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Debts recovery message
Version: | D |
Release: | 01C |
Contr. Agency: | UN |
Revision: | 1 |
Date: | 2001-11-07 |
SOURCE: | D12 Social Security, Employment and Education (SWG) |
Debts recovery message
- Functional definition
- Field of application
- Principles
- Standard terms and definitions
- Segment clarification
- Segment index (alphabetical sequence by tag)
- Message structure
- Segment table
For general information on UN standard message types see UN Trade Data Interchange Directory, UNTDID, Part 4, Section 2.3, UN/ECE UNSM General Introduction
This message also occurs in the following versions of this standard:
D99B, D00A, D00B, D01A, D01B, D01C, D02A, D02B, D03A, D03B, D04A, D04B |
This specification provides the definition of the Debts recovery message (DEBREC) to be used in Electronic Data Interchange (EDI) between trading partners involved in administration, commerce and transport.
1.1. Functional definition
A message to exchange detailed information relating to debts recovery cases between appropriate parties (principal, enacting party). This message may cover one or more event (e.g. submission, status information) for one or more debts recovery cases.
1.2. Field of application
The Debts recovery message may be used for both national and international applications. It is based on universal practice related to administration, commerce and transport, and is not dependent on the type of business or industry.
1.3. Principles
A debts recovery is a process started by a party to recover money from a debtor (e.g. social security contributions not paid by a company).
The debts recovery message may be used: a. when issued by the principal, to:
- submit new debts recovery cases,
- update debts recovery cases,
- request processing actions for debts recovery cases,
- request status of debts recovery cases b. when issued by the enacting party, to:
- acknowledge debts recovery case submissions,
- give status information about debts recovery cases,
- request information about debts recovery cases,
- request instructions for debts recovery cases,
- update debts recovery cases.
In both cases (issuing party is principal or enacting party) each message relates to one principal and one or more debt recovery cases. Each debts recovery case relates to one debt. Each debt may be split into one or more debt components (set of monetary amounts related to the debts recovery case).
The way the content of the message is used depends on and is triggered by the possible events previously described (e.g. submission, update of debts recovery cases).
The DEBREC message is not meant to be used for invoicing or payment activities.
Note: It could happen that the principal of a debts recovery case is the enacting party of another debts recovery case (e.g. case transmission from one enacting party to another for geographical reasons).
See UNTDID, Part 4, Chapter 2.3 UN/ECE UNSM - General Introduction, Section 1.
3.1. Standard terms and definitions
See UNTDID, Part 4, Chapter 2.3 UN/ECE UNSM - General Introduction, Section 2.
4.1. Segment clarification
This section should be read in conjunction with the segment table which indicates mandatory, conditional and repeating requirements.
0010 UNH, Message header
A service segment starting and uniquely identifying a message. The message type code for the Debts recovery message is DEBREC. Note: Debts recovery messages conforming to this document must contain the following data in segment UNH, composite S009:
0020 BGM, Beginning of message
To identify the function of the message and the type of document it corresponds to. 0030 DTM, Date/time/period
To provide document related dates, times or periods such as the creation date of the document. A group of segments used to provide information related to parties involved at message level (e.g. issuing party, recipient, signing party). 0050 PNA, Party identification
To identify a party and describe its function at message level. 0060 ADR, Address
To provide the address of the party. 0070 RFF, Reference
To provide additional references related to the party. It could be references used by another party (e.g. Identification of a legal person at the Chamber of Commerce). 0080 EMP, Employment details
To provide employment details in case the party is a natural person (in opposite to legal person). 0090 COM, Communication contact
To provide communication information related to the party described in the PNA segment. 0100 Segment Group 2: CTA-DTM-SG3A group of segments used to provide contact information and related communication numbers. 0110 CTA, Contact information
To provide contact information (department or person) within the party. 0120 DTM, Date/time/period
To provide contact related dates, times or periods. 0130 Segment Group 3: COM-DTMA group of segments used to provide communication information linked to validity periods. 0140 COM, Communication contact
To provide communication information related to the contact. 0150 DTM, Date/time/period
To provide communication and contact related dates, times or periods such as availability periods. 0160 Segment Group 4: AUT-DTMA group of segments used to describe authentication information and dates related to the party. 0170 AUT, Authentication result
To provide the authentication result related to the Party. 0180 DTM, Date/time/period
To provide authentication related dates, times or periods such as the date of authentication. 0190 Segment Group 5: GIR-SG6-SG7A group of segments used to describe a debts recovery case and to provide related information. 0200 GIR, Related identification numbers
