Using the XSLT Mapper - Getting Started


The XSLT Mapper is available only in Stylus Studio XML Enterprise Suite and Stylus Studio XML Professional Suite.

This section helps you get started using the XSLT Mapper to create stylesheets that aggregate data and transform XML. The sample files used in this section are in the Stylus Studio examples\simpleMappings directory. If you follow the procedures in this section, you create the BooksToCatalog.xsl stylesheet. A sample version of this stylesheet, sampleBooksToCatalog.xsl, is also in the examples\simpleMappings directory of your Stylus Studio installation directory.

How this section is organized

Each of the topics in this section contains instructions for working with sample XML documents that you can use to familiarize yourself with the XSLT Mapper. You should perform the steps in each topic before you move on to the next topic - after the first topic, some steps depend on actions you performed in a previous topic.

This section covers the following topics:

Other sources of information

In addition to the topics described in this section, the Stylus Studio® 2007 User Guide contains other sources of information on XSLT:

Before you begin

To get started, you will need to start Stylus Studio if you haven't already. See Starting Stylus Studio if you need help with this step.

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