Changing the Name or Value of a Node in the Tree View

Along the left side of the window that contains your DOM tree, there are buttons that represent the types of nodes you can add to your document. The procedure for renaming a node is similar for all types of nodes.

To rename a node:
1. Click the node you want to rename.
2. Click Change Name . If your document specifies a DTD, Stylus Studio displays a list of the possible names. If your document does not specify a DTD, Stylus Studio opens an edit field.
3. Double-click the new name, or type the new name and press Enter.
To change the value of a node:

To change the value of a node:

1. Click the node whose value you want to change.
2. Click Change Value . Stylus Studio displays an update field.
3. Type the new value and press Enter.
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