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Generic statistical message

Contr. Agency:UN
SOURCE:Western European EDIFACT Board - MD6

Generic statistical message
  2. SCOPE
    1. Functional definition
    2. Field of application
    3. Principles
    1. Standard terms and definitions
    1. Data segment clarification
    2. Data segment index (alphabetical sequence)
    3. Message structure
      1. Segment table

For general information on UN standard message types see UN Trade Data Interchange Directory, UNTDID, Part 4, Section 2.6, UN/ECE UNSM General Introduction

This message also occurs in the following versions of this standard:
D95A, D95B, D96A, D96B, D97A, D97B, D98A, D98B, D99A, D99B, D00A, D00B, D01A, D01B, D01C, D02A, D02B, D03A, D03B, D04A, D04B


This specification provides the definition of the Generic statistical message (GESMES) to be used in Electronic Data Interchange (EDI) between trading partners involved in administration, commerce and transport.


1.1. Functional Definition

The compilation of statistics is a continuous chain starting with raw data collection, followed by a number of harmonization and aggregation processes leading to aggregated statistical data. Raw data collection is realized by means of surveys, sampling, direct reporting from individuals, economic operators. Harmonization and aggregation processes are very often handled by statistical bodies or authorized economic operators in case of direct reporting. A Generic Statistical Message (GESMES) is used by an organisation involved in this elaboration process to transmit a statistical data set. It permits the transmission of the following, either in the same and/or different messages: -the statistical concepts comprising the data set and their structure -if required, all related information ( code sets, labels, methodological notes, footnotes, etc.), -the statistical figures of the data set. This message could be used by producers and users of statistical information such as: National Statistical Offices, ministries, private and public administrations, private companies etc.

1.2. Field of Application

The Generic statistical message may be used for both national and international applications. It is based on universal practice related to administration, commerce and transport, and is not dependent on the type of business or industry.

1.3. Principles

The structure of statistical information to be exchanged is quite simple and could be defined as multidimensional array or chronological series. The difficulty of using or exchanging statistical data comes the varieties of interpretations of those structures. The interpretation varies from one statistical domain to another depending on the content. Another key factor is the volume: statistical indicators have many dimensions (e.g. time, classifications depending on statistical nomenclatures), dense and sparse series of matrices could be present simultaneously for the same indicator. The GESMES message may be used to exchange statistical data for all statistical domains in a variety of formats together with their descriptions.

The data in the data set (i.e. the array) is contained in a generic segment (ARR - Array). The interpretation of the ARR segment is provided in segment group 8. GESMES is designed to support all types of statistical exchange, including time-series, which can be described by means of statistical concepts (i.e. statistical terms or objects). Associated with statistical data are textual information defining comprehensively the series and matrices, the underlying statistical concept or methodology. This is often referred to as meta-data and corresponds to associated information which is required to interpret basic data, such as headlines, stubs, comments and footnotes.

The acronym, GESMES, stands for Generic Statistical Message and comprises a number of parts:

  1. Identification of administrative information concerning the interchange partners (Gr. 2)

ii) Footnotes associated with value lists, statistical concepts and data set structures (Gr. 1)

iii) Value lists of coded or non coded items to be used in this message or in a future message (Gr. 4)

iv) Definition of statistical concepts to be used in this message or in a future message (Gr. 7).

  1. Definition of the structure of array data to be used in this message or in a future message, and the allocation of a unique identity to this definition (Gr. 8).

vi) Identification of one or more data sets (Gr. 11). For each data set: the identity of the structure definition to be used to interpret the array data (Gr. 12); the scope, value lists or fixed values which are local to the data set (Gr. 13 and 14); the array data (ARR); footnotes associated with the data set (Gr. 18, 19 and 20).


See UNTDID, Part 4, Chapter 2.6 UN/ECE UNSM - General Introduction, Section 1.


3.1. Standard terms and definitions

See UNTDID, Part 4, Chapter 2.6 UN/ECE UNSM - General Introduction, Section 2.


4.1. Data Segment Clarification

This section should be read in conjunction with the Segment Table which indicates mandatory, conditional and repeating requirements.

