Examining the ddtek:wscall Function Block

The previous procedure, Creating a ddtek:wscall Function, provided an example Web service (Swanand Mokashi's StockQuote WSDL (http://www.swanandmokashi.com/HomePage/WebServices/StockQuotes.asmx?WSDL), and an example of an operation (GetStockQuotes). This Web service, given a stock ticker value, returns information about that stock, including the company name, a current stock quote, daily high and low values, and related information.

Imagine we chose the GetStockQuotes operation for our wscall. Let's take a closer look at the wscall function block created by Stylus Studio.

As seen in Figure 417, our ddtek:wscall function block was created with two input ports (we could have created a ddtek:wscall function block with three input ports), a flow port, and an output port. (See Parts of a Function Block for general information about function blocks in XQuery Mapper.)

Location Input Port

The location input port for the ddtek:wscall function describes information about the Web service whose operation we selected for the XQuery, including its location (as a URL) and operation (as a SOAP action). This port is on all ddtek:wscall function blocks.

If you double-click the port, Stylus Studio displays a configurable information box, as shown in Figure 418. (The same is true for other input ports and the output port.)

If we right-click the address node and choose Set Text Value, the Value dialog box displays the URL for the Swanand Mokashi Web service WSDL, as shown in Figure 419:

Similarly, we would see GetStockQuotes if we looked into the soapaction node.

Payload Input Port

The payload input port for the ddtek:wscall function describes the data the Web service requires in order to execute the SOAP action. This port is on all ddtek:wscall function blocks. (It is the second input port for functions added to XQuery Mapper using the wscall/2 menu choice. It is the third input port if you used the wscall/3 menu choice.)

The "payload" for the Swanand Mokashi StockQuotes Web service, for example, is a ticker value - PRGS, GOOG, or EBAY, for example.

By default, no text value is defined for the payload port.

Header Input Port

The header port for the ddtek:wscall function appears on function blocks defined using the wscall/3 menu choice. You use the header port to provide authentication and authorization information, like a username and password, for example.

Output Port

The output port for the ddtek:wscall function displays the output of the Web service represented by the ddtek:wscall function. In the case of the Swanand Mokashi StockQuote Web service, available output includes company name, stock quote, change, opening price, and so on, as shown in Figure 419.

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