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Subject New Replies Views Started By Last Reply
0 new messagesto much new versions?036378Hans-Peter Küchler
02/19/02 04:39pm
02/19/02 06:52pm
0 new messagesSS Crash -log attached0106567Henry Fang
02/16/02 06:50pm
02/22/02 08:38pm
0 new messagesChanging the open dialog ...016719Werner Hoene
02/14/02 03:21am
02/14/02 03:37am
0 new messagesSS Crash: NT4 SP6096761Robert Ordyniec
02/12/02 09:43am
02/25/02 04:33pm
0 new messagesnot all change in Editor options noticed016751Bruce Wallace
02/10/02 04:59pm
02/10/02 05:22pm
0 new messagesColor Printing supported ?016905Bruce Wallace
02/09/02 06:40pm
02/10/02 02:43pm
0 new messagesKEYS (and UNIQUE) enforced?016745Bruce Wallace
02/09/02 05:08pm
02/11/02 06:11am
0 new messagesschema changes not noticed by xml editor057203Bruce Wallace
02/09/02 01:48pm
02/11/02 08:29am
0 new messageselement popup bug?017141Bruce Wallace
02/09/02 01:30pm
02/09/02 02:20pm
0 new messagesFeature Request: Ordered Attributes026193Troy Hewitt
02/09/02 11:44am
02/13/02 09:48pm
0 new messagesThanks !!005640Troy Hewitt
02/08/02 04:47pm
02/08/02 04:47pm
0 new messagesDocument Wizards025615Neil Bentley
02/08/02 10:03am
02/08/02 10:21am
0 new messagesAd banner spews 13 explorer windows015306Troy Hewitt
02/08/02 09:32am
02/08/02 09:37am
0 new messagesStylus Studio Crash015342Neil Bentley
02/08/02 05:44am
02/08/02 10:43am
0 new messagesMapper loses connections045491Troy Hewitt
02/07/02 06:40pm
02/07/02 08:24pm
0 new messagesStylus Studio not finding JVM055597Neil Bentley
02/07/02 07:31am
02/07/02 06:06pm
0 new messagesfailure on using external Xalan-J processor045664Henry Fang
02/06/02 09:59pm
02/11/02 12:06pm
0 new messagesStylus Studio crash - log attached0515783Henry Fang
02/06/02 09:36pm
02/14/02 06:53pm
0 new messagesGRID editor loses user adjustments015724Bruce Wallace
02/06/02 10:05am
02/06/02 02:16pm
0 new messagesSchemas not recognized ?055833Bruce Wallace
02/05/02 08:54pm
02/07/02 06:08pm
0 new messagesformat-number() loses track of schemas035929Troy Hewitt
02/04/02 09:57pm
02/07/02 06:09pm
0 new messagesAttribute value replacement016006David Hinz
02/04/02 07:24pm
02/04/02 10:04pm
0 new messagesschema import problem?026097Henry Fang
02/02/02 12:57am
02/04/02 06:30pm
0 new messagesSpurious Attributes Copied Into Stylesheet036476Neil Bentley
02/01/02 09:22am
02/01/02 11:02am
0 new messagesStylus crash Error Log047008Anitha Murthy Tirukottiyur
02/01/02 01:20am
02/05/02 09:48pm
0 new messagesStylus Studio Crash in XSL-Editor096529Jorge Ertl
01/30/02 12:01pm
02/04/02 06:36pm
0 new messagesGoto to Function Definition016510Neil Bentley
01/30/02 04:46am
01/30/02 10:01am
0 new messagesLosing mappings in Map window036268David Smith
01/24/02 05:52pm
01/24/02 06:34pm
0 new messagesReversal of mapping016218Chris Probert
01/24/02 02:28pm
01/24/02 02:51pm
0 new messagesEditor problem065634Jorge Ertl
01/23/02 05:27am
02/06/02 09:25am
0 new messagesNamespase, SenseX and XSLT problems025457Adam Van den Hoven
01/22/02 01:38pm
08/29/04 11:55am
0 new messagesInstall / upgrade problem045512Carlo Falciola
01/22/02 10:42am
01/23/02 08:28am
0 new messagesStylus Studio Crash, Log Attached055723Mike Ahlers
01/21/02 12:48pm
01/24/02 06:13pm
