Syntax and Usage

Comments for xqDoc must start with (:~ and end with :). Comments can span multiple lines. New lines do not need to be introduced with a special character. You can use <br/> to force a line break, which you might want to do to aid readability. Comments that start with (: (standard XQuery syntax) are ignored by xqDoc.

The first comment in an XQuery is interpreted by xqDoc as the Module Description. Within that comment, xqDoc recognizes certain keywords preceded by the at (@) sign. Examples include @author and @version. See the xqDoc documentation at for more information. Here is a report for the same document shown in Figure 409 with a user-defined module and function descriptions.

All other comments must precede function declarations. xqDoc uses the text you enter to provide a description for each function listed in the Function Summary. The same description is used in the Function Detail. Here is an illustration of the XQuery in the XQuery Editor; the xqDoc comments are highlighted:

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