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You can edit a stylesheet in the XSLT Source tab in Full Source
The XSLT editor keeps track of your XSLT context. That is, it keeps track of template match patterns, and any
After you associate the stylesheet with a scenario, you can display the source tree for the XML source document specified in the scenario. Click Source Tree The following sections describe the Stylus Studio editing tools: Dragging and Dropping from Schema Tree into XSLT EditorFrom the source tree of the XSLT editor, you can drag an element or attribute into the XSLT Source pane. If you drop the node in the stylesheet so that it is in a template, Stylus Studio displays the following choices:
Click the instruction you want to create. The XSLT context into which you drop the node determines the value of the
If you drop the node in the stylesheet so that it is not in a template, Stylus Studio creates a new template. In the new template, the value of the You can also create a new template by double-clicking a node in the source tree. The difference between double-clicking a node and dragging a node is that when you double-click a node to create a template, Stylus Studio always inserts the template at the end of the stylesheet. When you drag a node to create a template, you determine the location of the template. Using Sense:X Automatic Tag CompletionThe Stylus Studio Sense:X automatic tag completion system helps you edit XSLT, HTML, and FO (formatting objects) instructions. Stylus Studio has built-in knowledge of all XSLT, HTML, and FO tags, as well as their attributes.
As you type in the XSLT edit window, Stylus Studio prompts you with a list of tag or attribute names that match the first few letters you typed. To complete the tag name you are typing, scroll the list if necessary, and double-click the tag you want.
You can customize the Sense:X system. Edit To set options that specify Sense:X behavior, see Options - General - Editor General. Using Sense:X to Ensure Well-Formed XMLSense:X also helps you write well-formed XML. There is an option in the Editor General page that is set by default. This is Auto-Close Open Tag When Typing '</'. This means that as soon as you type </, Stylus Studio immediately inserts the only tag that can possibly be closed at that point. If you prefer, you can turn off this option. Then, when you start to type a closing tag, the Sense:X list displays the only valid closing tag. Double-click it to insert it. Using Standard Editing ToolsStandard editing tools are available to you for updating stylesheets. From the Edit menu or tool bar you can cut, copy, paste, replace, undo, redo, select all, and find. The usual keyboard shortcuts work as well: For additional shortcuts, see Keyboard Accelerators. |