Home > Miscellaneous Web Postings about Stylus Studio
Miscallaneous Spottings of Stylus Studio® on the WebApril 29, 2005 Online Petition to Save XQuery in .NET 2.TheServerSide.NET's Paul Ballard reports: Nearly a hundred Microsoft MVP's and many more Microsoft and XML developers have signed a petition urging Microsoft to support XQuery on the Microsoft .NET Framework 2.0 (Whidbey). April 21, 2005 ServicesWeb reports on past Stylus Studio® news!ServicesWeb reports on past Stylus Studio® news! April 28, 2005 The Mollyzine: The Blog of a Progress Technical Support Engineer and Family ManHelp support XQuery on the Microsoft .NET 2.0 framework by signing this online petition and explaining to Microsoft why you think it's a mistake to have dumped important client and mid-tier support for XQuery! March 15, 2005 thizzled: "Stylus Studio® - Is this the best XML editor or what?!?"Carl Macki blogs about his thoughts regarding Stylus Studio®. October 1, 2004 Darren on Computers: Stylus Studio® 6 is here!Stylus Studio® 6 The new Stylus Studio® has been announced! July 8, 2004 WebServerTalk: Stylus Studio® 5 Home Edition XML Editor Now AvailableStylus Studio® is pleased to announce Stylus Studio® 5 Home Edition, a new, value-priced version of our award-winning XML IDE. Stylus Studio® 5 Home Edition is specifically designed for learning or working with XML in educational, training, or home settings, and is available now for only $49 (USD) for a single-user license. The latest addition to the Stylus Studio® family of XML productivity tools offers substantially more XML development features compared to other low-cost XML tools. Apr. 8, 2004 Download.com: Sonic Stylus Studio® 5.1Stylus Studio® is a powerful XML development environment with features such as a best-in-class XSLT editor and debugger, an advanced XQuery mapper, a graphical XML Schema designer, a WYSIWYG XML-to-HTML designer, and Sense: X auto-completion support throughout. (Ranking: Popular) Apr. 8, 2004 ZDNET: New Sonic Stylus Studio® 5.1New to Stylus Studio® 5.1--access and update relational databases using SQL/XML. Also, support for W3C Nov 03 XQuery specs and XPath 2.0. New XSLT editor features, too. (Ranking: Popular) August 5, 2003 Sonic Stylus Studio® 5.0I've been using Stylus since in was called Excelon Stylus 2.0, and the new Sonic Stylus Studio® 5.0 is one heck of a XSLT IDE. In the previous version (4.5) they released a WYSIWYG editor (way before anyone else), and also added support for the .Net XML processor (along with existing support for MSXML, Xalan-J, Saxon, and their own processor), Source Control support, and post process support for XSL-FO via Apache FOP... it definitely helps you analyze your XSLT code and make some performance enhancements. If you are working with XSLT, I’d suggest that you check this tool out. Feb. 23, 2003 Sonic Stylus Studio®Stylus Studio® is an award-winning XML development environment. Used by over 100,000 developers worldwide, Stylus Studio® delivers unprecedented XML productivity through innovative features such as a best-in-class XSLT editor and debugger, a graphical XML Schema designer, a unique XML-to-XML mapper, a WYSIWYG XML-to-HTML designer, an advanced XQuery editor and debugger, and integrated Sense:X (XML-based auto-completion) support. Feb. 23, 2003 Haagen.Waade.Name: Sonic Stylus Studio®Stylus Studio® XML IDE delivers unprecedented XML development productivity with features such as a best of breed XSLT editor, debugger and profiler, a graphical W3C XML Schema designer, a visual XML-to-XML mapper, a WYSIWYG XML-to-HTML designer, an advanced XQuery editor and debugger, and Sense:X intelligent XML editing. July 23, 2001 RedHat: I found [Stylus Studio®] to be a Major Time SaverOver the course of the past week, I've had the pleasure of learning XSL. And I really enjoyed most of it. At least the XSL part. One of the reasons is the XSL development and debugging environment, I managed to set up. I downloaded eXcelon Stylus Studio® (http://www.stylusstudio.com/, demo version available). This will take an XSL stylesheet and an XML document, and produce the HTML output. But then you can point at somewhere in the output, and it'll tell you what XSL template produced that particular piece of output. You can also set breakpoints in the stylesheet, and you can do the usual step into/step over/run to, etc., that you'll know from a normal debugger... I found it to be a major time saver. March 1, 2001 Stylus Studio® in Wikipedia - the World's largest online Encyclopedia!Stylus Studio® ensures its place in history with an entry in wikipedia. Current Media Coverage — Archived Media Coverage.
PURCHASE STYLUS STUDIO ONLINE TODAY!!Purchasing Stylus Studio from our online shop is Easy, Secure and Value Priced! Attend a Live Webinar This Week!Learn about Stylus Studio's unique features and benefits in just under an hour. Register for the Stylus Studio QuickStart Training WebCast! Why Pay More for XML Tools?With Stylus Studio® X16 XML Enterprise Suite, you get the most comprehensive XML tool suite at one incredibly low price. Value: it's just one of many reasons why smart XML developers are choosing Stylus Studio! |