charge(s) details are not correct.
74Date(s) not correct
The date(s) are not correct.
75Currency details incorrect
Currency details are not correct.
76Monetary amount incorrect
The monetary amount specified is incorrect.
77Payments sent correctly
Confirmation that the payments have been sent correctly.
78Beneficiary has not received the funds
The beneficiary has not received the funds as specified.
79Beneficiary received the funds late
The beneficiary received the funds later than specified.
80Unjustified charges at beneficiary's side
The beneficiary has been charged unjustified fees.
81Confirmation of authorization
The authorization is confirmed.
82Beneficiary's account closed
The account of the beneficiary is closed.
83Transaction execution pending
The transaction is awaiting execution.
84Transaction rejected due to insufficient funds
The transaction is rejected because of insufficient funds.
85Party identification not known
The identification of the party is unknown.
86Beneficiary unknown
The beneficiary indicated is unknown.
87Beneficiary's bank unknown
The indicated beneficiary's bank is unknown.
88Precedence logic format
To specify that the data represents a precedence logic processing format.
89Arrow logic format
To specify that the data represents an arrow logic processing format.
90Bar-chart format
To specify that the data represents a barchart processing format.
91Milestone format
To specify that the data represents a milestone processing format.
92Line of balance format
To specify that the data represents a line of balance processing format.
93Task list format
To specify that the data represents a task list processing format.
94Delivery point driven scheduling method
Scheduling method used when for a given delivery point a number of different products are to be delivered.
95Product driven scheduling method
Scheduling method used when a given product is to be delivered to a number of different delivery points.
96Confirmation, payment sent as instructed
Confirmation that the payment has been sent as instructed.
97Beneficiary has received funds
The beneficiary has received the funds.
98Individual transaction over credit limit
A transaction exceeds the credit limit for an individual transaction.
99Cumulative transactions exceed credit limit
The grouped transactions exceed the credit limit.
100Transaction exceeds default credit limit
The transaction exceeds a default credit limit.
101Transaction received and redirected to another bank and/or account
The transaction has been received, but has been redirected to another bank and/or account.
102Potential duplicate of a previous payment
The payment is a potential duplicate of a previous one.
103Cancellation pending
A cancellation has been instructed but has not been actioned yet.
104Cancellation instruction too late to carry out
An instruction to cancel has been received too late to be carried out.
105Invalid bank branch sort code
The bank branch sort code is invalid.
106Invalid account number
The account number is invalid.
107Transaction duplicates previous transaction
The transaction duplicates a previous one.
108Transaction out of time limits
Transaction received outside agreed time window.
109Invalid and/or incomplete name and address
Name and address are invalid and/or incomplete.
110No name and address specified
No name and address has been specified.
111No communication number specified
No communication number has been specified.
112Bank branch number and/or details invalid
The bank branch number and/or details are not valid.
113Message from ordering customer did not contain all data required
The message received from the ordering customer did not contain all the required data.
114Date of cheque invalid
The date provided on a cheque is invalid.
115Totals for transaction do not match details
Figures for the total transaction do not match those provided for the individual lines of the transaction.
116Transaction different to normal
A transaction whose details do not conform to the average details normally contained in the transaction.
117Method of payment invalid
The method of payment is not valid.
118Ordering customer's payment order number invalid
The payment order number issued by the ordering customer is invalid.
119Ordering customer's message control value invalid
The control value provided by the ordering customer in the control totals segment is invalid.
120Ordering customer's message control quantity invalid
The control quantity provided by the ordering customer in the control totals segment is invalid.
121Beneficiary's account frozen by legal authorities
The beneficiary's account has been frozen by legal authorities.
122Invalid cancellation request because transaction already executed
The request to cancel a transaction is invalid because the transaction has already been executed.
123Account holder specified by ordering customer is deceased
The account holder detailed by the ordering customer is deceased.
124Ordering customer's instruction is a duplicate
The ordering customer's instruction duplicates an instruction.
125Unauthorized message version
The message version is unauthorized.
126Debtor's account unknown
The debtor's account is not known.
127Health insurance exclusion condition may apply
The patient's health insurance may not apply for certain services.
128Pre-existing condition warning indicator
The condition may predate an event.
129Cancellation executed
Cancellation has been executed.
130Bordereau ceded premium
The bordereau should be processed as ceded premium.
131Bordereau open claims
The bordereau items should be processed as open claims.
132Bordereau closed claims
The bordereau items should be processed as closed claims.
133Bordereau settled claims
The bordereau items should be processed as settled claims.
ZZZMutually defined
Mutually defined indicator.

Change indicators
plus sign An addition.
asterisk Addition/substraction/change to a code entry for a particular data element.
hash or pound sign Changes to names.
vertical bar Changes to text for descriptions, notes and functions.
minus sign A deletion.
letter X Marked for deletion.

Usage indicators
Used in batch messages only.
Common usage in both batch and interactive messages.
Used in interactive messages only.

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