Home >Online Product Documentation >Table of Contents >Updating a Document's Schema Updating a Document's SchemaHow you update your document's schema depends on whether the schema is internal or external. If the schema is an internal DTD, you can update it in the Schema tab of the XML editor. If the schema is not an internal DTD, you can update it only in the DTD editor or the XML Schema editor. You can, however, view the schema in the Schema tab of the XML editor. When Stylus Studio displays the schema for your document, you can also view the properties for each node in the schema. If the Properties window is not already in view, select View>Properties. Click on any node in the schema view to see the properties for that node.
To view the text of an external schema or to edit an external schema, you must display it in the DTD editor or the XML Schema editor. To do this, select XML>Open Associated Schema from the Stylus Studio menu bar, or click Open Schema Instructions for updating a DTD are in Chapter 9Defining Document Type Definitions. Instructions for updating an XML Schema are in Creating an XML Schema in Stylus Studio. If you update a schema in Stylus Studio and that schema is associated with an XML document that is open in Stylus Studio, Stylus Studio refreshes the schema information for the open XML document. |