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Person identification message
Version: | D |
Release: | 01C |
Contr. Agency: | UN |
Revision: | 1 |
Date: | 2001-11-07 |
SOURCE: | D11 Healthcare (SWG) |
Person identification message
- Functional definition
- Field of application
- Principles
- Standard terms and definitions
- Segment clarification
- Segment index (alphabetical sequence by tag)
- Message structure
- Segment table
For general information on UN standard message types see UN Trade Data Interchange Directory, UNTDID, Part 4, Section 2.3, UN/ECE UNSM General Introduction
This message also occurs in the following versions of this standard:
D95B, D96A, D96B, D97A, D97B, D98A, D98B, D99A, D99B, D00A, D00B, D01A, D01B, D01C, D02A, D02B, D03A, D03B, D04A, D04B |
This specification provides the definition of the Person identification message (MEDPID) to be used in Electronic Data Interchange (EDI) between trading partners involved in administration, commerce and transport.
1.1. Functional definition
The message is used to pass detailed information on persons from, for instance, health insurance agencies to local government in order to verify, add, change or delete person related data in information systems. The message may also be used to transfer person information between various application systems within one organisation (i.e. hospital).
Usually detailed person related information for one or more persons is sent from one organisation to another who will acknowledge the message that is sent and proceed with changing, adding or deleting person data in their own files or use the transferred information to check their own registers and send a verification message back.
1.2. Field of application
The Person identification message may be used for both national and international applications. It is based on universal practice related to administration, commerce and transport, and is not dependent on the type of business or industry.
This message may be applied for transfer of person related data between organisations that operate on local, regional, national and/or international level. These organisations typically operate in the field of healthcare, health insurance, government and public affairs.
1.3. Principles
Detailed person information may be transferred for more than one person. For each person additional information about related persons and related names may be included. The message may indicate the action that should be taken by the receiving party either to add, change, delete or verify the person information.
See UNTDID, Part 4, Chapter 2.3 UN/ECE UNSM - General Introduction, Section 1.
3.1. Standard terms and definitions
See UNTDID, Part 4, Chapter 2.3 UN/ECE UNSM - General Introduction, Section 2.
4.1. Segment clarification
This section should be read in conjunction with the segment table which indicates mandatory, conditional and repeating requirements.
0010 UNH, Message header
A service segment starting and uniquely identifying a message. The message type code for the Person identification message is MEDPID. Note: Person identification messages conforming to this document must contain the following data in segment UNH, composite S009:
0020 BGM, Beginning of message
A segment for specifying message name and function. 0030 DTM, Date/time/period
This segment is used to specify the date and time for generation of the message. 0040 RFF, Reference
This segment contains references to other related messages or documents concerning the whole message. 0050 FTX, Free text
This segment is used to transfer textual information concerning the message itself. This segment group is used to transfer information about the parties involved in the actual data interchange. Also information about parties to receive copies may be specified. 0070 PNA, Party identification
A segment identifying name and identification of a communication party (i.e. sender and receiver), and other parties associated with the message. 0080 ADR, Address
A segment to specify the addresses of the actual communication party. 0090 CTA, Contact information
A segment identifying a contact person or department for the actual communication party to whom communication should be directed. 0100 COM, Communication contact
A segment identifying communication type(s) and number(s) of the actual communication party or contact person or department. 0110 RFF, Reference
A segment specifying other identification numbers of the actual communication party. 0120 LAN, Language
A segment specifying languages used by the actual communication party. FII-CTA-SG3-SG4-SG5 This segment group contains information about a person. 0140 X GIS, General indicator
The segment is used to specify the type of data transferred and the subsequent action assumed to be taken by the receiver such as: - new data to be added (i.e. birth) - old data to be deleted (i.e. death) - modified data (i.e. marriage, address changes) - data to be verified. 0150 PNA, Party identification
A segment identifying a person. 0160 ADR, Address
A segment specifying the addresses of the actual person. One person may have more addresses. 0170 RFF, Reference
A segment to specify alternate identification numbers of the actual person. 0180 DTM, Date/time/period
A segment identifying the date and time of birth and/or death of the actual person as well as the date to perform the requested action (add, delete, change, verify). 0190 IHC, Person characteristic
A segment for specifying person inherited characteristics such as ethnic origin, hair colour, etc. of the actual person. 0200 NAT, Nationality