To identify the debts recovery case (case identification numbers: principal and the enacting party ones). Note: In the submission phase of a debts recovery case the only case identification number known is the one assigned by the principal. 0210 Segment Group 6: ATT-DTMA group of segments to provide attributes of the debts recovery case and related dates, times or periods. 0220 ATT, Attribute
To provide an attribute related to the debts recovery case such as the type of debt to which the debts recovery case relates. 0230 DTM, Date/time/period
To provide attributes related dates, times or periods. A group of segments used to describe events related to the debts recovery case processing and to provide related information such as associated reasons and requirements. Note: It could be that more than one event is declared for one case (e.g. information that part of the debt has been paid and that the debtor is allowed to postpone the next payment). 0250 X EVT, Event
To identify an event. 0260 DTM, Date/time/period
To provide dates related to the event such as the date when the event occurred. 0270 IRQ, Information required
To identify required information in relation with the event. 0280 FTX, Free text
To provide additional textual information related to the event. 0290 Segment Group 8: ATT-DTMA group of segments used to describe attributes and related dates. 0300 ATT, Attribute
To provide an attribute related to an event such as extra instructions. 0310 DTM, Date/time/period
To provide dates, times or periods to the attribute. PCD-COM-SG10-SG12-SG14 A group of segments to identify all involved parties in debts recovery cases and provide related information. 0330 PNA, Party identification
To identify a party and his function. 0340 RFF, Reference
To provide additional reference numbers used to identify the party. 0350 ATT, Attribute
To provide attributes related to the party such as the legal form or the legal status of a legal person. 0360 EMP, Employment details
To identify the employment or profession of the party. 0370 PDI, Person demographic information
To provide the marital status of the party when it is a natural person. 0380 FII, Financial institution information
To provide financial and banking information related to the party. 0390 DTM, Date/time/period
To provide dates, times or periods related to the party such as the date of birth for a natural person or the creation date for a legal person. 0400 MOA, Monetary amount
To provide monetary amounts related to the party such as the registered capital or share holding amount in the case of a legal person. 0410 QTY, Quantity
To provide quantities related to the party such as the number of employees for a legal person. 0420 PCD, Percentage details
To provide percentages related to the party such as the percentage of legal aid. 0430 COM, Communication contact
To provide communication information about the party. A group of segments to describe contacts and related information of the party. 0450 CTA, Contact information
To provide contact information (department or person) of the party. 0460 DTM, Date/time/period
To provide contact related dates, times or periods. 0470 FTX, Free text
To provide additional textual information related to the contact. 0480 Segment Group 11: COM-DTMA group of segments to provide communication information about the contact. 0490 COM, Communication contact
To provide communication information of the contact. 0500 DTM, Date/time/period
To provide dates related to the communication information. 0510 Segment Group 12: ADR-DTM-SG13A group of segments to describe the addresses and related information of the party. 0520 ADR, Address
To provide the address of the party. 0530 DTM, Date/time/period
To provide dates related to the address. 0540 Segment Group 13: COM-DTMA group of segments to provide communication information related to the address of the party. 0550 COM, Communication contact
To provide communication information related to the address of the party. 0560 DTM, Date/time/period
To provide dates related to the address. 0570 Segment Group 14: REL-RFFA group of segments to describe the relationship between the party and other parties (also described in the message). 0580 REL, Relationship
To identify the type of relationship which exists between the currently described party and the party referenced (e.g. one party is the debtor, another party is a bank of the debtor). 0590 RFF, Reference
To provide the reference number of the party which has a relationship with the currently described party. A group of segments used to provide information about the justifying documents related to the debts recovery case such as titles. 0610 DOC, Document/message details
To describe the justifying document by providing its type and number. 0620 DTM, Date/time/period
To provide dates, times or periods related to the document. 0630 FTX, Free text
To provide textual information related to the document such as a summary. 0640 ATT, Attribute
To provide attributes related to the document such as scope, legal value or notification channel of the document. 0650 MOA, Monetary amount
To provide monetary amounts involved in the document. 0660 Segment Group 16: PNA-RFF-ADRA group of segments to identify parties related to the document such as issuing, certifying or third parties. 0670 PNA, Party identification
To identify a party and his function related to the document. 0680 RFF, Reference
To provide additional reference numbers used to identify the party. 0690 ADR, Address