0 new messagesminor annoying formatting issue025313Gerald Nelson
01/21/02 11:54am
01/24/02 06:15pm
0 new messagesHorizontal scrollbar 035364Roy Kiesler
01/20/02 05:13pm
01/21/02 11:48pm
0 new messagesSuggested Enhancement - Reporting005316David Smith
01/19/02 06:00pm
01/19/02 06:00pm
0 new messagesStylus Studio Crash - Log Attached065453David Smith
01/19/02 06:00am
01/20/02 05:00pm
0 new messagesxsd:import issue035923Chris Probert
01/18/02 06:27pm
01/24/02 02:21pm
0 new messagesXSLT mapper shows XSD with recursion015756Michael Hinchey
01/18/02 12:48pm
01/18/02 01:39pm
0 new messagescommand line tool does not correctly handle parame025611Martin Roberts
01/17/02 11:33am
01/17/02 11:55am
0 new messagesXML Validation still doesn't work for date015738Lee Humphries
01/17/02 02:42am
01/17/02 07:35am
0 new messagesSopurce Control 015861Mark Russell
01/16/02 08:15am
01/16/02 09:39am
0 new messagesdebugging Java015913Martin Roberts
01/16/02 06:34am
01/16/02 11:44am
0 new messagesProblem with xmlns in shemas ?026744Julien Lirochon
01/15/02 04:43pm
01/15/02 06:16pm
0 new messagesdisplaying required attribute values025967Gerald Nelson
01/15/02 11:41am
02/06/02 09:55am
0 new messagesJava Extensions016248Martin Roberts
01/15/02 09:28am
01/15/02 11:11am
0 new messagesprefix016037Sharad Nangia
01/15/02 01:13am
01/15/02 09:13am
0 new messagesProblem with mapping 'Does for Each' Attributes006013David Smith
01/14/02 04:04pm
01/14/02 04:04pm
0 new messagesTransform Tables016049David Smith
01/14/02 03:58pm
01/14/02 04:05pm
0 new messagesAdditional XSLT Functions035484David Smith
01/14/02 03:55pm
01/14/02 04:11pm
0 new messagesCrash on 'Help-About' and 'File - New XSL'015406Peter Tribulski
01/14/02 10:56am
01/14/02 11:03am
0 new messagesProblem Behavior in Latest Studio015418Alex Peake
01/10/02 11:22am
01/10/02 11:34am
0 new messagesUnrecoverable Error045440David Forslund
01/10/02 11:19am
01/11/02 05:30pm
0 new messagesmissing namespace025569Rudolf P Weinmann
01/10/02 04:23am
01/11/02 05:31pm
0 new messagesxsl:variable change!035758Daniel Lucio
01/08/02 06:57pm
01/08/02 08:16pm
0 new messagesnumber() function0105746Daniel Lucio
01/08/02 03:48pm
01/09/02 07:18pm
0 new messagesVSS Integration035882Ken Agneta
01/08/02 11:20am
01/08/02 01:49pm
0 new messagesCommand line tool always expects full path for fil045872Martin Roberts
01/07/02 11:37am
01/24/02 06:17pm
0 new messagesmultiscreen015879Julien Lirochon
01/07/02 11:33am
01/07/02 11:37am
0 new messagesauto-reload ?026055Julien Lirochon
01/07/02 09:33am
01/07/02 10:19am
0 new messagesHelp016045John Meagher
01/04/02 10:23am
01/04/02 10:33am
0 new messagesFeature request - DTD tree navigation016215Peter Edwards
01/04/02 06:46am
01/04/02 09:02am
0 new messagesJava generator for HTML Forms to XML mapping016494Sjoerd Zonneveld
01/04/02 05:43am
01/04/02 09:01am
0 new messagesScroll bar on main window016312Martin Roberts
01/04/02 04:55am
01/04/02 05:22am
0 new messagesDiscussion forum window016321Gerald Nelson
01/03/02 07:25pm
01/04/02 10:59am
0 new messagesDisable automatic update096847Paul Richard
01/03/02 04:28pm
01/24/02 06:12pm
0 new messagesStudio Crash on Debugging026323Ken Agneta
01/03/02 10:22am
01/04/02 02:27pm
0 new messagesconcat() no error with only one argument016426Hans-Peter Küchler
