XSLT Stylesheet Editor Quick Tour

When you use the Stylus Studio XSLT stylesheet editor, you work with XSLT stylesheets, XML source documents, and result documents. This quick tour is organized to introduce you to some of the main features for working with XSLT in Stylus Studio:

Parts of the XSLT Editor

The XSLT Editor consists of four tabs that allow you to work with XSLT in different ways, based on your preferences and the functionality that you desire.

l XSLT Source. Use the XSLT Source tab when you want to directly edit or view the XSLT source code that comprises your stylesheet. The XSLT Source tab can also be a good way to learn more about XSLT.
l Mapper. The Mapper tab allows you to create XSLT by graphically mapping source document nodes to nodes in a target document. Stylus Studio interprets the mappings to generate XSLT that will yield a document conforming to the document described in the Set Target Document pane.
l Params/Other. You use the Params/Other tab to specify the encoding Stylus Studio uses to store the stylesheet, the stylesheet's output method, and the encoding Stylus Studio uses for the document that results from applying this stylesheet. You can also use this tab to view default values for parameters used by your stylesheet.

Exploring the XSLT Source Tab

This topic is part of a sequence. If your-quotes.xsl is not open, see Opening a Sample Stylesheet.

To work with the XSLT Source tab:
1. In the stylesheet text, click anywhere below the third xsl:template instruction (line 11).
In the status bar just below the XSLT Editor tool bar, Stylus Studio displays match: /. This indicates that the location you clicked is inside a template that matches the root node.
2. Click in the xsl:stylesheet instruction (line 5).
Now the status bar is blank. This instruction is not part of a template.
3. In the XSLT Editor tool bar, click Add a new template .
Stylus Studio inserts the following after the last template already specified in the stylesheet.
<xsl:template match="NewTemplate">
To define a new template, replace NewTemplate with the match pattern you want, and add contents to the new template as needed.
4. In the XSLT Editor tool bar, click Template Mode , which is the right most button.
Stylus Studio displays only the new template.
You can edit the stylesheet in either template mode or in full source mode. In template mode, Stylus Studio displays one template at a time. In full source mode, Stylus Studio displays the whole stylesheet.
5. In the upper right corner of the editing pane, click the down arrow.
Stylus Studio displays a list of the templates in the stylesheet with their match patterns.
6. Click match: *|/. This displays the template that matches every element and the root node.
To delete a template, click the match pattern for the template you want to delete and then click Delete template in the XSLT Editor tool bar. You must be in template mode to delete a template.
7. Click Full Source Mode .
Stylus Studio displays the complete stylesheet. The cursor is at the beginning of the template that was being displayed in template mode.

Exploring the Params/Other Tab

Click the Params/Other tab:

Drop-down menus let you specify the encoding format used to store the stylesheet in Stylus Studio, as well as method and encoding output attributes. A simple grid displays the name, source URL, and default value of any global parameters used by the active stylesheet, as well as by any imported ones.

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