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Forwarding and transport schedule and availability information message

Contr. Agency:UN
SOURCE:Western European EDIFACT Board

Forwarding and transport schedule and availability information message
  2. SCOPE
    1. Functional definition
    2. Field of application
    3. Principles
    1. Standard terms and definitions
    1. Data segment clarification
    2. Data segment index (alphabetical sequence)
    3. Message structure
      1. Segment table

For general information on UN standard message types see UN Trade Data Interchange Directory, UNTDID, Part 4, Section 2.6, UN/ECE UNSM General Introduction

This message also occurs in the following versions of this standard:
D93A, D94A, D94B, D95A, D95B, D96A, D96B, D97A, D97B, D98A, D98B, D99A, D99B, D00A, D00B, D01A, D01B, D01C, D02A, D02B, D03A, D03B, D04A, D04B


This specification provides the definition of the Forwarding and transport schedule and availability information message (IFTSAI) to be used in Electronic Data Interchange (EDI) between trading partners involved in administration, commerce and transport.


1.1. Functional Definition

The function of this message is to request transport schedule or availability information and to answer to such a request.

1.2. Field of Application

The Forwarding and transport schedule and availability information message may be used for both national and international applications. It is based on universal practice related to administration, commerce and transport, and is not dependent on the type of business or industry.

1.3. Principles

This message may be used:

  1. to request operating means of transportation for a specific routing. Certain specific research criteria such as date/time of operation and type of transport desired may be precised to limit the volume of information requested.
  2. to answer to such a request furnishing a list of operating means of transport in accordance with the selection criteria. Such answer may comprise direct and/or combinations of means of transport.
  3. to request means of transport on which space is available for a specific routing. Certain specific research criteria like date/time of operation, type of transport and space desired may be precised to limit the volume of information requested.
  4. to answer to such request furnishing a list of available means of transport in accordance with the selection criteria. Such an answer may comprise direct and/or combinations of means of transport.


See UNTDID, Part 4, Chapter 2.6 UN/ECE UNSM - General Introduction, Section 1.


3.1. Standard terms and definitions

See UNTDID, Part 4, Chapter 2.6 UN/ECE UNSM - General Introduction, Section 2.


4.1. Data Segment Clarification

This section should be read in conjunction with the Segment Table which indicate mandatory, conditional and repeating requirements.

0010 UNH, Message header

A service segment starting and uniquely identifying a message. The message type code for the Forwarding and transport schedule and availability information message is IFTSAI.

Note: Forwarding and transport schedule and availability information messages conforming to this document must contain the following data in segment UNH, composite S009:

Data element0065IFTSAI

0020 BGM, Beginning of message

A segment to indicate the type and function of the message and to transmit the identifying number.

0030 DTM, Date/time/period

A segment to indicate date(s) and time(s) applying to the whole message.

0040 FTX, Free text

A segment to specify free form or processable supplementary information. In computer-to-computer exchanges free form text will normally require the receiver to process this segment manually.

0050 GIS, General indicator

A segment to provide a general indicator relating to the whole message, such as urgency.

0060 Segment Group 1: RFF-DTM

A group of segments to specify the document or message to which the current message relates, and related date and time.

0070 RFF, Reference

A segment to identify a reference which applies to the entire message, e.g. reference to previous message.

0080 DTM, Date/time/period

A segment to indicate date and time relating to the reference.

0090 Segment Group 2: LOC-DTM

A group of segments to identify the routing and date of the schedule or availability information.

0100 LOC, Place/location identification

A segment to identify a location, e.g. place of departure/arrival.

0110 DTM, Date/time/period

A segment to indicate date(s) and time(s) related to the location.

0120 Segment Group 3: EQD-EQN-MEA-DIM-FTX-RFF

A group of segments to define requested or available equipment.

0130 EQD, Equipment details

A segment to specify requested or available equipment and equipment size and type.

0140 EQN, Number of units

A segment to specify the number of requested or available pieces of equipment.

0150 MEA, Measurements

A segment to specify measurements, other than dimensions, associated with equipment, in terms of capacity.

0160 DIM, Dimensions

A segment to specify dimensions applicable to equipment.

0170 FTX, Free text

A segment to specify free form or processable supplementary information associated with the equipment.

0180 + RFF, Reference

A segment to specify a reference number to equipment.

0190 Segment Group 4: TDT-DTM-TSR-RFF-FTX-EQD-QTY-MEA-SG5

A group of segments to specify the schedule or availability selection criteria and to detail the schedule or availability information being provided.

0200 TDT, Details of transport

A segment to indicate information related to the mode and means of transport, eg. specific conveyance/carrier.

0210 DTM, Date/time/period

A segment to indicate date(s) and time(s), e.g. earliest departure date/time, latest arrival date/time.

0220 TSR, Transport service requirements

A segment to identify contract, conditions of carriage, services and priority requirements.

0230 RFF, Reference

A segment to provide a reference related to the transport details, such as the published line or route number.

0240 FTX, Free text

A segment to specify free form or processable supplementary information related to the means of transport.

0250 EQD, Equipment details

A segment to identify the equipment requested/available.

0260 QTY, Quantity

A segment to indicate a quantity, e.g. number of intermediate stops.

0270 MEA, Measurements

A segment to indicate weight and/or volume selection criteria, e.g. minimum weight.

0280 Segment Group 5: LOC-DTM-RFF

A group of segments to identify the routing(s) and indicate corresponding date(s) and time(s).

0290 LOC, Place/location identification

A segment to identify a location, e.g. place of departure/arrival.

