About xsd:schema Properties

The root element of every XML Schema document is the xsd:schema element. The xsd:schema element has the properties described in Table 70. Click the Tree tab, and then click the Schema node to view the properties for the xsd:schema element.

Table 70. xsd:schema Properties
The type is always Schema.

The namespace for the Schema node is usually xsd, but you can change it.

Target Namespace
This is the namespace that elements and attributes defined in an instance document belong to. For example, suppose you define the following:
<xsd:schema ... targetNamespace="http://myNS">
<xsd:element name="myelement"/>
In an instance document, the following declarations conform with the target namespace:
<myelement xmlns="http://myNS"/>
<myns:myelement xmlns:myns="http://myNS"/>
However, the following declaration does not conform:
<myns:myelement xmlns:myns="http://anotherNS"/>
Use this property as a convenient way to track the revisions of your XML Schema document.
Default Element Form
An element or attribute's form is either qualified or unqualified. A form of qualified means that each time an element or attribute is referenced in the schema document, you must specify the prefix of its namespace. Every element and attribute has a form attribute. If it is not explicitly defined, the schema processor checks the default attribute form specified for the Schema node. For example:
<xs:schema elementFormDefault="qualified"
<xs:element name="topElem">
<xs:element name="anElem">
<xs:element ref="myns:topElem">

If the form for the element topElem (or, the default form for elements) was defined to be unqualified, the reference could have used ref="topElem".

Default Attribute Form
Default Blocked Definitions
If an element does not have its own blocked or final definition, the schema processor uses the default blocked or final definition you specify here.
Default Final Definitions
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