Specifying an Execution Framework

To help you manage processor settings for the XQuery, XSLT, XML Schema validation, and FO processing operations in your XML pipeline, Stylus Studio lets you specify an execution framework in the Scenario Properties dialog box.

Each execution framework is associated with a pre-set collection of compatible processors. You can

When to Specify the Execution Framework

If the production or deployment environment anticipated for the XML pipeline uses different processors than those specified in the default execution framework, you should consider changing these settings early in the XML pipeline's development phase. Doing so will enable you to preview and debug the XML pipeline's performance and output in an environment that models the production environment as closely as possible. In any event, you need to make sure that the Processor settings on the Deployment page of the Scenario Properties dialog box are set appropriately prior to generating code for your XML pipeline. See Generating Code for an XML Pipeline for more information on this topic.

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