
Allows the creation of user-defined stylesheet function that can be called from any XPath expression within the stylesheet in which the function is defined. This instruction is supported in XSLT 2.0 only.



The value of the name attribute, Qname, is a qualified name and takes the form prefix:name. The prefix is required in order to avoid possible conflicts with any functions in the default function namespace. The prefix cannot refer to a reserved namespace.

The function_body contains zero or more xsl:param elements that specify the formal arguments of the function. These xsl:param elements are followed by a sequence constructor that defnes the value to be returned by the function. The xsl:param elements within an xsl:function element must be empty; they cannot have a select attribute because they must be specified.

An xsl:function declaration can only appear as a top-level element in a stylesheet.


Here is an example from the W3C XSLT Working Draft of a simple function that reverses the order of the words in a sentence.

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