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0135 -

Service segment tag, coded
UN/EDIFACT Syntax Version 4 Service Code List

Desc:Code identifying a service segment.
This table also occurs in the following versions of this standard:
40000, 40001, 40002, 40003, 40004, 40005, 40006, 40007, 40100, 40101, 40102

UCDData element error indication
To identify an erroneous stand-alone, composite or component data element, and to identify the nature of the error.
UCFGroup response
To identify a group in the subject interchange and to indicate acknowledgement or rejection (action taken) of the UNG and UNE segments, and to identify any error related to these segments. It can also identify errors related to the USA, USC, USD, USH, USR, UST, or USU security segments when they appear at the group level. Depending on the action code, it may also indicate the action taken on the messages and packages within that group.
UCIInterchange response
To identify the subject interchange, to indicate interchange receipt, to indicate acknowledgement or rejection (action taken) of the UNA, UNB and UNZ segments, and to identify any error related to these segments. It can also identify errors related to the USA, USC, USD, USH, USR, UST, or USU security segments when they appear at the interchange level. Depending on the action code, it may also indicate the action taken on the groups, messages, and packages within that interchange.
UCMMessage/package response
To identify a message or package in the subject interchange, and to indicate that message's or package's acknowledgement or rejection (action taken), and to identify any error related to the UNH, UNT, UNO, and UNP segments. It can also identify errors related to the USA, USC, USD, USH, USR, UST, or USU security segments when they appear at the message or package level.
UCSSegment error indication
To identify either a segment containing an error or a missing segment, and to identify any error related to the complete segment.
UIBInteractive interchange header
To head and identify an interchange.
UIHInteractive message header
To head, identify and specify a message.
UIRInteractive status
To report the status of the dialogue.
UITInteractive message trailer
To end and check the completeness of a message.
UIZInteractive interchange trailer
To end and check the completeness of an interchange.
UNBInterchange header
To identify an interchange.
UNEGroup trailer
To end and check the completeness of a group.
UNGGroup header
To head, identify and specify a group of messages and/or packages, which may be used for internal routing and which may contain one or more message types and/or packages.
UNHMessage header
To head, identify and specify a message.
UNOObject header
To head, identify and specify an object.
UNPObject trailer
To end and check the completeness of an object.
UNSSection control
To separate header, detail and summary sections of a message.
UNTMessage trailer
To end and check the completeness of a message.
UNZInterchange trailer
To end and check the completeness of an interchange.
USASecurity algorithm
To identify a security algorithm, the technical usage made of it, and to contain the technical parameters required.
USBSecured data identification
To contain details related to the AUTACK.
To convey the public key and the credentials of its owner.
USDData encryption header
To specify size (i.e. length of data in octets of bits) of encrypted data following the segment terminator of this segment.
USESecurity message relation
To specify the relation to earlier security messages, such as response to a particular request, or request for a particular answer.
USFKey management function
To specify the type of key management function and the status of a corresponding key or certificate.
USHSecurity header
To specify a security mechanism applied to a EDIFACT structure (i.e.: either message/package, group or interchange).
USLSecurity list status
To specify the status of security objects, such as keys or certificates to be delivered in a list, and the corresponding list parameters.
USRSecurity result
To contain the result of the security mechanisms.
USTSecurity trailer
To establish a link between security header and security trailer segment groups.
USUData encryption trailer
To provide a trailer for the encrypted data.
USXSecurity references
To refer to the secured EDIFACT structure and its associated date and time.
USYSecurity on references
To identify the applicable header, and to contain the security result and/or to indicate the possible cause of security rejection for the referred value.

Change indicators
plus sign An addition.
asterisk Addition/substraction/change to a code entry for a particular data element.
hash or pound sign Changes to names.
vertical bar Changes to text for descriptions, notes and functions.
minus sign A deletion.
letter X Marked for deletion.

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