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This message is available for formal trial in the present version for a period of at least twelve months from the date of approval by the UN/ECE/TRADE/WP.4.

Organisations are invited to trial this message and are requested to notify their Rapporteur Team Secretariat of their intention. Comments on the results from the trial should also be forwarded to the Secretariat as soon as they are available. Based on the results of the trials, a UNSM will be issued.

It should be noted that this material is contained in a Trial Directory; however, it may differ from that in the UN Directories (UNTDID) having the same identfying tags. Any differences will be reconciled prior to the message becoming a UNSM.

Message Type:SUPMAN
Contr. Agency:UN

  1. Introduction
  2. Scope
    1. Functional Definition
    2. Field of Application
    3. Principles
  3. References
  4. Message Definition
  5. Message Definition
    1. Data Segment Clarification
    2. Message structure
      1. Branching Diagram
      2. Segment Table
    3. Data Segment Index (Alphabetic Sequence)

For general information on UN standard message types see UN Trade Data Interchange Directory, UNTDID, Part 4, Section 2.5, UN/ECE UNSM General Introduction.

This message also occurs in the following versions of this standard:
D93A, D94A, D94B, D95A, D95B, D96A, D96B, D97A, D97B, D98A, D98B, D99A, D99B, D00A, D00B, D01A, D01B, D01C, D02A, D02B, D03A, D03B, D04A, D04B

0. Introduction

This specification provides the definition of the Superannuation Maintenance Message (SUPMAN) to be used in Electronic Data Interchange (EDI) between partners involved in administration, commerce and transport.

1. Scope

1.1. Functional Definition

The Superannuation Maintenance Message is sent by a party to an organisation administering a superannuation scheme, to specify membership maintenance information about superannuation scheme members.

1.2. Field of Application

This message may be applied for both national and international superannuation maintenance. It is based on general commercial practice and is not dependent on the type of business or industry.

1.3. Principles

  • A Superannuation Maintenance Message gives information about
  • updates or reviews of superannuation scheme member details for retirement benefit purposes.

  • The message may be used to provide information about a
  • single member as well as multiple members employed by the same employer.

  • The message structure is generalised by specifying several
  • conditional segments and segment groups. Only a subset of the conditional segments may be needed to meet particular requirements. If necessary, specific subsets may be associated with the document/message name identification in the BGM segment or with other provided identifiers. Users intending to use the message should study the conditional segments and segment groups to decide which are necessary for their application.

  • A Superannuation Maintenance Message may be sent by an
  • employer, on behalf of an employer or any other authorised party.

  • A Superannuation Maintenance Message is based on agreements
  • between the parties.

2. References

See UNTDID, Part 4 Section 2.5 UN/ECE UNSM - General Introduction, Section 1.

3. Terms and Definitions

See UNTDID, Part 4, Section 2.5 UN/ECE UNSM - General Introduction, Section 2.

4. Message Definition

4.1. Data Segment Clarification

This section should be read in conjunction with the Branching Diagram and the Segment Table which indicate mandatory, conditional and repeating requirements.

0010 UNH, Message header

A service segment starting and uniquely identifying a message.

Note: Superannuation maintenance messages conforming to this document must contain the following data in segment UNH, composite S009:

Data element0065SUPMAN

0020 BGM, Beginning of message

A segment for unique identification of the Superannuation Maintenance Message, the type of Superannuation Maintenance and its function.

0030 RFF, Reference

A segment for referencing the scheme/ plan number or other associated reference related to the whole message. Additionally, the employer number and other information related to the whole message may be provided.

0040 CUX, Currencies

A segment giving the currency and the associated exchange rate of any total monetary amount to be paid, if required.

0050 DTM, Date/time/period

A segment which may include the message date, the date and time associated with any validation keys, and other dates relevant to the whole of the message.

0060 FTX, Free text

A segment for free text information in coded or clear form, to give further clarification when required to the Superannuation maintenance message. It should be noted that the use of clear text may require special processing of this segment.

0070 Segment Group 1: NAD-SG2

A group of segments identifying names and addresses relevant to the Superannuation Maintenance message.

0080 NAD, Name and address

A segment identifying the name and address of the parties associated with the Superannuation Maintenance message and their functions. Examples are: the employer, the receiving party and the recipient system.