01/02/02 09:38am
01/02/02 09:46am
0 new messagesFeature request --> RDF006556Adam Van den Hoven
12/28/01 02:17pm
12/28/01 02:17pm
0 new messagesFeature request and/or defect report015902Adam Van den Hoven
12/28/01 01:24pm
12/28/01 01:41pm
0 new messagesStrange UI bug035317Adam Van den Hoven
12/28/01 01:12pm
12/28/01 01:48pm
0 new messagesXSL Debugger Crash015284Fred Strauss
12/28/01 09:54am
12/28/01 01:31pm
0 new messagesPrioritising sequence of attributes in drop downs015315Martin Roberts
12/28/01 09:20am
12/28/01 01:33pm
0 new messagesRemoval of mark locations on find015406Martin Roberts
12/28/01 08:26am
12/28/01 09:00am
0 new messagesLicense Key015569Martin Roberts
12/28/01 05:59am
12/28/01 01:25pm
0 new messagesMenu Bar disappear025662Rinaudo Steph
12/27/01 10:43am
12/28/01 03:29am
0 new messageschanging the preview type after pressing F5015617Hans-Peter Küchler
12/27/01 08:57am
12/27/01 10:15am
0 new messagesError Report0106063Seunghyo Kang
12/21/01 06:26am
01/08/02 12:02am
0 new messagesStylus Studio Crash015803Anonymous
12/20/01 04:13pm
12/21/01 05:34pm
0 new messagesError: XSL is corrupted if changed between views035924Lutz Rosenpflanzer
12/20/01 12:02pm
01/08/02 09:48am
0 new messagesstudio crash015963Franz Evert
12/20/01 06:09am
12/20/01 08:43am
0 new messagesProgram Crashes when asking for a new JSP036186Jeff OSullivan
12/19/01 01:55pm
12/21/01 02:41pm
0 new messagesProgram Crashes when asking for a new JSP005975Jeff OSullivan
12/19/01 01:51pm
12/19/01 01:51pm
0 new messagesunrecoverable error when clicking the about icon006029Jeff OSullivan
12/19/01 01:44pm
12/19/01 01:44pm
0 new messagesIs there a 'Find Definition' Feature?016129Roy Kiesler
12/19/01 09:18am
12/19/01 09:52am
0 new messagesdocumentation016046Jim George
12/18/01 06:40pm
12/18/01 10:04pm
0 new messagesApp is replacing my   with whitespace016185Scott Berres
12/18/01 09:26am
12/18/01 10:34am
0 new messagesERROR REPORT016475Frank Pfisterer
12/18/01 03:13am
12/18/01 10:01am
0 new messagesduplicate nodes016352Daniel Lucio
12/13/01 07:43pm
12/13/01 08:31pm
0 new messagesHow to create a scenario feed by XIS query re035715Carlo Falciola
12/06/01 01:00pm
12/08/01 05:44pm
0 new messagesInternal DTD subset015533Kevin Smotherman
12/06/01 09:47am
12/06/01 01:16pm
0 new messagesHow to support other TTF if POST-Processor is FOP085959Richard Francken
12/06/01 03:03am
12/25/01 07:11am
0 new messagesTitle of html can't be chinese?045381Zhouya Xu
12/05/01 09:08pm
12/06/01 10:51am
0 new messagesBug: Search and Replace consecutive double quotes015669James Fox
12/04/01 11:43am
12/04/01 11:49am
0 new messagesSame NT unreadable problem025458Robert Roddy
12/04/01 11:08am
12/04/01 12:03pm
0 new messagesUnreadable Pulldowns025665Steffen Zahalka
12/04/01 10:18am
12/04/01 12:03pm
0 new messagesStudio 3.1 build 069 crashed.... File attached065877Dennis Williams
12/02/01 11:38pm
12/21/01 05:41pm
0 new messagesLinks, images and css in XSLT preview015850Robert Leftwich
11/28/01 09:48pm
11/28/01 09:56pm
0 new messagesStylusStudio crash025804(Deleted User)
11/27/01 09:55am
11/27/01 10:13am
0 new messagesStylus Studio Crashed - Log attached035871David Smith
11/27/01 02:27am
11/27/01 09:34pm
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