Compiling Generated Code

In order to compile generated code, these JAR files must be in your system classpath:

l Saxonsa.jar
l ddxq.jar

These files are in the \bin directory where you installed Stylus Studio.

In addition, if your XQuery or XLST code uses DataDirect XML Converters, these JAR files must also be in your system classpath:

l /Components/XML Converters for Java/lib/XMLConverters.jar
l /Components/XML Converters for Java/lib/codehaus/wstx-asl.jar

Stylus Studio ensures that these files are added to your classpath when you generate code. If you plan to compile the generated code outside Stylus Studio, you need to modify your system classpath yourself.

How to Compile and Run Java Code in Stylus Studio

To compile Java code in Stylus Studio:
1. Make sure the Java Editor is the active window.
2. Click the Compile button ( ).
Alternatives: Press Ctrl + F7, or select Java > Compile from the Stylus Studio menu.
Stylus Studio compiles the Java code. Results are displayed in the Output window.
To run Java code in Stylus Studio:
1. Make sure the Java Editor is the active window.
2. Click the Run button ( ).
Alternatives: Press Ctrl + F5, or select Java > Run from the Stylus Studio menu.
If the code has not been compiled, Stylus Studio displays a prompt asking if you want to compile the code now. Otherwise, Stylus Studio runs the Java code. Results are displayed in the Output window.
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