0010 UNH, Message header

A service segment starting and uniquely identifying a message. The message type code for the Generic statistical message is GESMES.

Note: Generic statistical messages conforming to this document must contain the following data in segment UNH, composite S009:

Data element0065GESMES

0020 BGM, Beginning of message

A segment specifying the functional use (e.g. sub-set) of the Generic Statistical Message and identifying the message sent.

0030 DTM, Date/time/period

A segment identifying dates which are relevant to the whole of the message.

0040 Segment Group 1: FNT-FTX

A group of segments containing textual footnotes related to value lists or definitions of the content and structure of an array.

0050 FNT, Footnote

A segment containing the unique identifier of the footnote.

0060 FTX, Free text

A segment containing the text relevant to the footnote.

0070 Segment Group 2: NAD-IDE-SG3

A group of segments identifying the sender and other relevant parties, their reference and the communication contact inside the corresponding organisations.

0080 NAD, Name and address

A segment identifying the name and address of a party.

0090 IDE, Identity

A segment giving the identity number of the data transmitted as it is known by the organisation described in the NAD segment.

0100 Segment Group 3: CTA-COM

A group of segments giving contact information.

0110 CTA, Contact information

A segment identifying a person or a department for the party specified in the NAD segment and to whom communication should be directed.

0120 COM, Communication contact

A segment providing a communication number for the contact identified in the CTA segment.

0130 Segment Group 4: VLI-DTM-FTX-IDE-SG5-SG6

A group of segments containing either a coded or non coded list of items and related information.

0140 VLI, Value list identification

A segment identifying the value list.

0150 DTM, Date/time/period

A segment identifying the period of validity of the value list and, if the value list is a date list, then a date value in that list.

0160 FTX, Free text

A segment containing text associated with the value list.

0170 IDE, Identity

A segment containing the identity of a footnote relevant to the value list.

0180 Segment Group 5: GIR-DTM

A group of segments containing the related identification number and the period of validity.

0190 GIR, Related identification numbers

A segment containing additional identifiers associated with the value list (e.g. for a statistical nomenclature this could be a revision number or level number).

0200 DTM, Date/time/period

A segment identifying the period of validity relating to the object identified in the GIR of this group.

0210 Segment Group 6: CDV-FTX-IDE

A group of segments containing the codes or names in a value list.

0220 CDV, Code value definition

A segment identifying a particular value of a code.

0230 FTX, Free text

A segment containing the textual description of the code. Multi-lingual definitions may be present in different occurrences of this segment.

0240 IDE, Identity

A segment containing the identity of a footnote relevant to the code.

0250 Segment Group 7: STC-FTX-IDE

A group of segments specifying a statistical concept.

0260 STC, Statistical concept

A segment identifying a statistical concept.

0270 FTX, Free text

A segment containing the name, definition or description of the statistical concept.

0280 IDE, Identity

A segment containing the identity of a footnote relevant to the statistical concept.

0290 Segment Group 8: ASI-GIS-FTX-IDE-SG9

A group of segments which identifies and defines the structure of an array.

0300 ASI, Array structure identification

A segment containing the unique identifier of the array structure.

0310 GIS, General indicator

A segment containing a processing indicator associated with the array structure.

0320 FTX, Free text

A segment containing a name/title or description of the structure of an array.

0330 IDE, Identity

A segment containing the identity of a footnote relevant to the structure.

0340 Segment Group 9: SCD-ATT-SG10

A group of segments which defines the structure of an array.

0350 SCD, Structure component definition

A segment that defines a statistical concept or other object (such as a value list) used by an array and its position in the array.

0360 ATT, Attribute

A segment containing an attribute that further defines the structure component (e.g. type of value, type of measurement, etc.).

0370 Segment Group 10: IDE-ATT-DTM

A group of segments identifying a value list or a value in a value list which is used by the statistical concept.

0380 IDE, Identity

A segment identifying the value list or value.

0390 ATT, Attribute

A segment containing an attribute that further defines the value (e.g. type of value, type of measurement etc.).

0400 DTM, Date/time/period

A segment identifying period of validity of the value list or other dates relevant to the value list.

