
Declares a decimal format.



The xsl:decimal-format instruction declares a decimal format, which controls the interpretation of a format pattern that is used by the format-number() function.

If there is a name attribute, the element declares a named decimal format. Otherwise, it declares the default decimal format. The value of the name attribute is a qualified name.

The other attributes on xsl:decimal-format correspond to the methods on the JDK DecimalFormatSymbols class. For each get/set method pair, there is an attribute defined for the xsl:decimal-format instruction.

The following attributes control the interpretation of characters in the format pattern and specify characters that can appear in the result of formatting the number:

l decimal-separator specifies the character used for the decimal sign; the default value is the dot character (.).
l grouping-separator specifies the character used as a grouping (for example, thousands) separator; the default value is the comma character (,).
l percent specifies the character used as a percent sign; the default value is the percent character (%).
l per-mille specifies the character used as a per mille sign; the default value is the Unicode per mille character (#x2030).
l zero-digit specifies the character used as the digit zero; the default value is the digit zero (0).

The following attributes control the interpretation of characters in the format pattern:

l digit specifies the character used for a digit in the format pattern; the default value is the number sign character (#).
l pattern-separator specifies the character used to separate positive and negative subpatterns in a pattern; the default value is the semicolon character (;).

The following attributes specify characters or strings that can appear in the result of formatting the number:

l infinity specifies the string used to represent infinity; the default value is the string "Infinity".
l minus-sign specifies the character used as the default minus sign; the default value is the hyphen (minus) character (-, #x2D).
l NaN specifies the string used to represent the NaN value; the default value is the string "NaN".
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