XS3P Stylesheet Overview

By default, Stylus Studio displays XML Schema on the Documentation tab using the XS3P stylesheet from the DSTC Project Titanium (http://titanium.dstc.edu.au/). Figure 309 shows how the purchaseOrder.xsd looks when displayed using this stylesheet.

The XS3P stylesheet contains

This section covers the following topics:

XS3P Stylesheet Features

The XS3P stylesheet has several features that affect content and layout of XML Schema displayed on the Documentation tab. You can

When you click this check box, Stylus Studio

XS3P Stylesheet Settings

The XS3P stylesheet allows you to modify the following:

You control these settings on the Documentation page of the Options dialog box.

Modifying the XS3P Stylesheet

You can customize the XS3P stylesheet that Stylus Studio uses to display XML Schema documentation. The XS3P stylesheet is in the \schema-documentation directory where you installed Stylus Studio: bin\Plugins\schema-documentation. The name of the stylesheet file is xs3p.xsl.

Should you choose to modify the default XS3P stylesheet, the new stylesheet must have the same name as the original. After you modify and save this file, click the refresh button on the Stylus Studio tool bar to see your changes.

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