0410 Segment Group 11: DSI-STS-DTM-FTX-GIR-ARR-SG12-SG16-SG18-SG20

A group of segments identifying the data set, its status, the source of the data, the array data itself, the structure definition of the data set and definition of the scope of the data and local values, details on the originator of a data, and footnotes associated with the array data.

0420 DSI, Data set identification

A segment containing the unique identifier of the data set.

0430 STS, Status

A segment containing information on the status of the information in the data set, e.g. its elaboration or privacy status.

0440 DTM, Date/time/period

A segment identifying a date relevant to the data set, e.g. date of original elaboration.

0450 FTX, Free text

A segment containing a textual description of the data set.

0460 GIR, Related identification numbers

A segment containing additional identifiers associated with the data set (e.g. identification of the source or destination of the data in the data set).

0470 ARR, Array information

A segment containing the data in the data set.

0480 Segment Group 12: IDE-GIS-DTM-SG13-SG14

A group of segments containing an identifier relevant to the data set, a processing indicator and a date.

0490 IDE, Identity

A segment containing an identifier relevant to the data set, such as the scope or structure definition used by the data set.

0500 GIS, General indicator

A segment containing a processing indicator associated with the array data.

0510 DTM, Date/time/period

A segment identifying a date relevant to the identity e.g. date relating to the scope of the data.

0520 Segment Group 13: CDV-FTX

A group of segments containing the codes or names in a value list that are relevant to the object identified in the IDE segment of the group e.g. one or more codes that specify the scope of the data set.

0530 CDV, Code value definition

A segment identifying a particular value of a code.

0540 FTX, Free text

A segment containing the textual description of the code. Multi-lingual definitions may be present in different occurrences of this segment.

0550 Segment Group 14: SCD-ATT-DTM-SG15

A group of segments which identifies a structure component of the array and defines attributes or codes which are local to the data set identified in the DSI segment.

0560 SCD, Structure component definition

A segment that identifies the structure component.

0570 ATT, Attribute

A segment containing an attribute that further defines the structure component (e.g. type of value, type of measurement etc.).

0580 DTM, Date/time/period

A segment specifying a date relevant to the structure component e.g. a date for time series data.

0590 Segment Group 15: CDV-FTX

A group of segments containing the codes or names in a value list that are relevant to the structure component identified in the SCD segment.

0600 CDV, Code value definition

A segment identifying a particular value of a code.

0610 FTX, Free text

A segment containing the textual description of the code. Multi-lingual definitions may be present in different occurrences of this segment.

0620 Segment Group 16: NAD-IDE-SG17

A group of segments identifying the department and contact person within the sending organisation responsible for a particular aspect of the data set (e.g. compilation).

0630 NAD, Name and address

A segment identifying a particular department in an organisation responsible for the data set.

0640 IDE, Identity

A segment containing an identifier used by the sender or receiver to identify the data set.

0650 Segment Group 17: CTA-COM

A group of segments giving contact information.

0660 CTA, Contact information

A segment identifying a person or a department for the party specified in the NAD segment and to whom communication should be directed.

0670 COM, Communication contact

A segment providing a communication number for the contact identified in the CTA segment.

0680 Segment Group 18: FNS-SG19

A group of segments identifying the location in the data set to which a footnote is relevant.

0690 FNS, Footnote set

A segment identifying a set of footnotes, which are either defined in this group or have been defined previously.

0700 Segment Group 19: REL-ARR-IDE

A group of segments identifying the scope of the footnote, the location in the data set to which a footnote is relevant, and the identity number of that footnote.

0710 REL, Relationship

A segment defining the scope of a footnote in terms of the relationship between the data in the ARR segment in segment group 19 and the data in the ARR segment in segment group 11.

0720 ARR, Array information

A segment containing data values that identify the location in the data set to which a footnote is relevant.

0730 IDE, Identity

A segment containing the identity of a footnote relevant to the data in the data set.

0740 Segment Group 20: FNT-FTX

A group of segments containing textual footnotes related to data in the data set.

0750 FNT, Footnote

A segment containing the unique identifier of the footnote.

0760 FTX, Free text

A segment containing the text of the footnote.

