Defining Elements That Carry Attributes and Contain Data in XML Schemas

You might want to define an element that carries attributes and contains data, but does not contain subelements. In the purchaseOrder.xsd document, an example of this is the internationalPrice element, shown here in the Diagram tab.

This element has a currency attribute, and it contains data based on the xsd:decimal simpleType.

Diagram View

To define a complex type that contains only attributes:
1. Right-click the schema node .
2. In the shortcut menu, select Add > Element.
Alternatives: This operation is also available from the XMLSchema > Diagram > Add > Element menu and from the Add button .
The new element is added to the XML Schema. It is displayed in the diagram and in the text pane (if you have it open). The properties for the new element are displayed in the Properties window.
3. Create a complexType of the element - right-click the element and select Add > ComplexType.
4. Make sure the new complexType is selected.
5. Click the QuickEdit button and select Derive by extension. This choice lets you extend a base simpleType.
The Type Derivation dialog box appears.
6. Expand the W3C XML Schema and select the simpleType on which you want to base the data allowed by the complexType.
7. Click OK.
The simpleContent node ( ) specifies that the complexType can contain only data and attributes. It cannot contain subelements.
8. To add an attribute, right-click the element and select Add > Attribute.

Tree View

To define an element that contains raw data and carries attributes:
1. Click the Schema node.
2. In the left tool bar, click New Element Definition . In the Tree view, Stylus Studio displays a field for the new element definition.
3. Type the name of the element and press Enter twice. If you press Enter once, Stylus Studio displays a pop-up menu that lists the possible types for the new element. You need to define a new type, so you cannot select from this list. If the pop-up menu does appear, press Enter or click outside the menu. You should now have a named element with no type specified.
4. In the left tool bar, click New complexType . In the Tree view, Stylus Studio displays a field for the new complexType.
5. In the left tool bar, click New Content . Stylus Studio displays a drop-down list.
6. In the drop-down list that appears, double-click simpleContent. This is the Content Type property. When the content type is simpleContent, the complexType you are defining can contain data and attributes. It cannot contain subelements.
7. If you want the contained data to be one of the simpleTypes already defined with no restrictions, click New Extension in the left tool bar.
Stylus Studio displays a scrollable, drop-down list of the simpleTypes built in to XML Schema and previously defined in the current schema.
If you clicked New Restriction, follow these steps:
a. Double-click the simpleType whose values you want to restrict.
b. In the left tool bar, click New Facet . Stylus Studio displays a pop-up menu.
c. Double-click the type of facet you want to specify.
d. In the Properties window, double-click the Value field.
e. Enter a value for the new facet.
10. In the left tool bar, click New Attribute Definition . In the Tree view, Stylus Studio displays a field for the new attribute definition.
11. Type a name for the new attribute and press Enter. Stylus Studio displays a scrollable, drop-down list of the possible types for the new attribute.
12. Double-click the attribute type. If you want to, specify a value for the attribute's Default or Fixed Value property in the Properties window.
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