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7081 -

Item characteristic code
UN/CEFACT Revision 2002B Code List

Desc:Code specifying the characteristic of an item.
This table also occurs in the following versions of this standard:
D00A, D00B, D01A, D01B, D01C, D02A, D02B, D03A, D03B, D04A, D04B, D93A, D94A, D94B, D95A, D95B, D96A, D96B, D97A, D97B, D98A, D98B, D99A, D99B

1Certificate of conformity
Product in conformity with specifications.
2General product form
Description of general product form.
3Ship to stock
Product without quality control when received.
Description of the finish required/available on the product.
5End use application
Description of what the end use application of the product will be.
6Construction method
Description of the method of construction.
7Generic drug
A drug name specially given in order that it may be freely used without legal restriction.
The characteristic of a product.
Description of a sub-product.
10Grain direction
Specifies the direction of the grain of the product.
11Customs specifications
Item characteristic is described following Customs specifications.
12Type and/or process
Description of the type and/or process involved in making the product. E.g. in steel, description of the steelmaking process.
The degree of excellence of a thing.
14Surface condition
Description of the surface condition (e.g. roughness) of the product.
15Heat treat/anneal
Description of any heat treatment or annealing required/performed on the product.
16Size system
A code identifying a size system, comprising a set of sizes.
Description of any special coating required/available on the product.
18Surface treatment, chemical
Description of any chemical surface treatment required/performed on the product.
19Surface treatment, mechanical
Description of any mechanical surface treatment required/performed on the product.
20Transfer capacity type
Type of transfer capacity.
Description of any forming required/performed on the product.
22Edge treatment
Description of any special edge treatment required/performed on the product.
Description of any special welds and or splices required/performed on the product.
24Control item
Security relevant product with special quality control and control documentation prescriptions.
25End treatment
Description of any special treatment required/performed on the ends the product.
26Ship to line
Product without quality control at customer's, and packed according production needs.
27Material description
Description of material used to manufacture a product.
28Test sample frequency
Indication of test sample frequency. Used when ordering special testing requirements on a product.
29Electricity exchange type
Type of electricity exchange.
30Test sample direction
Description of test sample direction. Used when ordering special testing requirements on a product.
31European Community risk class
European community classification "CE" indicating the safety risk of an article.
32Type of test/inspection
Description of type of test or inspection. Used to order special tests to be performed on the product.
33Electricity production type
The type of electricity production.
34Hydrological data
The properties of the earth's water in relation to land.
Description of the colour required/available on the product.
36Electricity consumption type
The way electricity is consumed.
37Weather data
The characteristic described is the weather data.
Specification of the grade required/available for the product.
39Ancillary electricity service
The characteristic described is the ancillary electricity service available or produced.
40Active substance
Specification of an active substance in a product.
Description of any special twisting requirements for the product.
44Further identifying characteristic
Description of further identifying characteristic of a product which enables the product to be distinguished from any similar products.
45Private label name
Describes the private label name of a product.
Describes the outline of the item.
47Warranty type description
The warranty type description of the item.
48Yarn count
Describes the fineness of the yarn in the cloth.
Code indicating the category of equipment.
Characteristic being described is labour.
51Labour overtime
Characteristic being described is overtime labour.
52Labour double time
Characteristic being described is labour double time.
53Leased resource
A code to identify the characteristics of a leased resource.
54Section profile
Description of the section and profile of the product.
56Special processing
Description of any special processing requirements performed or required.
58Winding instructions
Description of any special winding instructions for the product.
59Surface protection
Description of the surface protection required/available for the product.
61New article
The characteristic of a new item or commodity.
62Obsolete article
The characteristic of a discarded item or commodity.
63Current article
The characteristic of an item or commodity in use.
64Revised design
The characteristic of a design that has been amended.
65Reinstated article
