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Create Relationship
You use the Create Relationship dialog box to specify the nodes from one or more data sources you want to use to group data, and to choose the operator used to compare the node values.
You use the following fields to specify information for the from (Link From) and to (Link To) data sources from which you are grouping data. You also choose the operator that is used to compare the node values.
Table 189. Link From and Link To Properties
Link From
Link To
Data Source
The URL of the first file added to the data sources panel in the XML Publisher Editor. You can choose a different data source, if you have added one, using the drop-down list.
The URL of the second file (if any) added to the data sources panel in the XML Publisher Editor. You can choose a different data source, if you have added one, using the drop-down list.
The node in the Link From data source whose values you want to compare to the values in a node in the Link To data source.
The node in the Link To data source whose valued are being compared to the values of the node you selected from the Link From data source.
Sets the context for the outer FOR loop in the generated XQuery or XSLT code. Defaults to the node selected in the Key field.
Sets the context for the inner FOR loop in the generated XQuery or XSLT code. Defaults to the node selected in the Key field.
Control used to specify the type of comparison operation you want to perform on the data source nodes you select. Valid values are:
l Equal
l Not equal
l Less than
l Greater than
l Less than or equal to
l Greater than or equal to
For More Information
Grouping Data
Working with Data Sources
Building an XML Publisher Report