
As described in Working with Data Sources, if you plan on generating XSLT for your XML Publisher report you must have specified at least one default source. (Sources are not required for generating XQuery, though it is considered good practice to specify one.)

Additional Sources

You can specify multiple sources for an XML Publisher report. The first source is specified in the XSLT/XQuery Scenario Properties dialog box as shown in the following table.

The expression associated with these variable names is displayed on the Parameter Values page of the Scenario Properties dialog box, like the one shown for XQuery scenarios in Figure 564.

As you can also see, Figure 564 shows how data sources specified in XML Publisher are represented in the XQuery (and XSLT) editor. This XQuery uses three XML sources:

l videos.xml (it is the default source)
l A relational source from the pubs data base
l A local copy of books.xml, displayed on the XQuery data sources panel using the variable name, $input1, with which it is associated

More About Relational Sources

Relational sources, like the one shown in Figure 564, are referenced in different ways by XSLT and XQuery:

l XSLT code references relational data sources within a document() function:
l XQuery code references relational data sources using the collection() function:
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