Setting Module Options

Stylus Studio allows you to set a variety of options for the Stylus Studio modules.

To change module options:
1. From the Stylus Studio menu bar, select Tools > Options.
2. In the Options dialog box that appears, expand Module Settings to display a list of choices.

XML Diff

You use the Engine and Presentation pages to define settings used by the XML Diff tool. See Diffing Folders and XML Documents for more information.

XML Editor

Click XML Settings to specify the following:

l Refresh interval for Sense:X
l Number of errors after which you want Stylus Studio to stop validation, and whether or not you want Stylus Studio to display a message when validation is complete

Click Custom Validation Engines to specify an alternate validation engine. See Custom XML Validation Engines for more information.

XSLT Editor

Module settings for the XSLT Editor let you specify external XSLT processors, settings used by the Mapper tab, and general editor behavior.

Click External XSLT to specify default values for external XSLT processors. Note that Stylus Studio's back-mapping and debugging features are not supported for all XSLT processors. The XSLT processors that support back-mapping and debugging are identified on the Processor tab of the Scenario Properties dialog box.

In a scenario, you can specify that you want to use an external XSLT processor. If you use a particular XSLT processor frequently, specify default values here. Then, in the scenario properties, you just need to specify which external XSLT processor you want to use. If you specify default values and you then specify different values in a scenario's properties, the scenario properties override the defaults. You can specify the following external XSLT options:

l Default custom processor command line
l Default additional path for custom processor
l Default additional classpath for custom processor

Click Mapper to specify how xsl:for-each instructions should be rendered on the Mapper canvas, and to specify element creation for unlinked nodes. See Mapping Source and Target Document Nodes for more information on using the XSLT Mapper.

Click XSLT Settings to specify the following:

l Whether Stylus Studio displays the Scenario Properties dialog box when you create a new stylesheet
l Whether Stylus Studio saves scenario meta information in stylesheets
l Whether Stylus Studio detects infinite loops
l Maximum recursion level
l Allocated stack size


To modify Java settings, see Configuring Java Components.

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