Home >Online Product Documentation >Table of Contents >Exporting Mappings Exporting MappingsYou can export a mapping - source and target document trees and Mapper canvas contents - as an image file. The default image format is JPEG (.jpg), but you can choose from other popular image file formats such as .bmp and .tiff. The exported image reflects the document trees at the time you export the image - if you have collapsed a node in Stylus Studio, for example, that node is also collapsed in the exported image. However, the exported image includes the entire document tree and Mapper canvas, not just what is currently visible on the Mapper tab. By default, all source-target document links are displayed. However, if you have chosen to hide or show links for only certain nodes, the exported image reflects that choice and displays only the links for the nodes as you have specified. See Simplifying the Mapper Canvas Display for more information on hiding and showing links.
To export an XQuery mapping:
1. Optionally, hide links for any nodes in the source or target documents that you do not want to appear in the exported image.
2. Select XQuery > Export Mapping as Image from the Stylus Studio menu.
Stylus Studio displays the Save As dialog box.
3. Specify a URL for the file.
4. Optionally, change the image type. (The default is JPEG; .bmp and .tiff are also available.)
5. Click Save.