To provide the address of the party. A group of segments to describe goods related to the debt recovery case. A distinction is made between: - real estate goods (e.g. buildings, houses), - other goods that can be described in a structured way (e.g. car, boat), - any good (e.g. computers) described in a textual way. Note: - Goods described in this group of segments are part of the reason of the debts recovery case, - An occurrence of this group of segments relates to one good (e.g. a car, a computer), - An occurrence of this group describes the concerned good item either in a structured way, in a textual way (free text) or by referencing a document which contains the description of the good. 0710 IMD, Item description
To provide information related to the goods being described such as their type, reference or short description. 0720 STS, Status
To provide the status of goods within the debt recovery case such as to mention that the goods have been stolen. 0730 FTX, Free text
To provide a textual description of the goods. 0740 ATT, Attribute
To provide an attribute related to the goods being described such as a complement to its type. A group of segments to give a structured description of any good except real estate goods which are described in a dedicated group of segments. 0760 RFF, Reference
To provide the reference of the goods being described such as the registration/license number for a car. 0770 PIA, Additional product id
To provide additional identification numbers of the goods such as the serial number for a car. 0780 LOC, Place/location identification
To provide location information of the goods. 0790 DTM, Date/time/period
To provide dates, times or periods related to the goods such as the year for a car. 0800 MEA, Measurements
To provide measures related to the goods such as the power of an engine in kW. 0810 ATT, Attribute
To provide attributes of the goods such the color or the type (private, commercial) of a car. 0820 FTX, Free text
To provide additional textual information about the Goods. 0830 Segment Group 19: ADR-SG20A group of segments to give a structured description of real estate goods. 0840 ADR, Address
To provide the address of a real estate good. 0850 Segment Group 20: RFF-FTX-MEAA group of segments to provide detailed information about a real estate good. 0860 RFF, Reference
To provide a reference of the real estate good such as section numbers. 0870 FTX, Free text
To provide additional textual information such as the nature, designation of the real estate good. 0880 MEA, Measurements
To provide measures of the real estate good such as the size of a section. 0890 Segment Group 21: DOC-DTM-FTXA group of segments to refer to a document that contains a detailed description of the goods. 0900 DOC, Document/message details
To provide the reference and type of the document which details the goods. 0910 DTM, Date/time/period
To provide dates, times or periods related to the document such as the issuing date. 0920 FTX, Free text
To provide textual information related to the document such as a summary. A group of segments to describe all debt components (sets of monetary amounts) related to the debts recovery case. Note: - Each occurrence of this group of segments corresponds to one monetary component. - When using this group of segments one of its sub-groups is mandatory. 0940 X GIS, General indicator
To provide the type of structure used for describing the debt component in the following sub-groups: - reference to a document which contains all relevant information, - all amounts are detailed in the message, - reference to a document and detailed amounts are both given in the message. 0950 DTM, Date/time/period
To provide dates, times or periods related to the debt component such as the beginning or end of a debt component period. 0960 FTX, Free text
To provide textual information about the debt component. 0970 Segment Group 23: DOC-DTM-FTXA group of segments used to provide information related to the document describing the debt component. 0980 DOC, Document/message details
To provide information about the document by providing its type and number. 0990 DTM, Date/time/period
To provide dates, times or periods related to the document such as the issuing date. 1000 FTX, Free text
To provide textual information about the document such as a summary. A group of segments to provide a detailed description of all monetary amounts that are part of the debt component. 1020 ARD, Monetary amount function
To qualify the monetary amount within the debt component. 1030 MOA, Monetary amount
To identify the purpose of the monetary amount such as amount paid or revised amount. 1040 DTM, Date/time/period
To provide amount related dates, times or periods. 1050 TAX, Duty/tax/fee details
To provide tax information related to the amount. 1060 FTX, Free text
To provide textual information related to the amounts. 1070 ATT, Attribute
To provide attributes related to the amounts. 1080 Segment Group 25: PCD-DTMA group of segment to describe percentages related to the monetary amount. 1090 PCD, Percentage details
To provide percentage information related to the amount. 1100 DTM, Date/time/period
To provide a date, a time or a period related to the percentage. 1110 Segment Group 26: PAI-RFFTo provide payment information related to the amounts. 1120 PAI, Payment instructions
To provide payment details such as payment conditions, means or channel. 1130 RFF, Reference
To provide references related to payment instructions such as credit transfer reference number. 1140 CNT, Control total
To provide message control totals such as the total of all due amounts in all debts recovery cases mentioned in the message. 1150 UNT, Message trailer
A service segment ending a message, giving the total number of segments in the message (including the UNH & UNT) and the control reference number of the message.
