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5189 -

Charge/allowance description, coded
UN/CEFACT Revision 1998B Code List

Desc:Identification of a charge or allowance.
This table also occurs in the following versions of this standard:
D00A, D00B, D01A, D01B, D01C, D02A, D02B, D03A, D03B, D04A, D04B, D93A, D94A, D94B, D95A, D95B, D96A, D96B, D97A, D97B, D98A, D98B, D99A, D99B

1Handling commission
Fee for the processing of documentary credit, collection and payment which are charged to the customer.
2Amendment commission
Fee for amendments in documentary credit and collection business (not extensions and increases of documentary credits).
3Acceptance commission
Fee for the acceptance of draft in documentary credit and collection business which are drawn on us (also to be seen as a kind of 'guarantee commission').
4Commission for obtaining acceptance
Fee for obtaining an acceptance under collections on the basis of 'documents against acceptance'.
5Commission on delivery
Fee for delivery of documents without corresponding payment.
6Advising commission
Fee for advising documentary credits (charged also in case of confirmed credits).
7Confirmation commission
Fee for confirmation of credit.
8Deferred payment commission
Fee for the deferred payment period under documentary credits confirmed by bank. This fee are charges for the period from presentation of the document until due date of payment.
9Commission for taking up documents
Fee charged to the foreign bank for the processing of documentary credit.
10Opening commission
Fee for opening revocable documentary credit.
11Fee for payment under reserve
Fee charged to the customer for discrepancies in credit documents in the case of which the bank have to stipulate payment under reserve.
12Discrepancy fee
Fee charged to the foreign bank for discrepancies in credit documents.
13Domicilation commission
Fee for the domicilation of bills with the bank.
14Commission for release of goods
Commission for the release of goods sent to the bank.
15Collection commission
Fee for settling collections on the basis of 'documents against payments'.
16Negotiation commission
Fee for the purchase of documents under sight credit for the first ten days.
17Return commission
Fee for cheques, bills and collections returned unpaid and/or recalled.
18B/L splitting charges
Fee for the splitting of bills of lading.
19Trust commission
Fee for the handling on a fiduciary basis of imported goods that have been warehoused.
20Transfer commission
Fee for the transfer of transferable documentary credits.
21Commission for opening irrevocable documentary credits
Fee for opening irrevocable documentary credits. This fee is a kind of 'Guarantee commission' as compensation for the commitment into which the bank have entered on the customers behalf; similar to confirmation commission, acceptance commission.
22Pre-advice commission
Fee for the pre-advice of a documentary credit.
23Supervisory commission
Fee for the supervising unconfirmed documentary credits with a deferred payment period.
24Model charges
Fee for decoding telex messages.
25Risk commission
Commission in addition to the confirmation commission for documentary credits from sensitive countries.
26Guarantee commission
Commission for drawing up guaranties.
27Reimbursement commission
Fee for reimbursement of, for example, documentary credits.
28Stamp duty
Tax payable on bills in accordance with national bill of exchange legislation.
Brokers commission arising, in trade with foreign currencies.
30Bank charges
Charges deducted/claimed by other banks involved in the transaction.
31Bank charges information
Charges not included in the total charge amount i.e. the charges are for information only.
32Courier fee
Fee for use of courier service.
33Phone fee
Fee for use of phone.
34Postage fee
Fee for postage.
35S.W.I.F.T. fee
Fee for use of S.W.I.F.T.
36Telex fee
Fee for telex.
37Penalty for late delivery of documents
Self explanatory.
38Penalty for late delivery of valuation of works
Self explanatory.
39Penalty for execution of works behind schedule
Self explanatory.
40Other penalties
Self explanatory.
41Bonus for works ahead of schedule
Self explanatory.
42Other bonus
Self explanatory.
43Penalty refund
Self explanatory.
44Project management cost
Self explanatory.
45Pro rata retention
Self explanatory.
46Contractual retention
Self explanatory.
47Other retentions
Self explanatory.
48Interest on arrears
Interest for late payment.
Cost of using money.
50Charge per credit cover
Unit charge per credit cover established.
51Charge per unused credit cover
Unit charge per unused credit cover.
52Minimum commission
Minimum commission charge.
53Factoring commission
Commission charged for factoring services.
54Chamber of commerce charge
Identifies the charges from the chamber of commerce.
55Transfer charges
Charges for transfer.
56Repatriation charges
Charges for repatriation.
57Miscellaneous charges
Not specifically defined charges.
58Foreign exchange charges
Charges for foreign exchange.

Change indicators
plus sign An addition.
asterisk Addition/substraction/change to a code entry for a particular data element.
hash or pound sign Changes to names.
vertical bar Changes to text for descriptions, notes and functions.
minus sign A deletion.
letter X Marked for deletion.

Usage indicators
Used in batch messages only.
Common usage in both batch and interactive messages.
Used in interactive messages only.

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