Applying a Stylesheet from the Command Line

You use the StylusXslt utility to apply a stylesheet from the command line. The StylusXslt utility uses the Stylus Studio's built-in XSLT and XPath processors. The built-in processors are designed to aid testing and debugging and have not been optimized for performance. If you want to choose a particular processor, specify the processor in the XSLT scenario and run the scenario from within Stylus Studio.

One way you might want to use the StylusXslt command-line utility is to chain stylesheets. That is, you can create a batch file in which Stylus Studio consecutively applies multiple stylesheets to the same XML source document. Stylus Studio creates temporary files to specify the result of one transformation as the source for the next transformation.

The StylusXslt utility takes the following format:

StylusXslt [-out <output file>] [-param name=value] [-fop] [-print] -in <input XML file> <XSLT stylesheet>

Table 10 describes the parameters for the StylusXql command.

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