Home >Online Product Documentation >Table of Contents >Specifying Element Names Specifying Element NamesYou can specify names for the following nodes in an XML document output by a custom XML conversion definition:
l Root element - The default for the <root> element is root. You can change the default using the Root Element Name property.
l Region element - The default for the <region> element is region. You can change the default using the Region Element Name property. Different regions can have different names.
l Namespace - You can specify names for both the namespace prefix and the namespace using the Namespace and Namespace Prefix properties, respectively. The namespace prefix you specify is added to every element name.
l Row element - The default for the <row> element is row. You can change the default using the Row Element Name property. Rows in different regions can have different names.
l Field element - The default for the <field> element is field. You can change the default using the Field Name property. Each field can have its own name. If your input file defines subelements. you can use the Component Element Name and Sub-Component Element Name properties to provide a name for the containing element.