0300 DTM, Date/time/period

A segment to indicate date(s) and time(s) related to the location, e.g. date/time of scheduled departure/arrival.

0310 RFF, Reference

A segment to provide a reference related to the location, such as the platform number at the place of departure.

0320 Segment Group 6: NAD-LOC-SG7

A group of segments to indicate all parties involved in the transaction and relevant locations, contacts and communication channels.

0330 NAD, Name and address

A segment to identify the party's name, address and function.

0340 LOC, Place/location identification

A segment to identify a place/location/sub-location and where relevant the function. The present location must be associated with the relevant party.

0350 Segment Group 7: CTA-COM

A group of segments to identify a contact and its communication channels, related to the party.

0360 CTA, Contact information

A segment to identify a person or department within a party.

0370 COM, Communication contact

A segment to identify the communication numbers of person or department to whom communication should be directed.

0380 Segment Group 8: GID-HAN-FTX-SG9-SG10-SG11-SG12

A group of segments to describe the goods items for which schedule or availability is requested/provided.

0390 GID, Goods item details

A segment to identify the goods item. A goods item can be identified by up to three levels of packaging within this segment.

0400 HAN, Handling instructions

A segment to specify handling instructions relating to the goods item.

0410 FTX, Free text

A segment to specify free form or processable information relating to the goods item.

0420 Segment Group 9: GDS-FTX

A group of segments to identify and describe the goods.

0430 GDS, Nature of cargo

A segment to describe the nature of cargo.

0440 FTX, Free text

A segment to describe the goods in free form.

0450 Segment Group 10: MEA-EQN

A group of segments to specify measurements applicable to the goods item.

0460 MEA, Measurements

A segment to specify measurements, other than dimensions, applicable to the goods item.

0470 EQN, Number of units

A segment to specify the number of equipment units to which the measurement applies.

0480 Segment Group 11: DIM-EQN

A group of segments to specify dimensions applicable to the goods item.

0490 DIM, Dimensions

A segment to specify dimensions applicable to the goods item.

0500 EQN, Number of units

A segment to specify the number of equipment units to which the given dimensions apply.

0510 Segment Group 12: DGS-FTX

A group of segments to specify dangerous goods details related to the goods item.

0520 DGS, Dangerous goods

A segment to specify the class of dangerous goods, packing group, etc.

0530 FTX, Free text

A segment to specify the dangerous goods technical name and any other additional dangerous goods information.

0540 UNT, Message trailer

A service segment ending a message, giving the total number of segments in the message and the control reference number of the message.

4.2. Data segment index (Alphabetical sequence by tag)

BGM Beginning of message
COM Communication contact
CTA Contact information
DGS Dangerous goods
DIM Dimensions
DTM Date/time/period
EQD Equipment details
EQN Number of units
FTX Free text
GDS Nature of cargo
GID Goods item details
GIS General indicator
HAN Handling instructions
LOC Place/location identification
MEA Measurements
NAD Name and address
QTY Quantity
RFF Reference
TDT Details of transport
TSR Transport service requirements
UNH Message header
UNT Message trailer

4.3. Message structure

4.3.1. Segment table

├─UNH Message header ×1 (M)
├─BGM Beginning of message ×1 (M)
├─DTM Date/time/period ×9 (C)
├─FTX Free text ×99 (C)
├─GIS General indicator ×1 (C)
├─Segment Group 1 ×9 (C)
├─RFF Reference ×1 (M)
└─DTM Date/time/period ×9 (C)
├─Segment Group 2 ×9 (C)
├─LOC Place/location identification ×1 (M)
└─DTM Date/time/period ×9 (C)
├─Segment Group 3 ×9 (C)
├─EQD Equipment details ×1 (M)
├─EQN Number of units ×9 (C)
├─MEA Measurements ×9 (C)
├─DIM Dimensions ×9 (C)
├─FTX Free text ×9 (C)
└─RFF Reference ×9 (C)
├─Segment Group 4 ×999 (C)
├─TDT Details of transport ×1 (M)
├─DTM Date/time/period ×9 (C)
├─TSR Transport service requirements ×9 (C)
├─RFF Reference ×9 (C)
├─FTX Free text ×9 (C)
├─EQD Equipment details ×99 (C)
├─QTY Quantity ×9 (C)
├─MEA Measurements ×9 (C)
└─Segment Group 5 ×99 (C)
──├─LOC Place/location identification ×1 (M)
──├─DTM Date/time/period ×9 (C)
──└─RFF Reference ×9 (C)
├─Segment Group 6 ×9 (C)
├─NAD Name and address ×1 (M)
├─LOC Place/location identification ×9 (C)
└─Segment Group 7 ×9 (C)
──├─CTA Contact information ×1 (M)
──└─COM Communication contact ×9 (C)
├─Segment Group 8 ×9 (C)
├─GID Goods item details ×1 (M)
├─HAN Handling instructions ×9 (C)
├─FTX Free text ×9 (C)
├─Segment Group 9 ×9 (C)
├─GDS Nature of cargo ×1 (M)
└─FTX Free text ×9 (C)
├─Segment Group 10 ×9 (C)
├─MEA Measurements ×1 (M)
└─EQN Number of units ×9 (C)
├─Segment Group 11 ×9 (C)
├─DIM Dimensions ×1 (M)
└─EQN Number of units ×9 (C)
└─Segment Group 12 ×9 (C)
──├─DGS Dangerous goods ×1 (M)
──└─FTX Free text ×9 (C)
└─UNT Message trailer ×1 (M)

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