The Binding Element

The Operation element typically consists of an Input element and an Output element, which, using Message and Part elements, describe the input required by the operation (a ticker symbol, for example) and the output returned by it (a stock value, for example).

How to Create a Binding Element

To create a Binding element:
1. Select the Definitions (root) element.
2. Select Diagram > Add > Operation from the Stylus Studio menu.
Alternative: Right-click the Definitions element and choose Add > Operation from the shortcut menu.
Stylus Studio adds a Binding element to the WSDL as a child of the Definitions element. The default name is Binding-0, but you can change it. Binding names must be unique within a WSDL document.

How to Rename a Binding Element

To rename a Binding element:
1. Double-click the Binding element in the WSDL diagram.
The name becomes editable.
2. Type a new name and press enter.

Alternative: Using the Properties window

1. Display the Properties window if it is not already open. (View > Properties).
2. Change the Binding name in the Value field in the Properties window.

Alternative: You can change the Binding name directly in the WSDL text.

Binding Element Properties

The following table describes the properties of the Binding element. Note that properties vary based on the binding type.

Table 120. Binding Element Properties
The Binding name. Must be unique within a WSDL document.
The PortType element associated with this Binding.
Binding Type
The communication protocol to be used by the binding. Valid values are soap or http.
The WSDL binding for the SOAP protocol. The default value is Sets the transport= attribute for the soap:binding sub-element.
Note: This field is visible only the Binding Type property is set to soap.
The structure for the contents of the SOAP body. Valid values are document (unstructured) or rpc (Remote Procedure Style). Sets the style= attribute for the soap:binding sub-element.
Note: This field is visible only the Binding Type property is set to soap.
The type of HTTP method used by the binding. Valid values are GET and POST. Sets the verb= attribute for the http:binding sub-element.
Note: This field is visible only the Binding Type property is set to http.
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