Home >Online Product Documentation >Table of Contents >Typographical Conventions Typographical ConventionsThis document uses the following typographical conventions:
l Bold typeface in this font indicates keyboard key names (such as Tab or Enter) and the names of windows, menu commands, buttons, and other user-interface elements. For example, "From the File menu, select Open."
Bold typeface in this font emphasizes new terms when they are introduced.
l Monospace typeface indicates text that might appear on a computer screen other than the names of user-interface elements, including all of the following:
n Code examples
n Code that the user must enter
n System output (such as responses, error messages, and so on)
n Filenames and pathnames
n Software component names, such as class and method names
Essentially, monospace typeface indicates anything that the computer is "saying," or that must be entered into the computer in a language that the computer "understands."
Bold monospace typeface emphasizes text that would otherwise appear in monospace typeface.
Monospace typeface in italics or Bold monospace typeface in italics (depending on context) indicates variables or placeholders for values you supply or that might vary from one case to another.