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0805 -

Object type qualifier
UN/EDIFACT Syntax Version 4 Release 1 Revision 1 Service Code List

Desc:Qualifier referring to the type of object.
This table also occurs in the following versions of this standard:
40000, 40001, 40002, 40003, 40004, 40005, 40006, 40007, 40100, 40101, 40102

1Computer environment type
Specification of the type of computer environment for which the object is intended.
2Computer environment version
Specification of the version of the computer environment for which the object is intended.
3Computer environment release
Specification of the release of the computer environment for which the object is intended.
5Computer environment name
Specification of the name of the computer environment for which the object is intended.
6Non-EDIFACT security level code
Specification of the level such as interchange, group or message at which non-EDIFACT security is applied to the data constituting the object.
7Non-EDIFACT security version
Specification of the version of the non-EDIFACT security technique applied to the data constituting the object.
8Non-EDIFACT security release
Specification of the release of the non-EDIFACT security technique applied to the data constituting the object.
9Non-EDIFACT security technique
Specification of the non-EDIFACT security technique applied to the data constituting the object.
10Non-EDIFACT security free text information
Free form description of the non-EDIFACT security technique applied to the data constituting the object.
11File identification by number
Identification number assigned to the file constituting the object.
12File identification by name
Name assigned to the file constituting the object.
13File format
Specification of the format of the file constituting the object.
14File version
Specification of the version of the file constituting the object.
15File release
Specification of the release of the file constituting the object.
16File status
Specification of the status of the file constituting the object.
17File size
Specification of the size of the file constituting the object in bytes.
18File description
Free form description of the file constituting the object.
19File block type
Specification of the type of blocking used to partition the file constituting the object.
20File block length
Specification of the length of the blocks used to partition the file constituting the object.
21File record length
Specification of the length of the records contained in the file constituting the object expressed as the number of character positions.
22Program identification by number
Identification number assigned to the program constituting the object.
23Program identification by name
Name assigned to the program constituting the object.
24Program type
Specification of the type of program constituting the object.
25Program version
Specification of the version of the program constituting the object.
26Program release
Specification of the release of the program constituting the object.
27Program status
Specification of the status of the program constituting the object.
28Program description
Free form description of the program constituting the object.
29Program size
Specification of the size of the program constituting the object in bytes.
30Interchange format
Specification of the format of the interchange constituting the object.
31Interchange version
Specification of the version of the interchange constituting the object.
32Interchange release
Specification of the release of the interchange constituting the object.
33Interchange status
Specification of the status of the interchange constituting the object.
34Interchange identification
Identification number assigned to the interchange constituting the object.
35Compression technique identification
An identification assigned to the compression technique applied to the object.
36Compression technique version
Specification of the version of the compression technique applied to the object.
37Compression technique release
Specification of the release of the compression technique applied to the object.
38Drawing identification by name
Name assigned to the drawing constituting the object.
39Drawing identification by number
Identification number assigned to the drawing constituting the object.
40Drawing type
Specification of the type of drawing constituting the object.
41Drawing format
Specification of the format of the drawing constituting the object.
42Drawing version
Specification of the version of the drawing constituting the object.
43Drawing release
Specification of the release of the drawing constituting the object.
44Drawing status
Specification of the status of the drawing constituting the object.
45Drawing size
Specification of the size of the drawing constituting the object in bytes.
46Drawing description
Free form description of the drawing constituting the object.
48Filter type
Specification of the type of filtering technique applied to the object.
49Filter version
Specification of the version of the filtering technique applied to the object.
50Filter code page
Specification of the code page used for the filtering technique applied to the object.
51Filter technique
Specification of the filtering technique applied to the object.
52Character set repertoire identification
Identification of the character set repertoire used for the object.
53Character set encoding technique
Specification of the character set encoding technique used for the object.
54Character set encoding technique code page
Specification of the code page used for the character set encoding technique used for the object.
55Certificate type
Specification of the type of certificate constituting the object.
56Certificate version
Specification of the version of the certificate constituting the object.
57Certificate release
Specification of the release of the certificate constituting the object.
58Certificate status
Specification of the status of the certificate constituting the object.
60Certificate identification by name
Name assigned to the certificate constituting the object.
61Certificate identification by number
Identification number assigned to the certificate constituting the object.
62Certificate format
Specification of the format of the certificate constituting the object.
63Certificate code page
Specification of the code page used when generating the certificate constituting the object.

Change indicators
plus sign An addition.
asterisk Addition/substraction/change to a code entry for a particular data element.
hash or pound sign Changes to names.
vertical bar Changes to text for descriptions, notes and functions.
minus sign A deletion.
letter X Marked for deletion.

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