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UN/EDIFACT Syntax Version 4 Revision 4 Service Code List
Code | Description | Repr |
| 0001 | Syntax identifier | a4 |
| 0002 | Syntax version number | an1 |
 | 0007 | Identification code qualifier | an..4 |
| 0025 | Recipient reference/password qualifier | an2 |
| 0029 | Processing priority code | a1 |
| 0031 | Acknowledgement request | n1 |
| 0035 | Test indicator | n1 |
| 0051 | Controlling agency, coded | an..3 |
| 0052 | Message version number | an..3 |
 | 0054 | Message release number | an..3 |
 | 0065 | Message type | an..6 |
| 0073 | First and last transfer | a1 |
| 0081 | Section identification | a1 |
 | 0083 | Action, coded | an..3 |
 | 0085 | Syntax error, coded | an..3 |
| 0113 | Message type sub-function identification | an..6 |
 | 0133 | Character encoding, coded | an..3 |
| 0135 | Service segment tag, coded | an..3 |
| 0323 | Transfer position, coded | a1 |
| 0325 | Duplicate Indicator | a1 |
| 0331 | Report function, coded | an..3 |
| 0333 | Report reason, coded | an..3 |
| 0501 | Security service, coded | an..3 |
| 0503 | Response type, coded | an..3 |
| 0505 | Filter function, coded | an..3 |
 | 0507 | Original character set encoding, coded | an..3 |
| 0509 | Role of security provider, coded | an..3 |
| 0513 | Security party code list qualifier | an..3 |
| 0515 | Security party code list responsible agency, coded | an..3 |
| 0517 | Date and time qualifier | an..3 |
| 0523 | Use of algorithm, coded | an..3 |
| 0525 | Cryptographic mode of operation, coded | an..3 |
| 0527 | Algorithm, coded | an..3 |
| 0529 | Algorithm code list identifier | an..3 |
| 0531 | Algorithm parameter qualifier | an..3 |
| 0533 | Mode of operation code list identifier | an..3 |
| 0541 | Scope of security application, coded | an..3 |
| 0543 | Certificate original character set repertoire, coded | an..3 |
| 0545 | Certificate syntax and version, coded | an..3 |
| 0551 | Service character for signature qualifier | an..3 |
| 0563 | Validation value, qualifier | an..3 |
| 0565 | Message relation, coded | an..3 |
| 0567 | Security status, coded | an..3 |
| 0569 | Revocation reason, coded | an..3 |
| 0571 | Security error, coded | an..3 |
| 0575 | List parameter qualifier | an..3 |
| 0577 | Security party qualifier | an..3 |
| 0579 | Key management function qualifier | an..3 |
| 0591 | Padding mechanism, coded | an..3 |
| 0601 | Padding mechanism code list identifier | an..3 |
| 0805 | Object type qualifier | an..3 |
| 0813 | Reference qualifier | an..3 |
Change indicators |
plus sign |
An addition. |
asterisk |
Addition/substraction/change to a code entry for a particular data element. |
hash or pound sign |
Changes to names. |
vertical bar |
Changes to text for descriptions, notes and functions. |
minus sign |
A deletion. |
letter X |
Marked for deletion. |