Modifying Default Diff Settings

Default settings for the behavior of the Diff engine and the appearance of diffed documents and folders are on the Engine and Presentation pages, respectively, of the Options dialog box. The Engine page, shown here, has settings that determine the conditions under which Stylus Studio runs the diff automatically, which items in a document (comments and text, for example) you want the diff engine to ignore, and settings that allow you to choose diffing algorithm tunings optimized for change description or time, for example.

Settings on the Engine page are reflected in the Diff editor tool bar, and in the XML Diff menu, shown here.

This section covers the following topics:

Opening the Options Dialog Box

To open the Options dialog box:
1. Click Tools > Options on the Stylus Studio menu.

The Options dialog box appears.

2. If necessary, expand the tree for Module Settings > XML Diff.
3. Click the page that contains the settings you want to modify.
4. To save a changed setting, click OK. Click Cancel to revert to close the dialog box and revert to the previous settings.

Engine Settings

This section describes the settings that affect the behavior and performance of the Diff engine.


The fields in the General group box affect the initial display of diffed documents and the conditions, if any, under which Stylus Studio runs the diff automatically.

Engine Options

The fields in the Engine Options group box affect how Stylus Studio diffs source and target documents.


Diffing large, numerous, or complex documents can be time-consuming. Stylus Studio provides controls that let you choose algorithm tunings that have been optimized for change description or calculation time.

Presentation Options

Presentation options allow you to modify the settings for the background colors Stylus Studio uses to identify the types of changes detected in diffed documents and folders

You can change the background colors for the following:

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