The characteristic of an item or commodity that has been replaced in a former position.
66Current article spares
The characteristic of an extra item or commodity in use.
67Balance out article
The characteristic of an item or commodity for comparing or offsetting.
68Initial sample
The characteristic of the beginning part or quantity intended to show what the whole is like.
69Field test
First series of a new item to be tested by end users.
70Revised article
Item design revised.
71Refurbished article
The characteristic of an item or commodity that has been restored.
The harvest year of the grapes that are part of the composition of a particular wine.
73Beverage age
The period during which, after distillation and before bottling, distilled spirits have been stored in containers.
74Beverage brand
A grouping of beverage products similar in name only, but of different size, age, proof, quality and flavour.
The performing artist(es) of a recorded song or piece of music.
The author of a written work.
A description of the type of binding used for a written work.
Description of the edition of a written work.
79Other physical description
Any other relevant physical description.
The publisher of a written piece of work as part of the item description.
The title of a work.
82Series title
Title of a series of works.
83Volume title
The title of a volume of work.
The composer of a recorded song or piece of music.
85Recording medium
The medium on which a musical recording is made.
86Music style
The style of music.
87Promotional event
Describes the promotional event associated with a product.
88Promotional offer
Describes the additions to the basic product for a promotional event.
89Alcohol beverage class
Class characteristics for different compositions of alcoholic beverages.
90Alcohol beverage type
A descriptive term that further defines the class of an alcoholic beverage.
91Secondary grape
The grape that comprises the second largest percentage of the ingredients used in wine product.
92Primary grape
The type of grape that comprises the largest percentage of grape in the wine product.
93Beverage category
A description to designate the beverage category.
94Beverage flavour
Distinctions from the base product that results in a different taste.
95Wine growing region
The area where the grape used to produce a wine was harvested.
96Wine fruit
The fruit that is used as a base to produce a wine.
97Beverage container characteristics
A description of various beverage container characteristics.
Description of size in non-numeric terms.
100Project subject
To identify the subject of a given project.
101Test panel type
Specifies the type of test panel used for the item.
102Anatomical origin of sample
Anatomical origin of sample.
103Type of sample
Type of sample such as blood or urine.
104Shelf-life code
A code indicating the shelf-life of a product.
105Limiting operation
Code indicating that the item has a limiting operation.
To bring to a required degree of hardness and elasticity by heating and then cooling.
A fine wire heated electrically to incandescence.
The unit of fineness for yarns.
A threadlike or filament forming part of a product.
A reflected light or sheen.
The degree to which a colour is mixed with black or is decreasingly illuminated.
A gradation of colour made by adding white to lessen the saturation.
113Fibre tow
The fibre of flax, hemp or jute prepared for low-grade spinning.
A homogeneous mixture or solid solution usually of two or more metals.
115Machine run
Description of the machine run characteristics for a product.
116Corrosion resistance
The characteristics describing the resistance to chemical deterioration.
Capable of being seen by the eye or with the aid of optics.
Code indicating the product's electrical characteristics.
119Functional performance
Code indicating the product's functional performance characteristics.
Code indicating the product's chemical characteristics.
Code indicating the product's physical characteristics.
Code indicating the product's magnetic characteristics.
Code indicating the product's mechanical characteristics.
Code indicating the product's metallographic characteristics.
125Dye lot
Code indicating the product's dye lot characteristics.
Code indicating the product's pattern characteristics.
The outward aspect or semblance.
The separation of visible light into its colour components by refraction or diffraction.
Code indicating the product's fluid characteristics.
The movement or run in the manner of a liquid.
Code indicating the product's moisture characteristics.
Code indicating the product's fabric characteristics.
133Shipping unit component
Any designed component of a fixture or container, typically detachable from the base unit for empty return or for cleaning, which provides rigidity, stability, or security when loaded and are an integral part of the container or shipping device and are essential to its functionality.
134Manufacturing method
Code indicating the product's manufacturing method characteristics.
Code indicating the discrete identification of the engine characteristics.
Code indicating the discrete identification of the transmission characteristics.
