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4215 -

Transport charges payment method code
UN/CEFACT Revision 2002B Code List

Desc:Code specifying the payment method for transport charges.
This table also occurs in the following versions of this standard:
D00A, D00B, D01A, D01B, D01C, D02A, D02B, D03A, D03B, D04A, D04B, D93A, D94A, D94B, D95A, D95B, D96A, D96B, D97A, D97B, D98A, D98B, D99A, D99B

The charges are to be charged to an account.
AACash on delivery service charge paid by consignor
An indication that the consignor is responsible for the payment of the cash on delivery service charge.
ABCash on delivery service charge paid by consignee
An indication that the consignee is responsible for the payment of the cash on delivery service charge.
ACInsurance costs paid by consignor
An indication that the consignor is responsible for the payment of the insurance costs.
ADInsurance costs paid by consignee
An indication that the consignee is responsible for the payment of the insurance costs.
CAAdvance collect
The amount of freight or other charge on a shipment advanced by one transportation line to another or to the shipper, to be collected from consignee.
A shipment on which freight charges will be paid by consignee.
CFCollect, freight credited to payment customer
The freight is collect but has been paid by the shipper and will be credited to that party.
DFDefined by buyer and seller
The payment method for transport charges have been defined by the buyer and seller.
FOFOB port of call
Title and control of goods pass to the buyer at port of call. Responsibility for export taxes and cost of documents for overseas shipments have not been specified.
ICInformation copy, no payment due
Transaction set has been provided for information only.
The consignment is partially collect and partially prepaid.
NCService freight, no charge
The consignment is shipped on a service basis and there is no freight charge.
NSNot specified
The payment method for transport charges have not been specified.
PAAdvance prepaid
Costs have been paid in advance.
PBCustomer pick-up/backhaul
Buyer's private carriage picks up the goods as a return load to the buyer's facility.
PCPrepaid but charged to customer
shipping charges have been paid in advance of shipment but are charged back to consignee usually as line item on invoice for the purchased goods.
PEPayable elsewhere
Place of payment not known at the begin of conveyance.
POPrepaid only
Payment in advance of freight and/or other charges prior to delivery of shipment at destination, usually by shipper at point of origin.
PPPrepaid (by seller)
Seller of goods makes payment to carrier for freight charges prior to shipment.
Customer is responsible for payment of pickup charges at shipping point.
RCReturn container freight paid by customer
The freight for returning the container is paid by the customer.
RFReturn container freight free
There is no freight charge for returning the container.
RSReturn container freight paid by supplier
The freight charge for returning the container is paid by the supplier.
TPThird party pay
A third party, someone other than buyer or seller, is identified as responsible for payment of shipping charges.
WCWeight condition
The payment method for transport charges are due to the weight.
WDPaid by supplier
Transport charges will be paid by the supplier.
WEPaid by buyer
Transport charges will be paid by the buyer.
ZZZMutually defined
A code assigned within a code list to be used on an interim basis and as defined among trading partners until a precise code can be assigned to the code list.

Change indicators
plus sign An addition.
asterisk Addition/substraction/change to a code entry for a particular data element.
hash or pound sign Changes to names.
vertical bar Changes to text for descriptions, notes and functions.
minus sign A deletion.
letter X Marked for deletion.

Usage indicators
Used in batch messages only.
Common usage in both batch and interactive messages.
Used in interactive messages only.

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