Using Documents Stored on TigerLogic XDMS

XML documents stored on the TigerLogic XDMS file system are available to you in Stylus Studio once you establish a connection to the server hosting TigerLogic XDMS, as described in Connecting to TigerLogic XDMS.

Opening Documents

You can open a document stored in the TigerLogic XDMS file system by dragging it from the File Explorer window into an open document editor, the document editor tab area, or some other target. See Dragging and Dropping Files in the Stylus Studio and Using the File Explorer for more information. You can also select a document using the Open dialog box (File > Open).

Saving Documents

When you save a document to the TigerLogic XDMS file system, TigerLogic XDMS first validates the document to ensure that it is well-formed XML. If the document is well-formed, the document is saved; otherwise, you receive an error from the TigerLogic XDMS server.

Auto-Save and Backup Files

Stylus Studio has an option (select Tools > Options from the Stylus Studio menu) that automatically saves modified documents at an interval you determine (every 10 minutes is the default). This option is off by default.

The creation of backup files is managed by the TigerLogic XDMS file system. Stylus Studio does not create .bak files of files saved to the TigerLogic XDMS file system.

Using Documents in XQuery and XSLT

You can use XML documents stored in the TigerLogic XDMS file system as source and target documents in Stylus Studio XQuery and XSLT. They are treated as any other document with one exception: when you open a document in Stylus Studio that uses a document stored in the TigerLogic XDMS file system, Stylus Studio prompts you to supply authentication information (username, password) before restablishing connection with the server hosting the TigerLogic XDMS file system.

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