Create Schema or DTD

Use the Create Schema or DTD dialog box to have Stylus Studio to create an XML Schema or DTD based on the content of the current XML document and associate it with that document.


Generate XML Schema

Stylus Studio generates an XML Schema based on the content of the current XML document and associates the schema with that document.

Output File

Use this field to specify or select the location for the new XML Schema document.

Generate DTD

Stylus Studio generates a DTD based on the content of the current XML document.

Click Internal to insert the DTD at the beginning of your XML document.

Click External to place the DTD in a separate file that your XML document references. If you click External, type a file path for the file that will contain the schema, or click Browse to navigate to the desired location.

For More Information

Creating XML Schema from an XML Document

Chapter 8Defining Document Type Definitions

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