4.2. Segment index (alphabetical sequence by tag)
Address |
Monetary amount function |
Attribute |
Authentication result |
Beginning of message |
Control total |
Communication contact |
Contact information |
Document/message details |
Date/time/period |
Employment details |
Event |
Financial institution information |
Free text |
Related identification numbers |
General indicator |
Item description |
Information required |
Place/location identification |
Measurements |
Monetary amount |
Payment instructions |
Percentage details |
Person demographic information |
Additional product id |
Party identification |
Quantity |
Relationship |
Reference |
Status |
Duty/tax/fee details |
Message header |
Message trailer |
4.3. Message structure
4.3.1. Segment table
├─UNH Message header | ×1 | (M) |
├─BGM Beginning of message | ×1 | (M) |
├─DTM Date/time/period | ×5 | (C) |
├─Segment Group 1 | ×99 | (C) |
│─├─PNA Party identification | ×1 | (M) |
│─├─ADR Address | ×1 | (C) |
│─├─RFF Reference | ×5 | (C) |
│─├─EMP Employment details | ×1 | (C) |
│─├─COM Communication contact | ×9 | (C) |
│─├─Segment Group 2 | ×9 | (C) |
│─│─├─CTA Contact information | ×1 | (M) |
│─│─├─DTM Date/time/period | ×1 | (C) |
│─│─└─Segment Group 3 | ×5 | (C) |
│─│───├─COM Communication contact | ×1 | (M) |
│─│───└─DTM Date/time/period | ×9 | (C) |
│─└─Segment Group 4 | ×1 | (C) |
│───├─AUT Authentication result | ×1 | (M) |
│───└─DTM Date/time/period | ×1 | (C) |
├─Segment Group 5 | ×9999 | (C) |
│─├─GIR Related identification numbers | ×1 | (M) |
│─├─Segment Group 6 | ×1 | (C) |
│─│─├─ATT Attribute | ×1 | (M) |
│─│─└─DTM Date/time/period | ×3 | (C) |
│─└─Segment Group 7 | ×999 | (C) |
│───├─EVT Event | ×1 | (M) |
│───├─DTM Date/time/period | ×9 | (C) |
│───├─IRQ Information required | ×99 | (C) |
│───├─FTX Free text | ×99 | (C) |
│───├─Segment Group 8 | ×9 | (C) |
│───│─├─ATT Attribute | ×1 | (M) |
│───│─└─DTM Date/time/period | ×3 | (C) |
│───├─Segment Group 9 | ×99 | (C) |
│───│─├─PNA Party identification | ×1 | (M) |
│───│─├─RFF Reference | ×9 | (C) |
│───│─├─ATT Attribute | ×9 | (C) |
│───│─├─EMP Employment details | ×1 | (C) |
│───│─├─PDI Person demographic information | ×1 | (C) |
│───│─├─FII Financial institution information | ×9 | (C) |
│───│─├─DTM Date/time/period | ×9 | (C) |
│───│─├─MOA Monetary amount | ×5 | (C) |
│───│─├─QTY Quantity | ×9 | (C) |
│───│─├─PCD Percentage details | ×1 | (C) |
│───│─├─COM Communication contact | ×1 | (C) |
│───│─├─Segment Group 10 | ×9 | (C) |
│───│─│─├─CTA Contact information | ×1 | (M) |
│───│─│─├─DTM Date/time/period | ×1 | (C) |
│───│─│─├─FTX Free text | ×9 | (C) |
│───│─│─└─Segment Group 11 | ×5 | (C) |
│───│─│───├─COM Communication contact | ×1 | (M) |
│───│─│───└─DTM Date/time/period | ×9 | (C) |
│───│─├─Segment Group 12 | ×5 | (C) |
│───│─│─├─ADR Address | ×1 | (M) |
│───│─│─├─DTM Date/time/period | ×1 | (C) |
