
You use the xsl:choose dialog box to

  • Add, edit, or remove test= attributes from xsl:choose instructions.
  • Edit the setting that generates the xsl:otherwise element.

Changes you make here are reflected in the mapper (and the XSLT source), and vice versa.


xsl:when Conditions

List box that displays existing test= attributes of xsl:when conditions).

To add a new xsl:when condition, click the Add button and type a valid test= attribute in the entry field.



Just type the attribute's value. For example, if you want this xsl:when expression, <xsl:when test="books/book/authors/author">, you would just type books/book/authors/author in the entry field. Note the absence of the quotation marks.

Include xsl:otherwise

A check box used to indicate whether or not you want to include the xsl:otherwise element in the xsl:choose instruction. The xsl:otherwise element is included in the xsl:choose instruction by default when you create xsl:choose in the XSLT mapper. If you deselect this check box, the xsl:otherwise port (the square port) is removed from the xsl:choose block (and from the XSLT source).

For More Information

Chapter 5Creating XSLT Using the XSLT Mapper

Making a Static Web Page Dynamic by Editing XSLT

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