Specifying Connection Settings

Stylus Studio uses connection settings to connect to the database from which you want to create your DB-to-XML data source. Specific properties vary from database to database, but you generally need to specify

  • The type of database to which you want to connect. You can connect to one of the default relational databases supported by Stylus Studio (Oracle, Microsoft SQL Server, Informix, and so on), or you can use DataDirect SequeLink to connect to any ODBC database you specify.
  • The server URL and other connection parameters. In addition to the server's location, connection parameters can include the server name, the port through which the connection is established, and other information, such as a server ID (SID).
  • The username and password required to log in to the database.

This section describes these connection setting properties in greater detail, and tells you how to create a default connection setting you can reuse with any DB-to-XML data source you create.

In this section

This section covers the following topics:

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