│───│─│─└─Segment Group 13 | ×1 | (C) |
│───│─│───├─COM Communication contact | ×1 | (M) |
│───│─│───└─DTM Date/time/period | ×9 | (C) |
│───│─└─Segment Group 14 | ×1 | (C) |
│───│───├─REL Relationship | ×1 | (M) |
│───│───└─RFF Reference | ×1 | (C) |
│───├─Segment Group 15 | ×99 | (C) |
│───│─├─DOC Document/message details | ×1 | (M) |
│───│─├─DTM Date/time/period | ×9 | (C) |
│───│─├─FTX Free text | ×99 | (C) |
│───│─├─ATT Attribute | ×9 | (C) |
│───│─├─MOA Monetary amount | ×9 | (C) |
│───│─└─Segment Group 16 | ×9 | (C) |
│───│───├─PNA Party identification | ×1 | (M) |
│───│───├─RFF Reference | ×9 | (C) |
│───│───└─ADR Address | ×5 | (C) |
│───├─Segment Group 17 | ×999 | (C) |
│───│─├─IMD Item description | ×1 | (M) |
│───│─├─STS Status | ×1 | (C) |
│───│─├─FTX Free text | ×9 | (C) |
│───│─├─ATT Attribute | ×1 | (C) |
│───│─├─Segment Group 18 | ×1 | (C) |
│───│─│─├─RFF Reference | ×1 | (M) |
│───│─│─├─PIA Additional product id | ×1 | (C) |
│───│─│─├─LOC Place/location identification | ×2 | (C) |
│───│─│─├─DTM Date/time/period | ×9 | (C) |
│───│─│─├─MEA Measurements | ×9 | (C) |
│───│─│─├─ATT Attribute | ×99 | (C) |
│───│─│─└─FTX Free text | ×1 | (C) |
│───│─├─Segment Group 19 | ×1 | (C) |
│───│─│─├─ADR Address | ×1 | (M) |
│───│─│─└─Segment Group 20 | ×9 | (C) |
│───│─│───├─RFF Reference | ×1 | (M) |
│───│─│───├─FTX Free text | ×9 | (C) |
│───│─│───└─MEA Measurements | ×1 | (C) |
│───│─└─Segment Group 21 | ×1 | (C) |
│───│───├─DOC Document/message details | ×1 | (M) |
│───│───├─DTM Date/time/period | ×9 | (C) |
│───│───└─FTX Free text | ×9 | (C) |
│───└─Segment Group 22 | ×99 | (C) |
│─────├─GIS General indicator | ×1 | (M) |
│─────├─DTM Date/time/period | ×3 | (C) |
│─────├─FTX Free text | ×9 | (C) |
│─────├─Segment Group 23 | ×1 | (C) |
│─────│─├─DOC Document/message details | ×1 | (M) |
│─────│─├─DTM Date/time/period | ×9 | (C) |
│─────│─└─FTX Free text | ×9 | (C) |
│─────└─Segment Group 24 | ×99 | (C) |
│───────├─ARD Monetary amount function | ×1 | (M) |
│───────├─MOA Monetary amount | ×2 | (C) |
│───────├─DTM Date/time/period | ×5 | (C) |
│───────├─TAX Duty/tax/fee details | ×9 | (C) |
│───────├─FTX Free text | ×9 | (C) |
│───────├─ATT Attribute | ×9 | (C) |
│───────├─Segment Group 25 | ×9 | (C) |
│───────│─├─PCD Percentage details | ×1 | (M) |
│───────│─└─DTM Date/time/period | ×1 | (C) |
│───────└─Segment Group 26 | ×9 | (C) |
│─────────├─PAI Payment instructions | ×1 | (M) |
│─────────└─RFF Reference | ×9 | (C) |
├─CNT Control total | ×99 | (C) |
└─UNT Message trailer | ×1 | (M) |
Change indicators |
plus sign |
An addition. |
asterisk |
Addition/substraction/change to a code entry for a particular data element. |
hash or pound sign |
Changes to names. |
vertical bar |
Changes to text for descriptions, notes and functions. |
minus sign |
A deletion. |
letter X |
Marked for deletion. |
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