0090 Segment Group 2: CTA-COM

A group of segments identifying contact persons or department and their communication number.

0100 CTA, Contact information

A segment giving additional contact information of a person or department specified in the NAD segment and to whom communication should be directed.

0110 COM, Communication contact

A segment specifying communication contact number.

UNS, Section control A service segment placed after the last user segment in the heading section to indicate the end of that section.

0120 Segment Group 3: NAD-DTM-ATT-RFF-SG4-SG5-SG6-SG7-SG8-SG9-SG10

A group of segments providing the required maintenance information for each member. General indicators are given to identify the type of the maintenance information for processing purposes.

0130 NAD, Name and address

A segment providing the member's surname, identification number, given name(s) or initials, maiden (mother's) name, title, home address or associated details as required.

0140 DTM, Date/time/period

A segment giving membership related dates. The effective date of any changes is usually mandatory. Other optional dates include the member's date of birth, and dates associated with the service, benefits, or employment.

0150 ATT, Attribute

A segment providing the member's sex or marital status details.

0160 RFF, Reference

A segment for referencing the member's scheme/ plan number, any previous scheme/ plan number, previous member number in the case of changes and other additional reference information.

0170 Segment Group 4: REL-NAD-PCD

A group of segments identifying details of any beneficiaries.

0180 REL, Relationship

A segment providing the relationship between the member and the member's beneficiary.

0190 NAD, Name and address

A segment providing name and address details of the member's beneficiary.

0200 PCD, Percentage details

A segment providing the percentage details of the benefits assigned to the beneficiary.

0210 Segment Group 5: EMP-PCD-CUX-NAD-SG6

A group of segments providing employment related information. The segment group allows for the case that the same member is employed more than once, if required.

0220 EMP, Employment details

A segment giving required employment details of the member, such as the member's employment category (e.g. permanent, part time etc.), and, conditionally, the occupation and/or trade classification.

0230 PCD, Percentage details

A segment providing the percentage of part-time employment or other relevant percentage details.

0240 CUX, Currencies

A segment identifying the currency and associated exchange rate of the member's salary and contributions.

0250 NAD, Name and address

A segment providing the member's work address or associated details, as well as any previous work name and address. In addition, the name, and or identification of a trade union or other relevant organisation may be given. The segment may also be used to indicate any previous home address of the member as well as well any previous name of the member.

0260 Segment Group 6: MOA-PAT-DTM

A group of segments identifying the member's salary. Repeats are to provide additional salary information such as the notional salary amount, the superannuation salary amount etc.

0270 MOA, Monetary amount

A segment giving the salary monetary amount for the period defined in the PAT segment (in the time relation data element), or a mutually defined time period. Repeating segments may provide a number of different salary amounts relevant to the same employment.

0280 PAT, Payment terms basis

A segment giving the salary amount time relation (e.g. yearly), and the salary payment frequency (e.g. monthly)

0290 DTM, Date/time/period

A segment giving a date related to salary (e.g. the salary effective date).

0300 Segment Group 7: GIS-DTM

A group of segments providing general indicators for processing and associated dates where appropriate.

0310 GIS, General indicator

A repeating segment to indicate whether the data for a member in segment group 3 are for a new member, a member change or a periodic review. If required, an indicator may be used to identify the existence of beneficiaries, insurance cover, and additional/ voluntary contributions. In addition, an indicator may also be used to positively identify specific changes such as personal data changes, a scheme/ plan change and other updates.

0320 DTM, Date/time/period

A segment giving the date associated with the general indicator segment information.

0330 Segment Group 8: MEM-SG9-SG10

A group of segments identifying membership processing details related to status, benefits and contributions.

0340 MEM, Membership details

A segment providing details related to the member benefit/contribution category and status. Conditionally, details on any insurance cover level or rate table, as well as the reason for any change may be given.

0350 Segment Group 9: ATT-PCD

A group of segments identifying any additional member attributes.

0360 ATT, Attribute

A segment providing details related to member attribute information not otherwise specified.

0370 PCD, Percentage details

A segment providing the percentage of an associated member attribute.

0380 Segment Group 10: COT-MOA-PCD-DTM-PAT-FTX

A group of segments identifying member contribution amount details and their type. This segment group may be used to identify the rate or amount of any additional/ voluntary contributions. It may also be used for periodic reviews, or for other relevant purposes.