0770 UNT, Message trailer

A service segment ending a message, giving the total number of segments in the message and the control reference number of the message.

4.2. Data segment index (Alphabetical sequence by tag)

ARR Array information
ASI Array structure identification
ATT Attribute
BGM Beginning of message
CDV Code value definition
COM Communication contact
CTA Contact information
DSI Data set identification
DTM Date/time/period
FNS Footnote set
FNT Footnote
FTX Free text
GIR Related identification numbers
GIS General indicator
IDE Identity
NAD Name and address
REL Relationship
SCD Structure component definition
STC Statistical concept
STS Status
UNH Message header
UNT Message trailer
VLI Value list identification

4.3. Message structure

4.3.1. Segment table

├─UNH Message header ×1 (M)
├─BGM Beginning of message ×1 (C)
├─DTM Date/time/period ×9 (C)
├─Segment Group 1 ×9999 (C)
├─FNT Footnote ×1 (M)
└─FTX Free text ×9999 (C)
├─Segment Group 2 ×9 (C)
├─NAD Name and address ×1 (M)
├─IDE Identity ×1 (C)
└─Segment Group 3 ×5 (C)
──├─CTA Contact information ×1 (M)
──└─COM Communication contact ×5 (C)
├─Segment Group 4 ×99 (C)
├─VLI Value list identification ×1 (M)
├─DTM Date/time/period ×9999 (C)
├─FTX Free text ×9999 (C)
├─IDE Identity ×9 (C)
├─Segment Group 5 ×5 (C)
├─GIR Related identification numbers ×1 (M)
└─DTM Date/time/period ×2 (C)
└─Segment Group 6 ×9999 (C)
──├─CDV Code value definition ×1 (M)
──├─FTX Free text ×999 (C)
──└─IDE Identity ×5 (C)
├─Segment Group 7 ×999 (C)
├─STC Statistical concept ×1 (M)
├─FTX Free text ×5 (C)
└─IDE Identity ×5 (C)
├─Segment Group 8 ×9999 (C)
├─ASI Array structure identification ×1 (M)
├─GIS General indicator ×5 (C)
├─FTX Free text ×9 (C)
├─IDE Identity ×5 (C)
└─Segment Group 9 ×999 (C)
──├─SCD Structure component definition ×1 (M)
──├─ATT Attribute ×99 (C)
──└─Segment Group 10 ×9999 (C)
────├─IDE Identity ×1 (M)
────├─ATT Attribute ×99 (C)
────└─DTM Date/time/period ×2 (C)
├─Segment Group 11 ×999 (C)
├─DSI Data set identification ×1 (M)
├─STS Status ×9 (C)
├─DTM Date/time/period ×5 (C)
├─FTX Free text ×5 (C)
├─GIR Related identification numbers ×2 (C)
├─ARR Array information ×9999 (C)
├─Segment Group 12 ×99 (C)
├─IDE Identity ×1 (M)
├─GIS General indicator ×5 (C)
├─DTM Date/time/period ×5 (C)
├─Segment Group 13 ×999 (C)
├─CDV Code value definition ×1 (M)
└─FTX Free text ×99 (C)
└─Segment Group 14 ×999 (C)
──├─SCD Structure component definition ×1 (M)
──├─ATT Attribute ×9 (C)
──├─DTM Date/time/period ×9999 (C)
──└─Segment Group 15 ×9999 (C)
────├─CDV Code value definition ×1 (M)
────└─FTX Free text ×99 (C)
├─Segment Group 16 ×5 (C)
├─NAD Name and address ×1 (M)
├─IDE Identity ×1 (C)
└─Segment Group 17 ×5 (C)
──├─CTA Contact information ×1 (M)
──└─COM Communication contact ×5 (C)
├─Segment Group 18 ×5 (C)
├─FNS Footnote set ×1 (M)
└─Segment Group 19 ×9999 (C)
──├─REL Relationship ×1 (M)
──├─ARR Array information ×1 (C)
──└─IDE Identity ×99 (C)
└─Segment Group 20 ×9999 (C)
──├─FNT Footnote ×1 (M)
──└─FTX Free text ×9999 (C)
└─UNT Message trailer ×1 (M)

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