Home > Online Product Documentation > Table of Contents > Defining a complexType in a Sample XML Schema in the Tree View Defining a complexType in a Sample XML Schema in the Tree ViewThis topic is part of a sequence that begins with Description of Sample XML Schema.
The steps for defining the
Defining the Name of the Sample complexType in the Tree ViewThis topic is part of a sequence that begins with Description of Sample XML Schema. To define a complex type in the sample XML Schema:
1. From the Stylus Studio menu bar, select
File >
New >
XML Schema.
Stylus Studio displays the XML Schema Editor.
2. At the bottom of the XML Schema Editor, click the
Tree tab.
Stylus Studio displays the Tree view of the schema, and the Properties window, which lists the properties for the selected node in the tree.
3. Click the
Schema node
4. In the left tool bar, click
New complexType
![]() Stylus Studio displays a field for the new complexType.
5. Type
PublicationType as the name for this new complexType and press Enter.
6. Click
7. In the
Save dialog box that appears, in the
URL field, type
bookstoreTree.xsd , and click
Adding an Attribute to a Sample complexType in the Tree ViewThis topic is part of a sequence that begins with Description of Sample XML Schema. To add the genre attribute to the PublicationType complex type:
1. In the
Tree view, click the
PublicationType node.
2. In the left tool bar, click
New Attribute Definition
![]() In the Tree view, Stylus Studio displays a field for the new attribute.
3. Type
genre as the name of the new attribute and press Enter.
Stylus Studio displays a drop-down list of built-in simpleTypes.
4. Double-click
Adding Elements to a Sample complexType in the Tree ViewThis topic is part of a sequence that begins with Description of Sample XML Schema. To add the title element, which must appear exactly once, to the PublicationType complex type:
1. In the
Tree view, click the
PublicationType node.
2. In the left tool bar, click
New Model Group
![]() Stylus Studio displays a drop-down list of group modifiers.
3. Double-click the
sequence modifier.
4. In the left tool bar, click
New Element Definition
![]() In the Tree view, Stylus Studio displays a field for the new element definition.
5. Type
title as the name of the new element and press Enter.
Stylus Studio displays a drop-down list of built-in simpleTypes.
6. Double-click
Adding Optional Elements to a Sample complexType in the Tree ViewThis topic is part of a sequence that begins with Description of Sample XML Schema. To add the optional subtitle element to the PublicationType complex type:
1. In the
Tree view, click the
sequence node.
2. In the left tool bar, click
New Element Definition
![]() In the Tree view, Stylus Studio displays a field for the new element definition.
3. Type
subtitle as the name of the new element and press Enter.
Stylus Studio displays a drop-down list of built-in simpleTypes.
4. Double-click
5. In the
Properties window, double-click the
Min Occur. field.
6. Type
0 and press Enter
7. In the
Properties window, double-click the
Max Occur. field.
8. Type
1 and press Enter.
Adding an Element That Contains Subelements to a complexType in the Tree ViewThis topic is part of a sequence that begins with Description of Sample XML Schema.
Each element that can contain subelements is a complexType. Consequently, to add the
To define the authorType complex type:
1. In the XML Schema Editor, click the
Schema node.
2. In the left tool bar, click
New complexType
![]() Stylus Studio displays a field for the new complexType.
3. Type
authorType as the name for this new complexType and press Enter.
4. In the left tool bar, click
New Model Group
5. In the drop-down list that appears, double-click the
sequence modifier.
6. In the left tool bar, click
New Element Definition
7. In the field that Stylus Studio displays, type first-name as the name of the new element and press Enter.
8. In the drop-down list that appears, double-click
9. In the
Tree view, click the
sequence modifier for
authorType .
Now you can add the author element to the PublicationType complex type:
1. In the
Tree view, click the
sequence node under the
PublicationType node.
2. In the left tool bar, click
New Element Definition
3. In the field that Stylus Studio displays, type author as the name of the new element and press Enter.
4. In the drop-down list that appears, double-click
5. In the
Properties window, double-click in the
Min Occur. field.
6. Type
1 and press Enter.
7. In the
Properties window, double-click in the
Max Occur. field.
8. Type
unbounded in the
Max Occur. field and press Enter.
Choosing the Element to Include in the Sample complexType in the Tree ViewThis topic is part of a sequence that begins with Description of Sample XML Schema.
In the sample XML Schema, you want
To specify this:
1. In the
Tree view, under the
PublicationType node, click the
sequence node.
2. In the left tool bar, click
New Model Group
3. In the drop-down list that appears, double-click the
choice modifier.
4. In the left tool bar, click
New Element Definition
5. In the field that Stylus Studio displays, type
ISBNnumber as the name of the new element and press Enter.
6. In the drop-down list that appears, scroll until you can double-click
xsd:integer, or type
xsd:integer and press Enter.
7. In the
Tree view, click the
choice modifier for
PublicationType .
8. Repeat
step 4 through
step 7 two more times. Once for the
PUBnumber element and once for the
LOCnumber element.
9. Click
![]() Stylus Studio displays a message that indicates that the schema is not valid. Click OK in the error box. In the Output Window, you can see the following message:
The problem is that there is a
10. Right-click the
genre node.
11. In the pop-up menu that appears, click
Move Down.
12. Click
Validate Document
![]() ![]()
The definition of the