A segment for specifying the nationality of the actual person. 0210 FTX, Free text
A segment for free text information concerning the actual person such as further unstructured person information. 0220 LAN, Language
A segment for specifying the languages used by the actual person. 0230 HAN, Handling instructions
A segment for specifying confidentiality constraints concerning the data of the actual person. 0240 LOC, Place/location identification
A segment specifying place of birth and/or death of the actual person. 0250 FII, Financial institution information
A segment identifying the financial institution(s) and bank account number(s) associated with the actual person. 0260 CTA, Contact information
A segment identifying a person that serves as a contact for the actual person. 0270 Segment Group 3: PDI-DTMA segment group for specifying person demographic information valid at a specific date/time/period. 0280 PDI, Person demographic information
A segment to specify the sex, marital status and religion of the actual person. 0290 DTM, Date/time/period
A segment for specifying the valid date/time/period for the person demographic information. 0300 Segment Group 4: COM-CTAA segment group for specifying communication numbers and contacts of the actual person. 0310 COM, Communication contact
A segment identifying communication type(s) and number(s) of the actual person. 0320 CTA, Contact information
A segment identifying a contact person or department at the specified communication number. A segment group identifying any related person or additional names of the actual person. 0340 REL, Relationship
A segment identifying the type of relationship of the related person or name to the actual person. 0350 PNA, Party identification
A segment identifying the related person or specifying related name(s). 0360 ADR, Address
A segment for specifying address information of the related person. 0370 RFF, Reference
A segment identifying additional identification numbers of the related person. 0380 DTM, Date/time/period
A segment identifying the time of birth and/or death of the related person. 0390 PDI, Person demographic information
A segment to specify the sex, marital status and religion of the related person. 0400 IHC, Person characteristic
A segment for specifying person inherited characteristics such as ethnic origin, hair colour, etc. of the related person. 0410 NAT, Nationality
A segment for specifying the nationality of the related person. 0420 LAN, Language
A segment for specifying the languages used by the related person. 0430 Segment Group 6: AUT-DTMA segment group specifying the authentication procedure applied. 0440 AUT, Authentication result
A segment specifying details of any authentication (validation) procedure applied to the message. 0450 DTM, Date/time/period
A segment for specifying the date/time of an authentication procedure. 0460 UNT, Message trailer
A service segment ending a message, giving the total number of segments in the message (including the UNH & UNT) and the control reference number of the message.
4.2. Segment index (alphabetical sequence by tag)
Address |
Authentication result |
Beginning of message |
Communication contact |
Contact information |
Date/time/period |
Financial institution information |
Free text |
General indicator |
Handling instructions |
Person characteristic |
Language |
Place/location identification |
Nationality |
Person demographic information |
Party identification |
Relationship |
Reference |
Message header |
Message trailer |
4.3. Message structure
4.3.1. Segment table
├─UNH Message header | ×1 | (M) |
├─BGM Beginning of message | ×1 | (M) |
├─DTM Date/time/period | ×9 | (C) |
├─RFF Reference | ×9 | (C) |
├─FTX Free text | ×99 | (C) |
├─Segment Group 1 | ×99 | (M) |
│─├─PNA Party identification | ×1 | (M) |
│─├─ADR Address | ×9 | (C) |
│─├─CTA Contact information | ×9 | (C) |
│─├─COM Communication contact | ×9 | (C) |
│─├─RFF Reference | ×99 | (C) |
│─└─LAN Language | ×9 | (C) |
├─Segment Group 2 | ×9999 | (M) |
│─├─GIS General indicator | ×1 | (M) |
│─├─PNA Party identification | ×1 | (C) |
│─├─ADR Address | ×9 | (C) |
│─├─RFF Reference | ×99 | (C) |
│─├─DTM Date/time/period | ×9 | (C) |
│─├─IHC Person characteristic | ×9 | (C) |
│─├─NAT Nationality | ×9 | (C) |
│─├─FTX Free text | ×9 | (C) |
│─├─LAN Language | ×9 | (C) |
│─├─HAN Handling instructions | ×9 | (C) |
│─├─LOC Place/location identification | ×9 | (C) |
│─├─FII Financial institution information | ×9 | (C) |
│─├─CTA Contact information | ×9 | (C) |
│─├─Segment Group 3 | ×9 | (C) |
│─│─├─PDI Person demographic information | ×1 | (M) |
│─│─└─DTM Date/time/period | ×9 | (C) |
│─├─Segment Group 4 | ×9 | (C) |
│─│─├─COM Communication contact | ×1 | (M) |
│─│─└─CTA Contact information | ×9 | (C) |
│─└─Segment Group 5 | ×99 | (C) |
│───├─REL Relationship | ×1 | (M) |
│───├─PNA Party identification | ×1 | (C) |
│───├─ADR Address | ×9 | (C) |
│───├─RFF Reference | ×9 | (C) |
│───├─DTM Date/time/period | ×9 | (C) |
│───├─PDI Person demographic information | ×1 | (C) |
│───├─IHC Person characteristic | ×9 | (C) |
│───├─NAT Nationality | ×9 | (C) |
│───└─LAN Language | ×9 | (C) |
├─Segment Group 6 | ×9 | (C) |
│─├─AUT Authentication result | ×1 | (M) |
│─└─DTM Date/time/period | ×9 | (C) |
└─UNT Message trailer | ×1 | (M) |
Change indicators |
plus sign |
An addition. |
asterisk |
Addition/substraction/change to a code entry for a particular data element. |
hash or pound sign |
Changes to names. |
vertical bar |
Changes to text for descriptions, notes and functions. |
minus sign |
A deletion. |
letter X |
Marked for deletion. |
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