0390 COT, Contribution details

A segment identifying the type of contributions, any investment instruction (e.g. an indication whether multiple investment funds apply), the rate of any additional/ voluntary contributions, and the reason for any change in contributions as required. For periodic review purposes, the contribution type (e.g. member or company paid, additional or voluntary etc.) is mandatory.

0400 MOA, Monetary amount

A segment giving a contribution amount which is to be, or has been, paid for or by the member. This segment is associated with the above COT segment (e.g. a voluntary contribution amount or the contribution amount relevant for review purposes could be given). For periodic review purposes this segment is mandatory.

0410 PCD, Percentage details

A segment providing the percentage of any indicated contribution.

0420 DTM, Date/time/period

A segment specifying the contribution start and end dates, and the date of any contribution termination as needed (mainly for review purposes).

0430 PAT, Payment terms basis

A segment giving the payment frequency of contributions (as part of the type of period). Other payment terms information may also be provided.

0440 FTX, Free text

A segment for free text information in coded or clear form, to give information on additional attributes if required. Coded text should be used where possible, as the use of clear text may require special processing of the FTX segment information.

0450 CNT, Control total

A segment to provide message control totals as required. For example, the total number of members included in the message could be provided.

0460 AUT, Authentication result

A segment to specify the results of the application of an authentication procedure, enabling to check the authenticity of the sender and the integrity of the data.

0470 UNT, Message trailer

A service segment ending a message, giving the total number of segments in the message and the Control Reference Number of the message.

4.2. Message Structure

4.2.1. Branching Diagram

4.2.2. Segment Table

├─UNH Message header ×1 (M)
├─BGM Beginning of message ×1 (M)
├─RFF Reference ×6 (M)
├─CUX Currencies ×1 (C)
├─DTM Date/time/period ×9 (C)
├─FTX Free text ×5 (C)
├─Segment Group 1 ×6 (C)
├─NAD Name and address ×1 (M)
└─Segment Group 2 ×5 (C)
──├─CTA Contact information ×1 (M)
──└─COM Communication contact ×1 (C)
├─UNS Section control ×1 (M)
├─Segment Group 3 ×999999 (M)
├─NAD Name and address ×1 (M)
├─DTM Date/time/period ×15 (M)
├─ATT Attribute ×9 (C)
├─RFF Reference ×9 (C)
├─Segment Group 4 ×99 (C)
├─REL Relationship ×1 (M)
├─NAD Name and address ×1 (M)
└─PCD Percentage details ×1 (C)
├─Segment Group 5 ×9 (C)
├─EMP Employment details ×1 (M)
├─PCD Percentage details ×1 (C)
├─CUX Currencies ×1 (C)
├─NAD Name and address ×9 (C)
└─Segment Group 6 ×9 (C)
──├─MOA Monetary amount ×1 (M)
──├─PAT Payment terms basis ×1 (C)
──└─DTM Date/time/period ×1 (C)
├─Segment Group 7 ×20 (M)
├─GIS General indicator ×1 (M)
└─DTM Date/time/period ×1 (C)
└─Segment Group 8 ×9 (C)
──├─MEM Membership details ×1 (M)
──├─Segment Group 9 ×9 (C)
──├─ATT Attribute ×1 (M)
──└─PCD Percentage details ×1 (C)
──└─Segment Group 10 ×99 (C)
────├─COT Contribution details ×1 (M)
────├─MOA Monetary amount ×1 (C)
────├─PCD Percentage details ×1 (C)
────├─DTM Date/time/period ×3 (C)
────├─PAT Payment terms basis ×1 (C)
────└─FTX Free text ×3 (C)
├─CNT Control total ×9 (C)
├─AUT Authentication result ×1 (C)
└─UNT Message trailer ×1 (M)

4.3. Data Segment Index (Alphabetic Sequence)

ATT Attribute
AUT Authentication result
BGM Beginning of message
CNT Control total
COM Communication contact
COT Contribution details
CTA Contact information
CUX Currencies
DTM Date/time/period
EMP Employment details
FTX Free text
GIS General indicator
MEM Membership details
MOA Monetary amount
NAD Name and address
PAT Payment terms basis
PCD Percentage details
REL Relationship
RFF Reference
UNH Message header
UNS Section control
UNT Message trailer

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