Scenario Properties Used for Generating Code

When you generate code for XQuery, Stylus Studio uses some of the information associated with the active XQuery scenario, as specified in the Scenario Properties dialog box.

The following tables summarizes the scenario properties that affect code generation.

Table 109. Scenario Properties that Affect Code Generation
The Code Generation wizard uses only the Source XML URL and the Output URL field, if specified. All other properties on this page are ignored.
You can use the following XQuery processors for generating Java code:
l DataDirect XQuery®
l Saxon
If the Stylus Studio URI Resolver property is selected, the generated code includes lines that import and register ConverterFactory and ConverterResolver classes from DataDirect XML Converters.
Note: If the scenario specifies an XQuery processor for which Java code generation is not supported, Stylus Studio uses the DataDirect XQuery® processor for code generation purposes. The processor specified in the scenario is not changed.
Parameter Values
Parameters are always treated as XQuery expressions; they appear in the generated code just as they are entered in the Expression field.
Profiling Options
You can use the following validation engines for validating your XQuery Java code:
l Saxon
l Java built-in
If you choose a validation engine that is not supported, Stylus Studio uses the Java built-in validation engine.
Only post-processing using Apache FOP and RenderX XEP is specified in the generated code. Resulting PDF is written to the output URL specified on the General tab.
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