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4383 -

Bank operation code
UN/CEFACT Revision 2002A Code List

Desc:Code specifying a bank operation.
This table also occurs in the following versions of this standard:
D00A, D00B, D01A, D01B, D01C, D02A, D02B, D03A, D03B, D04A, D04B, D93A, D94A, D94B, D95A, D95B, D96A, D96B, D97A, D97B, D98A, D98B, D99A, D99B

AAATransfer according to bilaterally agreed standards
The transfer is to be executed according to bilaterally agreed standards.
AABIncoming international payment
International payment that is incoming.
AACOutgoing international payment
International payment that is outgoing.
AADTax payment
Payment of tax.
AAEIncoming OCR (Optical Character Recognition) payment
OCR (Optical Character Recognition) payment that is incoming.
AAFIncoming retail direct debit
Retail direct debit that is incoming.
AAGIncoming corporate direct debit
Corporate direct debit that is incoming.
AAHIncoming paper-based payment
Paper-based payment that is incoming.
AAIZero-balancing transaction
Transaction that is zero-balancing.
AAJSafe deposit box
To identify a bank operation as relating to a safe deposit box.
AAKDomestic money market
To identify a bank operation as being a money market transaction effected on a domestic exchange.
AALForeign money market
To identify a bank operation as being a money market transaction effected on a foreign exchange.
AAMDomestic bond market
To identify a bank operation as being a bond transaction effected in a domestic market.
AANInternational bond market
To identify a bank operation as being a bond transaction effected in a international market.
To identify a bank operation as being for funds.
AAPSafe custody
To identify a bank operation relating to safe custody.
To identify a bank operation related to a guarantee.
AARShort foreign credits
To identify a bank operation as being for short credits granted to parties outside the bank's country.
AASLong foreign credits
To identify a bank operation as being for long credits granted to parties outside the bank's country.
AATPromissory note loan
Promissory note type of loan.
AAUMortgage loan
Mortgage type of loan.
To identify a bank operation as being for salary payments.
AAWIncoming bankgiro
Bankgiro that is incoming.
ABXAutomated bills of exchange
The payment has been done by automated bills of exchange.
ABYReturned direct debit
To identify a bank operation as being for returning a direct debit. This is the refusal for technical reasons by a collecting bank to execute one or more transactions in a direct debit transfer request received from a creditor's bank.
ABZTruncated paper based payment
Truncated paper based payment is the financial operation of extracting data from a paper based payment.
BEXBills of exchange
The payment has been done by bills of exchange.
The payment was originally made by bankgiro.
BKDBank draft
Original payment was made by bank draft.
BKIBank initiated
The fund transfer is initiated by a bank.
CALCash letter
The payment has been done by a cash letter.
The fund transfer represents charges.
CHICheque international
The financial operation has been done by international cheque.
CHNCheque national
The financial operation has been done by national cheque.
The financial operation has been done by a clearing system.
The financial operation is collection.
The fund transfer represents commission.
CONCash concentration
An aggregation of funds from different accounts into a single account.
CPPCash payment by post
The financial operation has been done by cash payment by post.
Buying or selling of foreign notes.
DDTDirect debit
The financial operation is direct debit.
DEPDeposit cash operation
The financial operation is by deposit cash.
FEXForeign exchange
The financial operation is by foreign exchange.
FGIFree format giro
The fund transfer represents usury.
LOCLetter of credit
The financial operation is a letter of credit.
Type of cash management system offered by financial institutions to provide for collection of customers 'receivables'.
The fund transfer is miscellaneous.
PACPayment card
Relating to credit, debit, guarantee or charge card.
The financial operation has been done by postgiro.
POSPoint of sale
The financial operation is point of sale.
RECReturned cheques
The fund transfer represents returned cheques.
RETReturned items
The fund transfer represents returned items.
RGIReference giro
Payments was done by a special service, for low priority payments. Finnish national bank service.
RTRReturned transfers
The financial operation has been done by returned transfers.
The fund transfer represents securities.
STOStanding order
The financial operation is done by a standing order.
TCKTraveller's cheque
The financial operation is done by traveller's cheque.
The financial operation is done by transfer.
UGIUrgent giro
Payment was made by special bank service, for high priority payments. Finnish national bank service.
VDAValue date adjustment
The financial operation has adjusted value date.
WDLWithdrawal cash operation
The financial operation is a withdrawal cash operation.
ZZZMutually defined
A temporary code which may be used between trading partners to describe a fund transfer whilst approval for a formal code value is being sought.

Change indicators
plus sign An addition.
asterisk Addition/substraction/change to a code entry for a particular data element.
hash or pound sign Changes to names.
vertical bar Changes to text for descriptions, notes and functions.
minus sign A deletion.
letter X Marked for deletion.

Usage indicators
Used in batch messages only.
Common usage in both batch and interactive messages.
Used in interactive messages only.

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