137Controlled substance
Code indicating the controlled substance characteristics.
Code indicating the product's accompanying or coinciding characteristics.
Code indicating the discrete identification of the chassis characteristics.
141Compliance method
Code indicating the product's compliance method characteristics.
142Pipe coupling
A collar with internal threads used to join a section of threaded pipe.
143Drug efficacy
Code indicating the drug's capacity or ability to produce the desired effects.
144Dosage form
Code indicating the physical form of the dosage.
Code indicating the product's dimensional characteristics in non-numeric terms.
146Fold configuration
Code indicating the product's fold configuration characteristics.
Code indicating the fuel characteristics.
The characteristics of a liquid conveyed under pressure through pipes or channels.
Code indicating the product's coordinates in non-numeric terms.
An item available in addition to standard features of a product.
152Non-prescription drug
Code indicating the non-prescription drug's characteristics.
153Prescription drug
Code indicating the prescription drug's characteristics.
The derivation of a material thing.
155Therapeutic class
Code indicating the product's therapeutic class characteristics.
156Therapeutic equivalency
Code indicating the product's therapeutic equivalency characteristics.
Code indicating the product's filter characteristics.
Code indicating the product's trim characteristics.
Code indicating unusable material left over from a process of manufacturing.
160Bottomhole location method
Code indicating the method for locating the lowest part or surface of a works.
161Bottomhole pressure method
Code indicating the method for measuring pressures at the lowest part or surface of a works.
162Common chemical name
Code indicating the product's common chemical name.
163Chemical family name
Code indicating the product's chemical family name.
164Casing or liner type
Code indicating the protective or covering part of a natural or manufactured object.
165Well direction
Code indicating the well drilling direction.
166Electronic field
Code indicating the product's electronic field characteristics.
Code indicating the formula characteristics in non-numeric terms.
A component part of a mixture.
169Market segment
Code indicating the market segment associated with a product.
The property of a substance that is perceptible by the sense of smell.
171Physical form
Code indicating the physical form of a product.
172Well perforation continuity
Code indicating the well perforation continuity characteristics.
173Well perforation interval
Code indicating the well perforation interval characteristics.
174Pipeline stream
Code indicating the product's pipeline stream characteristics.
175Surface location method
Code indicating the product's surface location method characteristics.
Code indicating the product's threshold characteristics.
177Well classification
Code indicating the well classification characteristics.
178Well test type
Code indicating the well test type characteristics.
179Major grade
Specification of the major grade of the item.
Description of the specification of the item.
181Test sample location - ends
Code indicating the test sample location on the ends of a product.
182Product life cycle
Code indicating the period of time between product creation and obsolescence.
183Storage and display
Code indicating the product's storage or display characteristics.
A code indicating the relation of weight to volume using non-discrete values.
185Print orientation
The orientation of the back printing on a form to the front printing on the same form.
A code indicating the amount of a substance that can be dissolved using a non-discrete value.
187Material resource
A code to identify the characteristics of a material resource.
188Other direct resource
A code to identify other direct resources that are charged to a task.
189Subcontract resource
A code to identify resources that are part of a subcontract.
190Consumable resource
A code to identify resources that are consumed.
191Recurring resource
A code to identify a recurring resource.
192Non recurring resource
A code to identify a resource that is non recurring.
193Presentation effect
To indicate a presentation effect.
This value identifies a font by name.
A word which may be used as a search key.
196Additional sectorial characteristics
A code issued on a sectorial basis which identifies any additional characteristics of a product.
197Product data base management description
A description indicating how a product should be managed in a data base.

Change indicators
plus sign An addition.
asterisk Addition/substraction/change to a code entry for a particular data element.
hash or pound sign Changes to names.
vertical bar Changes to text for descriptions, notes and functions.
minus sign A deletion.
letter X Marked for deletion.

Usage indicators
Used in batch messages only.
Common usage in both batch and interactive messages.
Used in interactive messages only.

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